Retired Teacher
Those rage clinics let bature tale its course...
Trying to deny the obvious is why TRUMP and his TRUMPTARDS - LIKE YOU- have totally failed!
When you close your eyes because you do not want to see something- and then claim "I didn't see anything", people are just going to call you an IDIOT- IDIOT!
You choose to live your life in denial!
What a fucking loser you are! Helpless, hopeless AND STUPID!
How is having both a family and a career being a failure or a loser or in denial! You seem to be of the ones just overreacting and not really paying attention To what was really said...Trying to deny the obvious is why TRUMP and his TRUMPTARDS - LIKE YOU- have totally failed!
When you close your eyes because you do not want to see something- and then claim "I didn't see anything", people are just going to call you an IDIOT- IDIOT!
You choose to live your life in denial!
What a fucking loser you are! Helpless, Hopeless AND STUPID!