Chrome facts

Do you know whether they use chromium when processing furs? I have some rabbit fur that I'm going to use to line our mittens with. The fur side will be against our skin; the hide side against the mitten hide.

*Oh drat!*

Today, 03:56 PM
RB 60

This message is hidden because RidiculouslyBubble-butted 60 is on your ignore list so tell him to just quit already.
this was just a lazy shitpost because tom made a misleading thread about firefox. instead I seemingly inadvertently attracted a bunch of metallurgy nerds.
What were you doing that produced hex chrome? Steel foundry? Chrome plating or anodizing? Heat treating with chromate salt baths?

Plating and heat treatment, but neither in particularly high volume. I think the concern is overblown for a lot of industries.
let the record reflect I googled "chrome -google" and copy and pasted like the first paragraph I saw. I put zero effort or care into this post, it was completely meaningless and there was no thought. Tom on the other hand actually learned some "kool facts" about red pandas and also made a thread that he thought would be super interesting. The end result was my thread having 32+ posts and his having 4.


let the record reflect I googled "chrome -google" and copy and pasted like the first paragraph I saw. I put zero effort or care into this post, it was completely meaningless and there was no thought. Tom on the other hand actually learned some "kool facts" about red pandas and also made a thread that he thought would be super interesting. The end result was my thread having 32+ posts and his having 4.


Always loved me some Duck Tales and Nintendo Power.
You are a shitstain on the sofa of humanity.

Norseshit! I only ever called another woman a cunt and that was your erstwhile paramour Ms. Suckee Fuckee! At least she has a modicum of intelligence, Bowel Woman is just a moron. I don't have any qualms about it as she seems more than ready to call other women cunts, so spare me your faux indignation.
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let the record reflect I googled "chrome -google" and copy and pasted like the first paragraph I saw. I put zero effort or care into this post, it was completely meaningless and there was no thought. Tom on the other hand actually learned some "kool facts" about red pandas and also made a thread that he thought would be super interesting. The end result was my thread having 32+ posts and his having 4.

Do you know whether they use chromium when processing furs? I have some rabbit fur that I'm going to use to line our mittens with. The fur side will be against our skin; the hide side against the mitten hide.

I have no idea but I wouldn’t worry about it as the chromium in leather or furs is trivalent chromium.
Welding any kind of stainless steel.
That would depend on how you weld it. I wouldn’t think any welding method that uses an inert gas would not produce particulates or fumes containing hexavalent chromium. I could be wrong. Arc welding I’m sure would.

I did a lot of work in the past recycling electric arc furnace dust which contains chromium and it was predominantly tri chrome.
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