Ciao - Jade Dragon.

I'm having trouble sticking around here much more. My friend Thatowlwoman already decided it was better to leave, and I feel I might need to do the same. I'm going to take a hiatus to see if I even feel like coming back. If anyone wants ways to still chat, discuss recipes, etc. Give me a PM shout out, or post in Jade's Clubhouse if you're a member.


peace out cubscout
I'm having trouble sticking around here much more. My friend Thatowlwoman already decided it was better to leave, and I feel I might need to do the same. I'm going to take a hiatus to see if I even feel like coming back. If anyone wants ways to still chat, discuss recipes, etc. Give me a PM shout out, or post in Jade's Clubhouse if you're a member.


I'm having trouble sticking around here much more. My friend Thatowlwoman already decided it was better to leave, and I feel I might need to do the same. I'm going to take a hiatus to see if I even feel like coming back. If anyone wants ways to still chat, discuss recipes, etc. Give me a PM shout out, or post in Jade's Clubhouse if you're a member.

Sorry to hear it, will miss you
The board has become kind of a drag. I still pop in once in awhile, though - but actual discussion of politics is at a low point.

I would like to apologize that Owl has left the Building and no longer provides long narratives of sexual decadence and lascivious behavior amongst the denizens she's created in her mind. Some were tepid, others were on the verge of illegality, some just R rated, while others were Triple X. Her stories of Raw Sex and the Perversions kept us all enthralled and gave us a welcome break to the Political Battles being Won and Lost.
I'm having trouble sticking around here much more. My friend Thatowlwoman already decided it was better to leave, and I feel I might need to do the same. I'm going to take a hiatus to see if I even feel like coming back. If anyone wants ways to still chat, discuss recipes, etc. Give me a PM shout out, or post in Jade's Clubhouse if you're a member.


Sorry to see ya go, JD. I hope you find a reason to come back at some point.

Say hello to Owl for me if you get the chance.

Tough room here. If you are not willing to be gross and over the top...its a drag. Best if you can wallow in the mud...and enjoy it. Otherwise the swine win by default.
I'm having trouble sticking around here much more. My friend Thatowlwoman already decided it was better to leave, and I feel I might need to do the same. I'm going to take a hiatus to see if I even feel like coming back. If anyone wants ways to still chat, discuss recipes, etc. Give me a PM shout out, or post in Jade's Clubhouse if you're a member.
Your contributions here are appreciated. This forum tends to be a haven for people who indulge in racism, sexism, libel, pathological dishonesty, and petty grudges. You have represented yourself with honor, I don't think I have ever even seen you curse, use four letter words, and your trademark is to comport yourself as a mature, civilized human being. Unlike most of us here, your conduct is beyond reproach. Well done chap, and I will miss your threads on recipes, vacations, and favorite metal tunes. In the legendary words of AC/DC, for those about to rock - we salute you! (p.s., I miss Owl too)
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I haven't been participating as much as I have in the past but I've noticed that Current events has become more and more like APP...which is not a good thing.

I think part of it too is the political climate. I mean there's always been mean spirited mud slinging here and our fair share of mouth breathers on both sides but it's like were in the post Trump melt down era where the mouth breathers on both side are in the ascendency and most everyone else capable of an intelligent conversation is sorta over it.

I'm hoping that's just one of those swings of the pendulum.

A lot of the fun has been taken out of this place. Not like the good ole days when the Michigan losers acknowledged their weakness and paid proper respect by bowing down in homage to us Ohioans.
If all the decent people drop out, nothing will be left but trumpite farts trying to think of things to say, which they find difficult in English.

I suppose liberal people have less tolerance and incentive to spend their time around the poorly educated, the inarticulate, and the mind-numbingly boring -- aka around conservatives.

So just remember, regardless of how well liberals are represented on this board, most American voters voted against Trump - by millions, Hillary Clinton was the choice of the American voter, and Americans just gave Trumpism the middle finger by electing a Democratic congress by a popular vote % margin that is nearly unprecendented in modern times. So Trumpism is still only the bastion of the old, the pasty white, and the stupid. But it does not represent America.
Let me try to help!

It is shocking to know that we have so many hateful, racist, self-important, self-centered, socially deficient, careless, thoughtless, troubled, arrogant, ignorant, people in our country.

And if you build a forum, they will come.

And if Donald Trump ever ran for president, they were going to flock to him like Flies on Shit!

But, let me remind you that nothing is ever as bad as it seems! And for them, nothing is ever as good as it seems either.

Good people have been fighting evil all their lives, and as shocking as all this is, it really is nothing new.

You have to hang tough and realize, GOOD always wins in the end. It's not always easy, it's not often kind, and not as quick as we'd like, but if you hang in there, good things will come again!

Donald Trump is running his course, and no matter how it looks this minute, he is in a downward spiral and he will soon be a thing of the past and out of harms way!

And we will all be singing "DING DONG the Witch is Dead" and dancing in the streets again!

Let me try to help!

It is shocking to know that we have so many hateful, racist, self-important, self-centered, socially deficient, careless, thoughtless, troubled, arrogant, ignorant, people in our country.

And if you build a forum, they will come.

And if Donald Trump ever ran for president, they were going to flock to him like Flies on Shit!

But, let me remind you that nothing is ever as bad as it seems! And for them, nothing is ever as good as it seems either.

Good people have been fighting evil all their lives, and as shocking as all this is, it really is nothing new.

You have to hang tough and realize, GOOD always wins in the end. It's not always easy, it's not often kind, and not as quick as we'd like, but if you hang in there, good things will come again!

Donald Trump is running his course, and no matter how it looks this minute, he is in a downward spiral and he will soon be a thing of the past and out of harms way!

And we will all be singing "DING DONG the Witch is Dead" and dancing in the streets again!


The trouble is that I am old enough to have sung that when they hoofed out Thatcher, but now we are waiting for Brexit - though you are right about Americans. Get back to yourselves and get shot of the trumpite nutters soon!
Sorry to see ya go, JD. I hope you find a reason to come back at some point.

Say hello to Owl for me if you get the chance.

Tough room here. If you are not willing to be gross and over the top...its a drag. Best if you can wallow in the mud...and enjoy it. Otherwise the swine win by default.

I might come back for some less political things, after a nice break. Might post a Thanksgiving special to the recipe exchange, or something. As for politics, I have no clue. It's just boisterous, and depressing here at the moment. I already get depressed this time of year. It takes forever for me to get adjusted to the cold seasonal changes. Once it's at it's worst, and I give it several weeks, I might be in a better state of mind. The attitude around here just makes things more depressing.
I might come back for some less political things, after a nice break. Might post a Thanksgiving special to the recipe exchange, or something. As for politics, I have no clue. It's just boisterous, and depressing here at the moment. I already get depressed this time of year. It takes forever for me to get adjusted to the cold seasonal changes. Once it's at it's worst, and I give it several weeks, I might be in a better state of mind. The attitude around here just makes things more depressing.

Another example of why one shouldn't start a thread to announce their departure.
Your contributions here are appreciated. This forum tends to be a haven for people who indulge in racism, sexism, libel, pathological dishonesty, and petty grudges. You have represented yourself with honor, I don't think I have ever even seen you curse, use four letter words, and your trademark is to comport yourself as a mature, civilized human being. Unlike most of us here, your conduct is beyond reproach. Well done chap, and I will miss your threads on recipes, vacations, and favorite metal tunes. In the legendary words of AC/DC, for those about to rock - we salute you! (p.s., I miss Owl too)

Oh I swear, but it normally has a reason. I normally say fuck that, bullshit, or don't be a douche. I call people being offensively stupid, and boisterous, fucktards, but only occasionally. Otherwise I stick with a more scientific term, of them being willfully retarded. I'm thinking of trying another more civil forum, for politics though.
With some physical problems, and my seasonal effective issues, I'm feeling a little like Jekyll, and Hyde lately. Earlier it was, I needed to get the heck out of here, because they environment is stifling. Now it's late, my issues are acting up, and I feel like I need to vent big time. I don't know what else to do at 2 in the morning, besides tell idiots online, to get a life. Hitting my memory foam mattress only helps so much.

find some joy my friend

drop in once in awhile when you feel like you can

its tuff stuff fighting the fog of stupid

sometimes you need to tap out and let a team member step in

remember most of these people we fight are just bots

Russian programs of differing quality

they are not real so don't take them seriously

they are merely a block wall to lay the truth over

You put up the truth and they graffiti it over with stupid

so you put up the truth yet again

their stupid makes a canvas for the art

a fleeting art but it can be repainted right back up

people read these stupid pages believe it or not

the places where you link to the proof of reality get more hits

more people see the truth and learn who to trust


free your self of their evil

and come back when you can

tell owl we miss her and to stop by once in awhile to paint with us
I'm having trouble sticking around here much more. My friend Thatowlwoman already decided it was better to leave, and I feel I might need to do the same. I'm going to take a hiatus to see if I even feel like coming back. If anyone wants ways to still chat, discuss recipes, etc. Give me a PM shout out, or post in Jade's Clubhouse if you're a member.

I wish Thatowlwoman would come back too?!!

One of my field agents reported that Owl is fine except for her fingers. She was typing "Reichwingers" for the 984th time when her fingers froze up. She only made it as far as, "Reich."