there's no word stuffing.
Blatant lie.
you do not verify everything that is put in the air. nobody does. nobody is capable of that.
and we know chemicals are put in the air, because cloud seeding is a thing, so talking about vapor trails AS IF CHEMICALS ARE NOT PUT IN THE AIR is shill behavior, shill.
YOU are chemicals, moron. So is water, silver iodide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, oxygen, jet fuel, etc.
You don't know what a shill is.
I have worked as a shill (a valid job). The purpose of a shill is to start poker games in casinos. Once enough people arrive to play, the shills leave the game. They use their own money on the table, not the casino's money.
Chemicals are put in the air by aircraft. The chemicals are primarily carbon dioxide and water.
Cloud seeding aircraft also put chemicals in the air. The chemicals are either silver iodide (a fairly common salt) or carbon dioxide.
Some aircraft dump fuel before landing, putting kerosene into the air (which dissipates quickly).
Crop dusters put fertilizer or insecticide into the air, keeping over the paying customer. Crop dusting chemicals are expensive and they don't want to waste it. Flights are done at extremely low altitude so as to not dissipate the chemical over unwanted areas (like neighboring farms, public highways, etc).
The air is made of chemicals.
The ground is made of chemicals.
The oceans are made of chemicals.
YOU are made of chemicals.
Passenger jets do not cloud seed (no available weight for a load cloud seeding chemicals because they haul fat butts around instead), and put out water and carbon dioxide. The water happens to be visible as a contrail or track across the sky. It's water droplets or ice crystals, dumbass.