Christopher Hitchens on Having Cancer

Wow, I can't imagine people betting on my demise, so very sad. Great articles, thanks for sharing.

Well, we all know about Grind's morbid sense of humour. That said, to be famous enough to be a pick for one of these funeral/death pool games, suggests that someone (assuming they are not merely infamous) has done alright with their life.
I don't have much respect for Hitchens - not because he is an atheist (though, I do find his militant blend of atheism to be rather arrogant), but because he is an asshole. The only thing I can say for Hitchens is that at least he is a consistent asshole. He bashes every religion equally, and doesn't mince words when doing so.

He really is a despicable, poor excuse for a human being, in spite of being learned. I wouldn't doubt that his situation is linked to karma.
i'm legit bummed. All my favorite people are dying this year. Odd years fucking suck. They always have.
Graydon Carter, editor of Vanity Fair, where Mr Hitchens was a contributing editor, paid tribute on the magazine's website.
"Christopher Hitchens was a wit, a charmer and a troublemaker, and to those who knew him well, he was a gift from, dare I say, God," he wrote.
"He died today at the MD Anderson Cancer Centre, in Houston, after a punishing battle with oesophageal cancer, the same disease that killed his father."
I was saddened to hear of his passing. I didn't like the man, but I do not wish death upon anyone.

The sad reality of the matter is that if Hitchens was correct in what he said regarding God, he will never know it. But if I am correct, at this very moment he is wishing that he was never even born. I do not make a habit of determining one's eternal fate, for that is for God to determine; but assuming God exists, it is logical that anyone who so vehemently rejects Him will also be rejected. Seems like a lose-lose situation.