What it means "to you"...Does the word itself preclude such testing? Really?
Care to explain or give the etymology?
Tried a dictionary?
OK. I'll do it for you: Super = above or beyond. Natural = nature or adj modifying noun .
Therefore 'Beyond nature'. Well, call me a Republican but that means, to me, it does not exist since 'nature' means everything included in the known universe(s).
I think you need to help me here, sir.
Just a straight response would suffice.
Nothing is more certain than the fact that nothing is certain. While nature does mean "the material world" does that mean that thought does not exist as it is immaterial? Ideas, again, are not part of the material world.
I don't care what it means "to you", I just know that such certainty requires as much faith as the opposite certainty. I'm not trying to convert you to something and don't really care, but certainty without evidence definitely lowers my estimate of your intelligence.
One can say, "I believe that gods don't exist," and I'll be right there defending you. One who says, "It is impossible," is just announcing to the world, "I am a fool!"