Christianity, the religion for anti-intellectuals.

Greeks had sophisticated science. There is a continuity.
No, Hugo. The Greeks formalized some logic, and used mathematics in a slightly different way then the folks they got it from.
Aristotle did provide some theories of science, all of which has been falsified.
Point is, Christians tried to suppress science and intellectual investigations.
????? Galileo was Christian! Rene Descartes was Christian! Lord Kelvin was a Christian! Kepler was a Christian! Louis Pasteur was a Christian!
Copernicus was a Christian!
No reputable historian calls the Middle Ages the Dark Ages anymore.
You don't get to declare who is 'reputable' for everyone, Sybil. Omniscience fallacy.

The so-called Dark Ages was so named due to the fall of the Roman Empire, and the age of the monasteries. During this time, much knowledge was lost over much of Europe. I basically stayed that way until Charlemagne, when Greek and Roman texts started to be translated into Latin and spread throughout Europe.

The High Middle Ages was ground zero for the reintroduction of higher learning, skeptical inquiry, natural philosophy, disputation, logic, and the invention of the university.
The High Middle Ages is the latter part of the Middle Ages, and ended the Dark Age.
If you want to talk about moral depravity and depraved cruelty, the place to start is the 20th century with it's holocausts, world wars, mass genocides, and totalitarian state atheism.

Atheism isn't totalitarian. Atheism is the only nonbelief. It doesn't care whether a god or gods exist or not.

You are referring to the Church of No God, a fundamentalist (and occasionally brutal) style religion.