This is more 'Republican Territory' than Amazon ever was. Lots of Jesus Freaks here, lots of Conservative types, lots of just out-right Haters. The tone here can be quite hateful, more so than the just disagreeing. It might be better if you did follow Owl's lead and find a 'friendlier' Chatroom to hang out at. These Chatrooms can be 'addictive' just because of the varied participants and their viewpoints, plus all the unintended humor they produce. You could 'abandon' Jade Dragon, pick a new username, and come back incognito. Don't try to clique up and make friends (like having Owl and Mason usually support you), just come on occasion and express your opinion without any expectation of anyone supporting your position. Don't take this place too seriously.
And if this is the last time we talk, ... I want to thank you for my Avatar.
I'm pretty computer illiterate, so thanks for setting me up with a cool avatar. Take Care, Jade.