civil war is inevitable

mcveigh only wanted vengeance, not a civil war............get your facts straight.

He wanted both vengeance and to incite revolt. Instead, he became a mass child murderer.

This part is interesting considering he did it 27 years ago:,_Waco_siege,_and_radicalization
McVeigh's anti-government rhetoric became more radical. He began to sell Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) hats riddled with bullet holes, and a flare gun that he said could shoot down an "ATF helicopter".[8][38] He produced videos detailing the government's actions at Waco and handed out pamphlets with titles such as "U.S. Government Initiates Open Warfare Against American People" and "Waco Shootout Evokes Memory of Warsaw '43." He began changing his answering machine greeting every couple of weeks to various quotes by Patrick Henry, such as "Give me liberty or give me death."[39] He began experimenting with making pipe bombs and other small explosive devices. The government imposed new firearms restrictions in 1994 which McVeigh believed threatened his livelihood.[36]

McVeigh dissociated himself from his boyhood friend Steve Hodge by sending him a 23-page farewell letter. He proclaimed his devotion to the United States Declaration of Independence, explaining in detail what each sentence meant to him. McVeigh declared that:

Those who betray or subvert the Constitution are guilty of sedition and/or treason, are domestic enemies and should and will be punished accordingly.

It also stands to reason that anyone who sympathizes with the enemy or gives aid or comfort to said enemy is likewise guilty. I have sworn to uphold and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic and I will. And I will because not only did I swear to, but I believe in what it stands for in every bit of my heart, soul and being.

I know in my heart that I am right in my struggle, Steve. I have come to peace with myself, my God and my cause. Blood will flow in the streets, Steve. Good vs. Evil. Free Men vs. Socialist Wannabe Slaves. Pray it is not your blood, my friend.[40]

McVeigh felt the need to personally reconnoiter sites of rumored conspiracies. He visited Area 51 in order to defy government restrictions on photography and went to Gulfport, Mississippi, to determine the veracity of rumors about United Nations operations. These turned out to be false; the Russian vehicles on the site were being configured for use in U.N.-sponsored humanitarian aid efforts. Around this time, McVeigh and Nichols began making bulk purchases of ammonium nitrate, an agricultural fertilizer, for resale to survivalists, since rumors were circulating that the government was preparing to ban it.[41]
Thought you might think this was funny:

mcveigh only wanted vengeance, not a civil war............get your facts straight.

It was in revenge for supposed slights, and to ignite a revolution to destroy the USA for those slights. He really like the Turner Diaries, and hoped to create an white ethnostate utopia. Obviously, not only were his actions garbage, but his planned ends were garbage.
It was in revenge for supposed slights, and to ignite a revolution to destroy the USA for those slights. He really like the Turner Diaries, and hoped to create an white ethnostate utopia. Obviously, not only were his actions garbage, but his planned ends were garbage.

Agreed. McVeigh was a child murderer. At least he took his execution like a man.

You can't. You have to wait until they cool down. That said, why do you think all of those who disagree are "barking mad and treasonable" ?

The hot heads, regardless of political affiliation, are few in number. What makes the US situation different is that the soon-to-be-ex-president is one of the hotheaded nutjobs. Regardless, the results will be the same; a peaceful transfer of power.

You Euros should keep learning from Americans. :D

Electing the tories again was bad enough - I don't think we need learn to elect fat self-obsessed liars!
He wanted both vengeance and to incite revolt. Instead, he became a mass child murderer.

This part is interesting considering he did it 27 years ago:,_Waco_siege,_and_radicalization
McVeigh's anti-government rhetoric became more radical. He began to sell Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) hats riddled with bullet holes, and a flare gun that he said could shoot down an "ATF helicopter".[8][38] He produced videos detailing the government's actions at Waco and handed out pamphlets with titles such as "U.S. Government Initiates Open Warfare Against American People" and "Waco Shootout Evokes Memory of Warsaw '43." He began changing his answering machine greeting every couple of weeks to various quotes by Patrick Henry, such as "Give me liberty or give me death."[39] He began experimenting with making pipe bombs and other small explosive devices. The government imposed new firearms restrictions in 1994 which McVeigh believed threatened his livelihood.[36]

McVeigh dissociated himself from his boyhood friend Steve Hodge by sending him a 23-page farewell letter. He proclaimed his devotion to the United States Declaration of Independence, explaining in detail what each sentence meant to him. McVeigh declared that:

Those who betray or subvert the Constitution are guilty of sedition and/or treason, are domestic enemies and should and will be punished accordingly.

It also stands to reason that anyone who sympathizes with the enemy or gives aid or comfort to said enemy is likewise guilty. I have sworn to uphold and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic and I will. And I will because not only did I swear to, but I believe in what it stands for in every bit of my heart, soul and being.

I know in my heart that I am right in my struggle, Steve. I have come to peace with myself, my God and my cause. Blood will flow in the streets, Steve. Good vs. Evil. Free Men vs. Socialist Wannabe Slaves. Pray it is not your blood, my friend.[40]

McVeigh felt the need to personally reconnoiter sites of rumored conspiracies. He visited Area 51 in order to defy government restrictions on photography and went to Gulfport, Mississippi, to determine the veracity of rumors about United Nations operations. These turned out to be false; the Russian vehicles on the site were being configured for use in U.N.-sponsored humanitarian aid efforts. Around this time, McVeigh and Nichols began making bulk purchases of ammonium nitrate, an agricultural fertilizer, for resale to survivalists, since rumors were circulating that the government was preparing to ban it.[41]

it's dangerous to be right when the government is wrong
It was in revenge for supposed slights, and to ignite a revolution to destroy the USA for those slights. He really like the Turner Diaries, and hoped to create an white ethnostate utopia. Obviously, not only were his actions garbage, but his planned ends were garbage.

he had great intentions, just piss poor target selection
There seems to be a tremendous amount of confusion about whose accounts are does that happen?