chief liar: I would speak under oath on Comey

He may have predicted that, or not...but that is not a lie if it doesn't come true. Note the distinction.

The POTUS has always said he would release his returns when the IRS is finished with their audit.

He said he would beat Hillary on Nov. 8, 2016. It came true. Note the distinction.
The POTUS has always said he would release his returns when the IRS is finished with their audit.

He said he would beat Hillary on Nov. 8, 2016. It came true. Note the distinction.

No he said he would release them, period, then he changed his lie to a different lie, then lied some more about different shit. Lie Lie Lie.

Predictions do not bear on the subject of mendacity. Apparently the distinction is over your head. Explains why you fell into the Republican party, like leavings below the hardware cloth in a rat cage.
that's how Bill Clinton got impeached. over the definition of what "is is"..never volunteer to testify.
I'm sure his lawyer won't let Trump near a desposition
LOL, they can't even get him to step away from the tweets..

No one tells him what to do, he's the boss........:mad:
The POTUS has always said he would release his returns when the IRS is finished with their audit.

He said he would beat Hillary on Nov. 8, 2016. It came true. Note the distinction.

Hilarious! And you believe that?

Gullible taintstain, aren't you?
I don't think you could legally do that....once you answer a question -can you take the 5th?
Of course he could simply refuse to answer anymore.

It's just really dangerous.They are asking the questions and they know what they want for an answer
and if you don't match -they'll trot out proof of your "lies"

& I don't believe he is very good @ that~thus his reason for avoiding snoopy reporters/media asking him questions.. He prefers tweeting, no questions asked..
???If we knew that it wouldn't be hidden??
just as long as we know he's hiding something.. :palm:

It's like the Russian collusion investigation.
we don't have evidence of any crimes but golly gee that's not gonna stop the investigation!

DAMMIT. it's TRUMP!! and that's enough :awesome:
& I don't believe he is very good @ that~thus his reason for avoiding snoopy reporters/media asking him questions.. He prefers tweeting, no questions asked..
he takes questions/gives interviews all the time. he avoids the Fake News reporters for the most part