Chrome facts

Plating and heat treatment, but neither in particularly high volume. I think the concern is overblown for a lot of industries.

It certainly isn’t over blown in electroplating and airborn exposure to hex chrome particulates through inhalation has well documented association to chronic health problems, most notably cancer, at part per billion levels. It’s certainly something not to be taken lightly.
My Father The Chiropractor had a long war with wallets. The cause a lot of spinal problems.
this was just a lazy shitpost because tom made a misleading thread about firefox. instead I seemingly inadvertently attracted a bunch of metallurgy nerds.

Well you obviously haven’t worked with chromium. It’s really cool stuff and way more interesting than Firefox.
Well you obviously haven’t worked with chromium. It’s really cool stuff and way more interesting than Firefox.

Now that they have fixed the script error problem in Firefox, it is just truly awesome and way better than Chrome. I also use Brave, which is a work in progress, but looks promising.
I suggest you reference the industrial hygiene data on hex chrome.

Used to use potassium dichromate in the organic chemistry lab to oxidise alcohols. It converts primary alcohols into aldehydes and carboxylic acids. I loved organic synthesis, it was always the best part of chemistry for me.
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Used to use it in the organic chemistry lab to oxidise alcohols. It converts primary alcohols into aldehydes and carboxylic acids. I loved organic synthesis, it was always the best part of chemistry for me.

I used it a lot in materials engineering of abrasive products. Was great fun too, though I'm completely self taught in materials engineering and would not consider myself one as I have no formal training in the discipline, but learned enough that I was employed in materials science research at OSU's graduate school of engineering. Had a blast working their but the engineers I worked with reacted to me like I came from a different planet! LOL