Cheney: Talk of blunders in Iraq is 'hogwash'

Blitzer: Your daughter Mary, she's pregnant. All of us are happy. She's going to have a baby. You're going to have another grandchild. Some of the -- some critics, though, are suggesting, for example, a statement from someone representing Focus on the Family:

"Mary Cheney's pregnancy raises the question of what's best for children. Just because it's possible to conceive a child outside of the relationship of a married mother and father, doesn't mean it's best for the child."

Do you want to respond to that?


Blitzer: She's obviously a good daughter --

How is that an attack?
Blitzer: Your daughter Mary, she's pregnant. All of us are happy. She's going to have a baby. You're going to have another grandchild. Some of the -- some critics, though, are suggesting, for example, a statement from someone representing Focus on the Family:

"Mary Cheney's pregnancy raises the question of what's best for children. Just because it's possible to conceive a child outside of the relationship of a married mother and father, doesn't mean it's best for the child."

Do you want to respond to that?


Blitzer: She's obviously a good daughter --

How is that an attack?
Once again, the transcript doesn't give a good picture, you have to watch as he stutters. It was like somebody caught saying something foolish then saying, "Well, one of my best friends is black."
Suggesting hypocrisy where there was none is more than just "suggesting" it, Jarod. I knew you couldn't help but attempt to protect him. Even he knew he crossed the line. Stumbling around... It was like Seinfeld.. "Not that there's something wrong with that!"

Where is bringing up another persons critisim suggesting hypocracy?
Once again, the transcript doesn't give a good picture, you have to watch as he stutters. It was like somebody caught saying something foolish then saying, "Well, one of my best friends is black."

So what made the question wrong was Wolfe's tone of voice when Cheney objected?
He kept on at it, suggesting that Cheney had association to that particular opinion when he had none. Now I am positive you didn't watch, tone and action help to define how he asked the question. Attempting to couch it in, "We're all happy for you.." when his action and tone say, "We caught you out!" made him look stupid. He realized it.

At least watch the segment of the interview rather than read the transcript where you cannot see the actual action of Wolf and assume that he read it as impassively as you do in your mind.
So what made the question wrong was Wolfe's tone of voice when Cheney objected?
No, what made it funny was when he attempted to put some dirt back in the hole and just dug another one.

It's all good. I thought it was hilarious... He looked an ass, watch it.
I find it interesting the parallel between Dan Quayle's attacks on hollywood for portraying Murphy Brown as a single mother and Dick Cheney's support for his own daughter... Its the onlything yet that has given me the smallest speck of respect for Cheney!
I find it interesting the parallel between Dan Quayle's attacks on hollywood for portraying Murphy Brown as a single mother and Dick Cheney's support for his own daughter... Its the onlything yet that has given me the smallest speck of respect for Cheney!
I like his stance on that particular issue myself.
He kept on at it, suggesting that Cheney had association to that particular opinion when he had none. Now I am positive you didn't watch, tone and action help to define how he asked the question. Attempting to couch it in, "We're all happy for you.." when his action and tone say, "We caught you out!" made him look stupid. He realized it.

At least watch the segment of the interview rather than read the transcript where you cannot see the actual action of Wolf and assume that he read it as impassively as you do in your mind.

I disagree with your analysis. I have seen it, a couple times. You used to be open minded enought to understand that two people can see a video and come out of it with a differeing opinion.

I dont think he had any, "we cought you" tone what so ever, IN fact I felt it was almost like, "I am sorry I have to ask, but it is a legti question and journalistic integrity requires I ask so..."
Darn good Point Jarod. I might have to consider that there is one small speck of humanity left in cheney as well....
I disagree with your analysis. I have seen it, a couple times. You used to be open minded enought to understand that two people can see a video and come out of it with a differeing opinion.

I dont think he had any, "we cought you" tone what so ever, IN fact I felt it was almost like, "I am sorry I have to ask, but it is a legti question and journalistic integrity requires I ask so..."
LOL. Well, if we were jurists we'd be arguing in the room. After the question Wolf clearly appeared embarrassed and was attempting to fill that hole he had dug, problem was he just ended up digging another.
Jarod, deep down Damo is still a republican and is having trouble giving up on his party members. He can't help it.
But I don't see a parallel in Dan Quayle's silly attempt at emotive politics and Cheney supporting his daughter regardless of Quayle.

The only parallel is the apperant difference between the two Bush VP's stance on the issue of bringing children into families without fathers.
Agflagd A;sdpgf

Sorry my 10 month old did that. I am taking him to the MD this morning... for his shots. The wife has an interview so I took the morning off work.
Damo has successfully hijacked this thread from one that riduculed cheney to one that ridicules those ridiculing cheny .
Damo I thought I heard you talking about being a libertarian ?
I am a libertarian-leaning Republican. A small l libertarian. I don't join that party because they simply put forward ridiculous candidates and ideation.

Mostly I am a non-religous right republican.
Damo has successfully hijacked this thread from one that riduculed cheney to one that ridicules those ridiculing cheny .
Well, we can get it back on topic... I was surprised so many were interested in my anecdotal event... Seriously, I only put it in there to show I watched the interview.