Ciao - Jade Dragon.

We lose the good ones to fatigue and I understand it.

I also get sick of looking at 90% "this message is hidden" posts.

For now, though, I'll stick around.

I still get a kick out of guessing what they said

and telling them to fuck off anyway.
I found a new, more civil site. I will come back here to continue the non political stuff at least, after awhile. Who know's, by the time it's Spring, and sunny again I may feel the need to vent with the dumb dumb's here once more. Or I could always end up with another kidney stone. Heaven knows that needs an outlet. Ciao.
I found a new, more civil site. I will come back here to continue the non political stuff at least, after awhile. Who know's, by the time it's Spring, and sunny again I may feel the need to vent with the dumb dumb's here once more. Or I could always end up with another kidney stone. Heaven knows that needs an outlet. Ciao.
Good Luck, I hope your health improves as well.
Idiots, and trolls abound, and I'm getting the hell out of here again, for a little bit. Anyone want to batten down the recipe exchange for Christmas, so I don't have to bother?
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I'm wondering; Where have we heard this one before?

I'm trying to see if someone else wants to take the reigns of the recipe exchange, so I don't have to deal with it. Don't get bent out of shape. Once I have that settled, I'm going to enjoy my Christmas time. I just wish we'd have a white Christmas. The weather is messed up. It's probably going to be a green Christmas for lower Michigan, even into the north.
I'm trying to see if someone else wants to take the reigns of the recipe exchange, so I don't have to deal with it. Don't get bent out of shape. Once I have that settled, I'm going to enjoy my Christmas time. I just wish we'd have a white Christmas. The weather is messed up. It's probably going to be a green Christmas for lower Michigan, even into the north.

I can assure you that no one is getting, "bent out of shape." You're still here.

I remember a lot of gray Christmases from my years in Michigan. I wish the whole Christmas thing would simmer down. But, if you aren't around, I wish you a Merry Christmas in advance.
I can assure you that no one is getting, "bent out of shape." You're still here.

I remember a lot of gray Christmases from my years in Michigan. I wish the whole Christmas thing would simmer down. But, if you aren't around, I wish you a Merry Christmas in advance.

C.O. "But, if you aren't around, I wish you a Merry Christmas in advance."
Jack: Call me crazy, ... but I'm going to go out on a limb here and predict Jade will be back to at least wish his pals here at JPP a "Merry Christmas".
(It was nice of you to wish Jade a 'Merry Christmas', but I will wait until he returns to wish him my 'Merry Christmas')
C.O. "But, if you aren't around, I wish you a Merry Christmas in advance."
Jack: Call me crazy, ... but I'm going to go out on a limb here and predict Jade will be back to at least wish his pals here at JPP a "Merry Christmas".
(It was nice of you to wish Jade a 'Merry Christmas', but I will wait until he returns to wish him my 'Merry Christmas')

Yes, I know he isn't going anywhere. The idea that someone should take over this thread is amusing. He could let it go. Anyone interested in a recipe exchange can start another thread.
I'm trying to see if someone else wants to take the reigns of the recipe exchange, so I don't have to deal with it. Don't get bent out of shape. Once I have that settled, I'm going to enjoy my Christmas time. I just wish we'd have a white Christmas. The weather is messed up. It's probably going to be a green Christmas for lower Michigan, even into the north.

We can't even begin to miss you, IF YOU WON'T LEAVE.

I'm trying to see if someone else wants to take the reigns of the recipe exchange, so I don't have to deal with it. Don't get bent out of shape. Once I have that settled, I'm going to enjoy my Christmas time. I just wish we'd have a white Christmas. The weather is messed up. It's probably going to be a green Christmas for lower Michigan, even into the north.

Not sure about ours either. We still have snow on the ground but it's threadbare and sad, and not nearly enough for winter recreation. Our neighbors gave us each a pair of Nordic skis and boots but so far not enough snow to use them. It's been in the 40s for a few days as well, which isn't helping. Is there a way we could blame Toadstool for this? lol
I'm trying to see if someone else wants to take the reigns of the recipe exchange, so I don't have to deal with it. Don't get bent out of shape. Once I have that settled, I'm going to enjoy my Christmas time. I just wish we'd have a white Christmas. The weather is messed up. It's probably going to be a green Christmas for lower Michigan, even into the north.

In my opinion, come back here as often as you want in spite of having composed a farewell message.
Anonymous rubes on an obscure forum do not get to dictate the proper way to act, the proper way to post, or the proper way to conduct your life and affairs.
If you want to change your mind, and come back here to post anytime, it is obviously totally your choice

I change my mind all the time. Last week, Rush was my favorite band...this week, its the Mighty Zep!
In my opinion, come back here as often as you want in spite of having composed a farewell message.
Anonymous rubes on an obscure forum do not get to dictate the proper way to act, the proper way to post, or the proper way to conduct your life and affairs.
If you want to change your mind, and come back here to post anytime, it is obviously totally your choice

I change my mind all the time. Last week, Rush was my favorite band...this week, its the Mighty Zep!

Shame on you! The obvious answer is that Rush is cool, while Zep has always been pretentious! :cool:
In my opinion, come back here as often as you want in spite of having composed a farewell message.
Anonymous rubes on an obscure forum do not get to dictate the proper way to act, the proper way to post, or the proper way to conduct your life and affairs.
If you want to change your mind, and come back here to post anytime, it is obviously totally your choice

I change my mind all the time. Last week, Rush was my favorite band...this week, its the Mighty Zep!

Yeah some people seem to like to dictate, and obsess. Top was obsessing about me, apparently even before I got back. I came back to deal with the recipe exchange mostly. Mason also mentioned Top was bragging about sending me, and my sock off, or something. I do enjoy bursting the Top bubble, since my sock retired from little use, and Top had nothing to do with me leaving. I don't even read her crap, outside the stuff Mason quotes. It's just like back on Amazon. Top, and Grumps are sock obsessed. I'm just glad the ones that gossip like this, are normally low brow characters, and trolls.
Not sure about ours either. We still have snow on the ground but it's threadbare and sad, and not nearly enough for winter recreation. Our neighbors gave us each a pair of Nordic skis and boots but so far not enough snow to use them. It's been in the 40s for a few days as well, which isn't helping. Is there a way we could blame Toadstool for this? lol

trump isn't too blame, he's just making the issue worse, by doing a lot of the opposite, of what we should. Going after National Monuments, was when he became irredeemable as a president.
You banned me and Frank for posting on your 'Tax' thread. You're too thinned skinned to handle a 'Recipe Thread'. You better stick to your closed group of friends who parrot each others remarks.

Oh my gosh, I almost peed myself reading that from ILA. That from a trolling little zero is precious. What a tool! I'm still lmao! The asshole uses tapatalk to bypass things he knows he's not allowed in.
Oh my gosh, I almost peed myself reading that from ILA. That from a trolling little zero is precious. What a tool! I'm still lmao! The asshole uses tapatalk to bypass things he knows he's not allowed in.

I doubt ILA has any Recipes anyway.