Christianity, the religion for anti-intellectuals.

Not so much today, that is true. But it has in the past and to great benefit to our society.
Correct. In the past, religions resided at the confluence of political power and higher academics.

Today, religions focus on aligning with politics moreso than with any academic discipline.

I would offer the Jesuits as an example of a religious group that historically focuses more on higher learning than on politics or political involvement. The Jesuits stand out because they embrace physics and chemistry with a passion in their zeal to find God in everything. There are no young-earthers among the Jesuits and they are fans of Darwin's theory of evolution (which I mention not because Darwinism is somehow science but to distinguish Jesuits as Christians who embrace the theory). The Jesuits brought us Baroque architecture and construction which emerged from their advancements in geometry and other disciplines. Of course today you will find the name "Loyola" associated with various universities and carries the connotation of "old school solid education."

On the flip side, the Jesuits are Catholics who take various vows, including a vow of obedience to the Pope. This places Jesuits firmly in the "Satanic" category of most Protestant denominations.
Not all. Christianity in the Medieval period had quite a few great minds working on shoring up the faith using reason and logic. One can argue about the exercise's ultimate utility, but at least they were putting a lot of effort in on the logical construction of their beliefs. And most of the great Western Universities arose out of the Catholic Church.

And Islam was at one time the world's keeper of ancient wisdom. Islam is why the West was able to develop so well, the Muslims kept the learnings from the Greek world alive during our Dark Ages (not really dark but you get the point).

Sometimes religion can be the home of intellectual pursuits!
Shoring up the faith of jolly fat men come down chimneys bearing gifts as human reproduction medical pseudoscience is a gift of Christian Nation SCOTUS
Not all. Christianity in the Medieval period had quite a few great minds working on shoring up the faith using reason and logic. One can argue about the exercise's ultimate utility, but at least they were putting a lot of effort in on the logical construction of their beliefs. And most of the great Western Universities arose out of the Catholic Church.

And Islam was at one time the world's keeper of ancient wisdom. Islam is why the West was able to develop so well, the Muslims kept the learnings from the Greek world alive during our Dark Ages (not really dark but you get the point).

Sometimes religion can be the home of intellectual pursuits!
Shoring up the faith of jolly fat men come down chimneys bearing gifts as human reproduction medical pseudoscience is a gift of Christian Nation SCOTUS Christiananality pedophilia…..
Correct. In the past, religions resided at the confluence of political power and higher academics.

Today, religions focus on aligning with politics moreso than with any academic discipline.

I would offer the Jesuits as an example of a religious group that historically focuses more on higher learning than on politics or political involvement. The Jesuits stand out because they embrace physics and chemistry with a passion in their zeal to find God in everything. There are no young-earthers among the Jesuits and they are fans of Darwin's theory of evolution (which I mention not because Darwinism is somehow science but to distinguish Jesuits as Christians who embrace the theory). The Jesuits brought us Baroque architecture and construction which emerged from their advancements in geometry and other disciplines. Of course today you will find the name "Loyola" associated with various universities and carries the connotation of "old school solid education."

On the flip side, the Jesuits are Catholics who take various vows, including a vow of obedience to the Pope. This places Jesuits firmly in the "Satanic" category of most Protestant denominations.

pure organs of the deep state manipulation program.

but the best teachings are still there to read.

pure organs of the deep state manipulation program.

but the best teachings are still there to read.
Having teachings of Christian Nation SCOTUS Rehnquist “one nation under God with equal justice under law” is about as meaningless as jolly fat men coming down chimneys bearing presents and human reproduction medical pseudoscience of once is an accident, twice is a coincidence as there are no coincidences while thrice is just Christiananality pedophilia business as usual….
“Paul made possible the transformation of the Gospels’ beautiful moral ideal into an anti-intellectual ideology that was enshrined permanently in the Christian scriptures and has since passed into our secular societies. That ideology has attracted a certain sort of mind ever since – one with a death wish.” As Nietzsche put it: “There was only one Christian, and he died on the cross.”
Another pointy-headed 'New Yorker' (like that adds any credibility, lol) who clearly doesn't get Nietzsche's point, just like all those self-proclaimed experts who, of course, try their hand at being literary geniuses. Epic fail. You can't write anything interesting about the human condition until you break free from the hive. Go now, you poor drones, your minds are clouded by your own inability to recognize the fallacies in the words you parrot. And show Nietzsche some damn respect!

pure organs of the deep state manipulation program.

but the best teachings are still there to read.

You spew some of the most moronic and stupid shit I've seen from a wannabe intellectual in ages. I wish you weren't such an utter tool; I'd enjoy obliterating every half-baked, copy-pasted concept you've ever cobbled together in your smug, little mind. Take your signature statement, for example; it's so laughably off the mark and juvenile, I'd expect it from a pot-smoking eighth-grader, but... wait, is that where you got it? 'Morality is a set of beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors that facilitate voluntary, cooperative and mutually beneficial relationships.' Pathetic doesn't even begin to cover it.

Your understanding is so simplistic and just plain wrong, I pity your parents for flushing their money down the drain on that community college education they so generously paid for. Sad, in every sense of the word. Maybe you should try a hit of acid or something – I don't condone it, but I've heard it can completely transform some people. At this point, anything would be an improvement.

Please undersstand I am only trying to help. I'll check in from time to time and see if there's any improvement, you complete stooge .
You spew some of the most moronic and stupid shit I've seen from a wannabe intellectual in ages.

you're actually dumb. so you don't recognize wisdom.
I wish you weren't such an utter tool; I'd enjoy obliterating every half-baked, copy-pasted concept you've ever cobbled together in your smug, little mind. Take your signature statement, for example; it's so laughably off the mark and juvenile, I'd expect it from a pot-smoking eighth-grader, but... wait, is that where you got it? 'Morality is a set of beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors that facilitate voluntary, cooperative and mutually beneficial relationships.' Pathetic doesn't even begin to cover it.

yes. you hate morality.

you are evil and RE-GRESSIVE.

or a fucking neocon which is worse.
Your understanding is so simplistic and just plain wrong, I pity your parents for flushing their money down the drain on that community college education they so generously paid for. Sad, in every sense of the word. Maybe you should try a hit of acid or something – I don't condone it, but I've heard it can completely transform some people. At this point, anything would be an improvement.

Please undersstand I am only trying to help. I'll check in from time to time and see if there's any improvement, you complete stooge .
yes you are evil.

we estalished this already.

you made zero compelling arguments.

Come Again.
you're actually dumb. so you don't recognize wisdom.

yes. you hate morality.

you are evil and RE-GRESSIVE.

or a fucking neocon which is worse.

yes you are evil.

we estalished this already.

you made zero compelling arguments.

Come Again.

Good morning, Buttsniffer. That name just screams at me when I see your pathetic AI avatar - did you give your best description of a pedo to come up with that? Thought so.

So, let's dive into this bullshit you call a point, shall we? When I called you out on your Sam Harris bumper sticker philosophy, all you did was sit there like a fucking deer in headlights. No defense, no counter-argument, just silence. Typical for a radical left wing drone like you - parrots don't argue, they just repeat what they've been told.

Now, let's tackle that "sharp sting" you feel when confronted with the actual truth. It's not because you've evolved from some prehistoric group hunter, it's because your fragile ego can't handle being wrong. That rage turning your bald head the color of a pigs asshole? That's not some ancestral memory, it's you throwing a tantrum like the child you are, breaking mommy's precious knick-knacks.
Here's a reality check: hate doesn't come from some communal hunt, it's the darkness in your soul, Buttsniffer. It's what separates you from animals; a lion doesn't hate when it kills, but you? You need that evil inside to do such acts.

Don't be too hard on yourself Buttsniffer. Until you break free from the hive of radical drones, that anger isn't going anywhere. If you're lucky, I'll pop in now and then to give you a taste of real knowledge, the kind that is common sense to the people you regularly insult here, not the regurgitated crap you spew.

So, Buttsniffer, calm the fuck down, take a bath - you smell like despair and basement. Tell mommy to whip up some breakfast for you, put on some fresh pants, and for fuck's sake, get a job. Maybe then you'll stop milking her Visa and start unwinding that radical left wing tape loop in your head. ROFL oh yes, if you're going to come back with insults, get a little fucking better at it, PLEASE
Good morning, Buttsniffer. That name just screams at me when I see your pathetic AI avatar - did you give your best description of a pedo to come up with that? Thought so.

So, let's dive into this bullshit you call a point, shall we? When I called you out on your Sam Harris bumper sticker philosophy, all you did was sit there like a fucking deer in headlights. No defense, no counter-argument, just silence. Typical for a radical left wing drone like you - parrots don't argue, they just repeat what they've been told.

Now, let's tackle that "sharp sting" you feel when confronted with the actual truth. It's not because you've evolved from some prehistoric group hunter, it's because your fragile ego can't handle being wrong. That rage turning your bald head the color of a pigs asshole? That's not some ancestral memory, it's you throwing a tantrum like the child you are, breaking mommy's precious knick-knacks.
Here's a reality check: hate doesn't come from some communal hunt, it's the darkness in your soul, Buttsniffer. It's what separates you from animals; a lion doesn't hate when it kills, but you? You need that evil inside to do such acts.

Don't be too hard on yourself Buttsniffer. Until you break free from the hive of radical drones, that anger isn't going anywhere. If you're lucky, I'll pop in now and then to give you a taste of real knowledge, the kind that is common sense to the people you regularly insult here, not the regurgitated crap you spew.

So, Buttsniffer, calm the fuck down, take a bath - you smell like despair and basement. Tell mommy to whip up some breakfast for you, put on some fresh pants, and for fuck's sake, get a job. Maybe then you'll stop milking her Visa and start unwinding that radical left wing tape loop in your head. ROFL oh yes, if you're going to come back with insults, get a little fucking better at it, PLEASE
Just an FYI... You get one free. However rule 12b matters here and even "did you describe a pedo to get your avatar" is enough to get you banned here. You'll need to come up with a different insult pattern if you plan to stick around.
Good morning, Buttsniffer. That name just screams at me when I see your pathetic AI avatar - did you give your best description of a pedo to come up with that? Thought so.

So, let's dive into this bullshit you call a point, shall we? When I called you out on your Sam Harris bumper sticker philosophy, all you did was sit there like a fucking deer in headlights. No defense, no counter-argument, just silence. Typical for a radical left wing drone like you - parrots don't argue, they just repeat what they've been told.

Now, let's tackle that "sharp sting" you feel when confronted with the actual truth. It's not because you've evolved from some prehistoric group hunter, it's because your fragile ego can't handle being wrong. That rage turning your bald head the color of a pigs asshole? That's not some ancestral memory, it's you throwing a tantrum like the child you are, breaking mommy's precious knick-knacks.
Here's a reality check: hate doesn't come from some communal hunt, it's the darkness in your soul, Buttsniffer. It's what separates you from animals; a lion doesn't hate when it kills, but you? You need that evil inside to do such acts.

Don't be too hard on yourself Buttsniffer. Until you break free from the hive of radical drones, that anger isn't going anywhere. If you're lucky, I'll pop in now and then to give you a taste of real knowledge, the kind that is common sense to the people you regularly insult here, not the regurgitated crap you spew.

So, Buttsniffer, calm the fuck down, take a bath - you smell like despair and basement. Tell mommy to whip up some breakfast for you, put on some fresh pants, and for fuck's sake, get a job. Maybe then you'll stop milking her Visa and start unwinding that radical left wing tape loop in your head. ROFL oh yes, if you're going to come back with insults, get a little fucking better at it, PLEASE
so why do you hate morality?
Just an FYI... You get one free. However rule 12b matters here and even "did you describe a pedo to get your avatar" is enough to get you banned here. You'll need to come up with a different insult pattern if you plan to stick around.
my apologies sincerely, I'll stay clear of that one.
so why do you hate morality?
Litmus, after reflecting on my responses to your posts since I first came across your comments, I realize I may have been unnecessarily harsh. While I stand by my critique of the broader discourse here, which often seems to thrive on sharp insults, I owe you an apology for any unfair accusations I've leveled against you personally. Your comments have indeed shown a level of coherence that stands out.

Please accept this as a sincere apology for my undue attacks. If you choose to dismiss it as insincere, I understand, but I genuinely hope you accept it. I look forward to the possibility of engaging in a civil discussion with you in the future, where we can explore different viewpoints with mutual respect, acknowledging each other's right to hold differing opinions without resorting to personal animosity.

I'm not above admitting when I'm wrong, especially when presented with a convincing argument, as it's through such exchanges we learn. So again, my sincere apologies to you, Litmus.
my apologies sincerely, I'll stay clear of that one.
For clarity purposes: Public figures are fair game, it's only folks that are members here that fall into that category. So, Trump is a "pedo" or pResident Braindead loves "sniffing little girls" both would barely merit notice, but <insert member's name here> seems to like kiddies... bannable.