Christofacists at it again

South park has warped my mind immensely. LMAO every time I think of "hell" I think of that episode where hell was basically a shore side condo community and the devil was lovers with Saddam.

I like in the movie how Hitler and Gandhi are both in hell. Gandhi belongs in hell you know, he wasn't a Christian.
Pfft.....heck no. Everyone knows he's a satanist who likes to sacrifice children to the God Thorungoes

Really?!! I had no idea. :)

Seriously, on this thought, it does chap my hide to see the politicians use religion for political profit. They've been doing it for years and it is about to catch up with them.
But why should you care? Nobody is forcing you to attend church, IH8, or to follow our teachings. What we believe in regards to gender roles does not affect you.

Sure it does Brent. Every person affects every other person. Brent you always talk about how you would like society to be. I don't doubt that if you could shape it the way you wanted you would refuse. You certainly have the potential to affect my life and that is why your opinion matters. No man is an island.
South park has warped my mind immensely. LMAO every time I think of "hell" I think of that episode where hell was basically a shore side condo community and the devil was lovers with Saddam.

I like in the movie how Hitler and Gandhi are both in hell. Gandhi belongs in hell you know, he wasn't a Christian.

did you see team america? The AIDS song in "Lease" was hilarious. Me and my boyfriend will sing that classic every now and then......

"My sister........AIDS AIDS AIDS....."
Really?!! I had no idea. :)

Seriously, on this thought, it does chap my hide to see the politicians use religion for political profit. They've been doing it for years and it is about to catch up with them.

Well, it really chaps my hide when I see that Christians in America view women as inferior in the church. And please spare me the "women just have different roles". Absolutly chauvinistic. Do you accept the same amount of money in donations from women?
But why should you care? Nobody is forcing you to attend church, IH8, or to follow our teachings. What we believe in regards to gender roles does not affect you.

Sure it does Brent. Every person affects every other person. Brent you always talk about how you would like society to be. I don't doubt that if you could shape it the way you wanted you would refuse. You certainly have the potential to affect my life and that is why your opinion matters. No man is an island.

I meant it does not affect you negatively -- meaning, it does not harm you.

Of course I beleive what a person does can affect others. But how a church or marriage is structured, so long as it isn't hateful or abusive, does no harm to you or anyone else.

This thread has nothing whatsoever to do with politics. The very fact that LadyT is posting it here makes me suspicious of her intentions. Perhaps she believes the government should force their notion of "equality" on churches.
Well, it really chaps my hide when I see that Christians in America view women as inferior in the church. And please spare me the "women just have different roles". Absolutly chauvinistic. Do you accept the same amount of money in donations from women?
I agree with IH8: "separate but equal" simply doesn't work. Each individual should be able to choose whatever career she chooses, so long as she's qualified for it.

And again, it's not necessary. There are plenty of Christians who don't buy into that, just as there are plenty of Muslims who don't believe women should be forced to wear tents whenever they go out.
And please spare me the "women just have different roles". Absolutly chauvinistic.

My suggestion, then, is to abstain from giving birth until science allows men to carry the infant for 4 1/2 months (half) of the term.
Well, it really chaps my hide when I see that Christians in America view women as inferior in the church. And please spare me the "women just have different roles". Absolutly chauvinistic. Do you accept the same amount of money in donations from women?

Money has nothing to do with it. We give "as we purpose in our hearts" and "as we have been prospered." Not a 10% tithe, that's OT teaching. Just like we go to the New Testament to assertain that directive, the women who are a part of our assembly know their roles as described by the Bible (NT) and they accept and respect that. It is your perrogative not to be a part of a group that espouses these beliefs.
I meant it does not affect you negatively -- meaning, it does not harm you.

Of course I beleive what a person does can affect others. But how a church or marriage is structured, so long as it isn't hateful or abusive, does no harm to you or anyone else.

This thread has nothing whatsoever to do with politics. The very fact that LadyT is posting it here makes me suspicious of her intentions. Perhaps she believes the government should force their notion of "equality" on churches.

Actually I didn't think of kind of gov't intervention until you posted this thread, but I'm wondering if sexism should be yet another reason for a church to lose its tax exempt status. Should we allow outrightly sexist organizations to go about their business tax free while conducting themselves in such a slimy manner?
did you see team america? The AIDS song in "Lease" was hilarious. Me and my boyfriend will sing that classic every now and then......

"My sister........AIDS AIDS AIDS....."

Great Movie.
Then you better not get your wife pregnant.
Nonsense. There is an enormous difference between a role ordained by biology and sex, on the one hand, and a role imposed or denied by society on the basis of gender. Gender and sex are not completely synonymous.
Actually I didn't think of kind of gov't intervention until you posted this thread, but I'm wondering if sexism should be yet another reason for a church to lose its tax exempt status. Should we allow outrightly sexist organizations to go about their business tax free while conducting themselves in such a slimy manner?

And yet, you accuse conservatives of trying to force our values on others.

You ought to be ashamed of yourself.
My suggestion, then, is to abstain from giving birth until science allows men to carry the infant for 4 1/2 months (half) of the term.

I like how you intentionally left out the fact that I was talking about "roles in the church".

Nice way to take a person's quote out of context.
Of course I beleive what a person does can affect others. But how a church or marriage is structured, so long as it isn't hateful or abusive, does no harm to you or anyone else.

This thread has nothing whatsoever to do with politics. The very fact that LadyT is posting it here makes me suspicious of her intentions. Perhaps she believes the government should force their notion of "equality" on churches.

Brent I know from what you have said specifically that your view on the roles of men and women go outside just church hierarchy and you apply biblical teaching as far as that goes universally. I will say that at least you are consistent in that respect.

How you feel about these things and the reasoning behind them do affect everyone and the idea that women are not qualified to be leaders is a bad idea for society as a whole.
Nonsense. There is an enormous difference between a role ordained by biology and sex, on the one hand, and a role imposed or denied by society on the basis of gender. Gender and sex are not completely synonymous.

I would say the role of women in childbirth was ordained by God:

Gen. 3:16 - "To the woman He said: “I will greatly multiply your sorrow and your conception; In pain you shall bring forth children; Your desire shall be for your husband, And he shall rule over you.”
And yet, you accuse conservatives of trying to force our values on others.

You ought to be ashamed of yourself.

There would be NO FORCING of any kind in such an example, merely the revoking of a priveledge, I very hefty priveledge I might add. The church could still do what it wants.
My suggestion, then, is to abstain from giving birth until science allows men to carry the infant for 4 1/2 months (half) of the term.

How does the fact that women are responsible for giving birth give cause for calling for gender social stratification in areas other than child rearing.