civil war is inevitable

I would like to add you are not packing a full seabag.

You say so many stupid things.

Just in the past couple of days.

Like when you said West Virginia has a stronger work ethic than New York.

Like when you assumed New York protesters were Liberals without proof.

Like when you assumed NYC had no Trump supporters.

Like when you thought people saying the rich should pay more taxes means they're on welfare.

Like Dutch you are very ignorant & arrogant.
Dude, it's a generational, gender-bullshit thing. If I wrote "Whooooa! Take a gander at those gams!" most Millennials would have to Google to figure out what I just wrote. You love the word "simp" and that tells me several things about you. Not by itself, but in combination with many other traits and habits including POV.

you're an idiot, king simp.
he's a china cocksucking globalist fake libertarian simp, sorry.

LOL. Atheist, Homosexual, anti-capitalist, apolitical latent homosexual afraid to come out of the closet. Sorry, dude, but you do it to yourself.

Lemme guess; one reason you can't find decent work is because you have a face tattoo. Is that correct?
he's a china cocksucking globalist fake libertarian simp, sorry.

Not so sure what's Libertarian about Dutch Boy.

More like a Neocon.

He's severely brainwashed.

He believes race doesn't exist, but Israel is good & war is good.

He's a walking talking disaster of brain malfunctioning.
You say so many stupid things.

Just in the past couple of days.

Like when you said West Virginia has a stronger work ethic than New York.

Like when you assumed New York protesters were Liberals without proof.

Like when you assumed NYC had no Trump supporters.

Like when you thought people saying the rich should pay more taxes means they're on welfare.

Like Dutch you are very ignorant & arrogant.

You are a very confused individual. What I actually said was correct. What you assumed I said never happened. I never said that at all. And if you think you can tell my thoughts, well, you are more of fruitcake that I thought. By the way what community college are you going to? For what?
LOL. Atheist, Homosexual, anti-capitalist, apolitical latent homosexual afraid to come out of the closet. Sorry, dude, but you do it to yourself.

Lemme guess; one reason you can't find decent work is because you have a face tattoo. Is that correct?

you're still an idiot, king simp.
Not so sure what's Libertarian about Dutch Boy.

More like a Neocon.

He's severely brainwashed.

He believes race doesn't exist, but Israel is good & war is good.

He's a walking talking disaster of brain malfunctioning.

that's why I say fake libertarian. he's totally a neocon, like you said.
You are a very confused individual. What I actually said was correct. What you assumed I said never happened. I never said that at all. And if you think you can tell my thoughts, well, you are more of fruitcake that I thought. By the way what community college are you going to? For what?

Don't blame me because you say so many unfounded stupid things.
no, her "low side" was never used for classified emails, bitch. what part of that do you not understand? good god, read something.....

Our ruling

Clinton said, "Classified material has a header which says ‘top secret, secret, confidential.’ Nothing, and I will repeat this, and this is verified in the reports by the Department of Justice, none of the emails sent or received by me had such a header."

For information to be considered properly marked classified, it must contain a header. Clinton is correct that nothing in her email had a header signifying its classification status. Three email chains had a "(C)" indicating "confidential" information inside the email, but that is not enough to consider the emails properly marked classified.

You sound gay.

LOL. Thanks. The first time you tossed out the word "simp" could have been anything but I looked it up anyway.

That act alone says there's twenty years between us since it's not a word from my generation or even among normal, middle class, straight white males.

For atheist anarchist incels like yourself it's considered an insult to another male. The term in my generation is Male Chauvinist. The "pig" was optional.

For you, a strongly homophobic latent homosexual who is an incel simply because he can't come out of the closet, I suspect "simp" is like calling a woman a cunt. For me it only rhymes with chimp...which reminds of Pilecki. Go figure.

I got the perfect word from our generation. But not used very often. It’s like the C word for women. Fire starter, when you really needed to make the point you would call them a faggot

You are just jealous because he can grow a beard, has teeth and intellect. I will not even get into forgot more ways of taking you down than you could ever watch on your video games.

He is not irretrievably lost yet. He’s polish and slow. But I’m working on him
