Christofacists at it again

Typical lib arguement. why is it news that a sunday school teacher for a small church in a small town worthy of international news coverage? And then to call them facist?
I am willing to bet that Christians living in the middle east are much more strict with their religion than European or American Christians.

When I've talked to middle easterners about the islam black america practices, they usually say, "its different"
And then to call them facist?

Fair point. I used christo-facist as a hyperbole in this case. Obviously there are no governmental implications for this unless you can prove that his beliefs in the church translate to how he votes on the council. Which I'm sure you could if you looked hard enough. He is, after all, a sexist pig.
When I've talked to middle easterners about the islam black america practices, they usually say, "its different"

Well if they are talking about NOI or even the 5 percenters most Muslims don't even consider the Islamic and consider it a cult.
Maybe so LadyT, but I am somewhat skeptic of this article considering the last sentence in it. My guess is tha some important info is being left out.
But he is in an elected postion and can be voted out if the voters don't like what he says or does.
When I've talked to middle easterners about the islam black america practices, they usually say, "its different"

Well if they are talking about NOI or even the 5 percenters most Muslims don't even consider the Islamic and consider it a cult.

NOI. From the few 5 %ers I've run into, I'd consider it something of a cult. But that's just my 2 cents.
Maybe so LadyT, but I am somewhat skeptic of this article considering the last sentence in it. My guess is tha some important info is being left out.

Well, the preacher himself stated that they were going to adopt a literal interpretation and that women inside the church shouldn't teach men. Given that, I think you're skeptism isn't warranted outside the scope of skeptism on news articles in general.
Being this was reported on an international news source, a story about a sunday school teacher in a small church in a small town and the story itself said other things may be involved in her dismissal........yes I am skeptical.
TOBY said:
Being this was reported on an international news source, a story about a sunday school teacher in a small church in a small town and the story itself said other things may be involved in her dismissal........yes I am skeptical.

Umm, CNN has a US section and even local news sections. Are you telling me you don't pay attention to news agencies that have international departments as well as domestic?
"going to adopt a literal interpretation and that women inside the church shouldn't teach men."

This is precisely the position we adopt. It comes straight from the Bible.

I Tim. 2:12 - "And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence. 13For Adam was formed first, then Eve."

Thus we have no women teachers except for in the little children's classes. It's what the Bible says, therefore I see nothing wrong with it.
Well at least Leaning is living by what is says and not being hypocritical.

That said I think it is a rediculous position and highlights what is wrong with Christianity.
Thus we have no women teachers except for in the little children's classes. It's what the Bible says, therefore I see nothing wrong with it.

Then I'd say you were a bonafied, "Holyroller". That's absolutely ridiculous. It implies that women have little (at least compared to men) value to add in terms fo the teachings of Christ. Not to mention it implies intellectual inferiority to men. This is why I abhor fundamentalism in EVERY religion. I guess women can't handle teaching beyond pre-school. That would just horrendous.

Am I expected to believe that you fundies don't carry over those beliefs into the work place?
Hey its what his holy book says. As long as you hold the belief that it is the word of god you have to obey it. But then thats why I don't think the bible should be viewed as divine word.
Am I expected to believe that you fundies don't carry over those beliefs into the work place?

Of course you are. I have worked for women bosses, sat through many classes and presentations by women. No problem. I will even cast my vote for a woman over a man in the local election here tomorrow. To me there is the religious side in which I do my best to follow the Bible and there is the secular side, in which I do my best to follow the Bible as it pertains to obeying the laws of the land, rendering unto Caesar, so to speak, etc.
Of course you are. I have worked for women bosses, sat through many classes and presentations by women. No problem. I will even cast my vote for a woman over a man in the local election here tomorrow. To me there is the religious side in which I do my best to follow the Bible and there is the secular side, in which I do my best to follow the Bible as it pertains to obeying the laws of the land, rendering unto Caesar, so to speak, etc.
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You are violating that biblical edict. And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence. 13For Adam was formed first, then Eve. This says a woman may not have authorirty over a man. Thus you may not vote for a woman as it would place a woman in authority over a man. If you believe in this passage you must follow it.

"WATERTOWN, New York (AP) -- The minister of a church that dismissed a female Sunday School teacher after adopting what it called a literal interpretation of the Bible says a woman can perform any job -- outside of the church."

my favorite part is this:

" "I believe that a woman can perform any job and fulfill any responsibility that she desires to" outside of the church, LaBouf wrote Saturday."

Nice way to try and save your job.

Why does this concern you?

Besides, Muslims are MUCH more strict about the roles of men and women, yet I do not see you posting a thread entitled, "Islamofascism."

And what, pray tell, does this have to do with politics?
"This says a woman may not have authorirty over a man. Thus you may not vote for a woman as it would place a woman in authority over a man. If you believe in this passage you must follow it."

Ahh, but in what context? Paul is writing to Timothy about things pertaining to the church - the religious side I spoke of.
"going to adopt a literal interpretation and that women inside the church shouldn't teach men."

This is precisely the position we adopt. It comes straight from the Bible.

I Tim. 2:12 - "And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence. 13For Adam was formed first, then Eve."

Thus we have no women teachers except for in the little children's classes. It's what the Bible says, therefore I see nothing wrong with it.

Amen. The Bible says what it says. :)

And for those who think we believe men are better than women, think again. We believe women are equal to men; we simply believe God has different roles for women. It is OK for women to teach other women, or to teach children; but only men are permitted to teach the congregation.

Feminism goes against nature.