Christofacists at it again

Almost always paid for by a separate drive. This assumption that there is some zero sum game is just an assumption.

1. A donation to a church-run charity pretty much 100% reaches the public.
2. A donation is different than tithes.
3. People tithe regardless of which charity they donate to.
4. Those who want the most money to actually reach the needy should donate to church charities because they do not spend their money on advertisement.

I would just love to see some documentation on number one Damo. Because I will call BULLSHIT on that right now.
Federal anti-discriminatory hiring practices, were enacted under the authority of the Commerce Clause. Widespread discrimination in commerce was alleged to have a detrimental impact on intrastate labor, wages, and commerce.

Churches don't play a role in intrastate commerce.

Well, let's enlarge the clause then. Because women make up more than 50 percent of this population, and I say that they are at least as important as the sacred commerce.
Because a business is not a private membership group....nor are all the other nonprofits out there.....who are in business to make a profit, provide paying jobs to the public..... what does that have to do with assembling in a group?

Business is just an exhange of money for goods or services. It doesn't follow the private/public paradigm any differently than a church does.

Many churches involve themselves in commerce anyway.

That's right...don't forget about Pat Robertson's magic pancake batter. Buy some and you will be able to leg press 3 thousand pounds, screw for five hours straight even if you're 70, grow your hair back, make more money, and your clothes will look better on you.

All true.
Well, you have to have quantifiable standards and criteria. Otherwise, its unenforceable.

And i'm not an expert on discrmination law. There very well may be other cirteria, waivers, and exemptions I'm not aware of. Lets face it: its a federal statute; it probably has 900 pages in it. I'm sure its not as simple as "25 employees or less".

It should have to do with the nature of the business not how many you employee. Number of employees implies a nature of business that may or may not be so. However you are right that when it comes to law it is very complex and I am sure we are both missing some important details.
Why? Because many of those charities also spread the Gospel. Alex and other atheists do not like this, because they prefer to spread the lie that, in a random chain of a billion events, we evolved from slime. It is only natural for them to want to cripple the charities which spread the truth, even when those charities help others. That is human nature: we're evil.

That is incorrect and I think you know it.
Well, let's enlarge the clause then. Because women make up more than 50 percent of this population, and I say that they are at least as important as the sacred commerce.

You go girl! ;)

I'm with you on the solution.

In order for a solution to succeed, we need to have the proper mechanics to implement it. I don't think any Federal legislation banning all forms of discrmination, anywhere, at all time, by anyone, including individuals, could possibly pass constitutional muster in the courts. That's where we're at now. Maybe discrmination at the local, and small business level could be addressed in other ways: constitutional amendment, or state laws? I'm not smart enough to know.
Why? Because many of those charities also spread the Gospel. Alex and other atheists do not like this, because they prefer to spread the lie that, in a random chain of a billion events, we evolved from slime. It is only natural for them to want to cripple the charities which spread the truth, even when those charities help others. That is human nature: we're evil.

Only some of us evolved Brent, only some of us...
Why? Because many of those charities also spread the Gospel. Alex and other atheists do not like this, because they prefer to spread the lie that, in a random chain of a billion events, we evolved from slime. It is only natural for them to want to cripple the charities which spread the truth, even when those charities help others. That is human nature: we're evil.

That is incorrect and I think you know it.

No, I don't think I do. They hate the Lord, and therefore they want to squash any attempt to deliver the truth unto the lost. They're following orders from their master, Lucifer. I know this from experience.
You go girl! ;)

I'm with you on the solution.

In order for a solution to succeed, we need to have the proper mechanics to implement it. I don't think any Federal legislation banning all forms of discrmination, anywhere, at all time, by anyone, including individuals, could possibly pass constitutional muster in the courts. That's where we're at now. Maybe discrmination at the local, and small business level could be addressed in other ways: constitutional amendment, or state laws? I'm not smart enough to know.

Well, the thing is, as for small businesses, they're not on a bully pulpit, you know? I mean, they don't have mass, and pretty creepy if you ask me, influence over the mind of others. I mean, we are talking about Cypress, millions of people who will literally leave their churches and go vote for whom they're told to vote for. I don't mean people like Care or Immie, but they're out there, and they have a lot of power in this country as it is. Should they also have tax exempt status as they work to make my life miserable? I think that can be argued.
No, I don't think I do. They hate the Lord, and therefore they want to squash any attempt to deliver the truth unto the lost. They're following orders from their master, Lucifer. I know this from experience.

uuhhh oohhhh......I think its time to add a new signature!
Brent they have a difference in opinion than you. It doesn't mean they embrace evil or are aligned with lucifer. What motivates most people is they want a happy life and to live in a world of good. There is disagreement upon what thay constitutes but few seek evil as a end in of itself.
Well, the thing is, as for small businesses, they're not on a bully pulpit, you know? I mean, they don't have mass, and pretty creepy if you ask me, influence over the mind of others. I mean, we are talking about Cypress, millions of people who will literally leave their churches and go vote for whom they're told to vote for. I don't mean people like Care or Immie, but they're out there, and they have a lot of power in this country as it is. Should they also have tax exempt status as they work to make my life miserable? I think that can be argued.

I hear ya.

I'm totally open minded about examining the tax exempt status of non-profits and churches that engage in discrimination.

I was just being a technocrat, and pointing out the current limitations of federal employment discrimination laws. Silly me, I get obssessed with process, and not principle sometimes. Its the inner technocrat in me. I ;)

Now, tax exemption laws are another matter. I'm an ignorant boob on those laws.
Well it's not prone!

I could be convinced to come around to Tiana's idea here. I have no general use for organized religion in the first place. I do not even see how anyone can argue that throughout history, it has done more harm than good.

This is a dangerous thing though. It amounts to the government saying what is acceptable activity. This is similar to why I am against public funding of art. Do people want their tax dollars to go toward a work like pisschrist? But then if the government says such things can't get tax dollars they are saying what is and isn't legitimate art. Just like government saying what is acceptable behavior.

If I had my druthers though there would be no such thing as tax emempt status.
Brent they have a difference in opinion than you. It doesn't mean they embrace evil or are aligned with lucifer. What motivates most people is they want a happy life and to live in a world of good. There is disagreement upon what thay constitutes but few seek evil as a end in of itself.

According to the Bible, there are two camps of people on the earth: those who love the Lord, and those who hate the Lord. Speaking as a person who once hated the Lord, I do not see any middle ground. Not loving God = hating God.
Brent they have a difference in opinion than you. It doesn't mean they embrace evil or are aligned with lucifer. What motivates most people is they want a happy life and to live in a world of good. There is disagreement upon what thay constitutes but few seek evil as a end in of itself.

no no no.....let him go on, these are classic gems.
According to the Bible, there are two camps of people on the earth: those who love the Lord, and those who hate the Lord. Speaking as a person who once hated the Lord, I do not see any middle ground. Not loving God = hating God.

That is a false dichotomy. What about people who have no concept of the lord. An ignorant child hates God because he doesn't love him.