I can learn from your doubts?....
You can learn from anything if you have an open mind.
I can learn from your doubts?....
Well, fuck, that ruins this thread for me. Out I go. Out I go, into the wooooooooooorld!!!
Happy Friday, ladies and gents.
you do realize that a higher amount of education doesn't guarantee a person makes the right choices, right?......
How true! I think it was Jesus that said, the stupid shall inherit the earth.
How true! I think it was Jesus that said, the stupid shall inherit the earth.
Ahhh yes, the bodily return of Jesus to save us all. Funny how every apostle that was alive thought he was going to return before they died. Wonder how a bunch of guys that hung out with the savior could get it so wrong.some call it the Rapture.....
I would doubt that. Certainly there are about 2billion 'nominal' christians. They do NOT all believe the bible is a true account of anything. Most are far more sensible. I know that America is out on a limb as far as Christianity is concerned but even if the entire American population believed the bible was the word of god, that is still only 300 million out of about 6.5 billion. I know no Catholics who would say that, no Anglicans, only USS Loony still sails that course.
One again we see that Americans, in general terms, are very easily misled. Many seem to think that America has and deserves a special place in the world and few can see how far from the truth that is.
Very little cynicism seems to exist. Commercial manipulation was refined to an art form in America and having known several of your countrymen, of various persuasions I would conclude that their view of the world is quite similar to that of most Chinese.
Finally, someone, answers the question biblically and intelligently.
By Dr. Brian Lee
Both the Christian Right and the Christian Left get the question of Christianity and politics wrong. Christianity is not politically conservative or politically liberal — though Christians may be either. Christianity is not political at all. It is in a sense politically agnostic. But in another sense it calls into question the basis of every earthly power, including politics.
Those looking to dig into the Bible and find a political platform are going to be sorely disappointed. It’s not there. That is for the simple reason that it is not a book about politics, but about God, and how He is saving His people through Jesus Christ. This distinguishes Christianity from Old Testament Judaism and modern day Islam, both of which contain detailed political agendas. Well-meaning Christians that want to outline a detailed “Christian” agenda of their own, however, will simply not find one.
When opponents tried to trap Jesus between his fidelity to oppressed Israel or oppressor Rome, he asked whose picture was on the coin, and taught us to render unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar (Matt 22:15-22). When on trial before Caesar, he admitted to being the King of the Jews, but in the same breath asserted “My kingdom is not of this world” (John 18:33-37).
Rest of the article here
Ahhh yes, the bodily return of Jesus to save us all. Funny how every apostle that was alive thought he was going to return before they died. Wonder how a bunch of guys that hung out with the savior could get it so wrong.
People have always believed in some form of god man reincarnated, before Jesus it was Osiris, Horus, Mithra, Thammuz, Esus, Quexalcoati
Krishna is a god man, his teachings and story older than Jesus' and his is the world's third largest religion.
Christianity is just the flavor of the moment.
i wish i read this before i replied to touchyliberal's thread about jesus the socialist
Crucifixion is older than you would have us believe, it is mentioned in Exodus and was practiced by the Egyptians and the Persians, well before the time of the writer of Isaiah.
The gospels writers were well acquainted with Isaiah, they were able to use "scripture" in their gospels as proof of their "messiah". It is a practice used in literature today.
It seems obvious to me that it is a prophecy fulfilled, providing evidence that Jesus is indeed the Messiah. It must also be emphasized that the crucifixion of Jesus is a historical fact; it is well documented by Roman historians, such as Tacitus. The notion that Jesus never existed or was never crucified is baloney.
Where is crucifixion mentioned in Exodus?
It seems obvious to me that it is a prophecy fulfilled, providing evidence that Jesus is indeed the Messiah. It must also be emphasized that the crucifixion of Jesus is a historical fact; it is well documented by Roman historians, such as Tacitus. The notion that Jesus never existed or was never crucified is baloney.
Where is crucifixion mentioned in Exodus?