Your jealousy and choice of posts prove you're the beta, son. A sexually confused beta at that. Sad.
ok, simp.

Your jealousy and choice of posts prove you're the beta, son. A sexually confused beta at that. Sad.
I think we have something in common. We like to socialize with other men like Tongans. But after a couple beers someone always brings up some contention between Samoans and Tongans and it turns into bloodshed. Then on Monday it’s back to work and with dark glasses on we say hello and repeat the process the following weekend. Americans don’t know what they’re missing.
And if they do try to harm Americans their racist asses will get dead real quick
It will wake up a lot of republicans who have acted like drooling idiots believing only what fox says
It will not be so popular to express idiot racist memes
Fox has made it ok to brush off incidents of racism as not real
I swear people used to be less racist
Balkanization doesn't work.
Most Eastern Europeans know it too well.
Western Europeans seem a little slow though.
The situation in the current USA is way worse than Poland in the late 1930s into the mid 1940s.
When many ethnic groups in Polish territories butchered their Polish neighbors & vice versa.
Only this is far worse, because most ethnic Poles (Catholics) were united, unlike most White America today.
First blush I appreciated it, then thought for a few seconds.
The balkanization that failed in the east block is exogenous force screwing them. Russia and NATO pulling apart etc.
The USA is pretty isolated. If we amicably agreed, just for shits and giggles, to un-unify the more perfect union,
there is no Russia or anyone to do us ill. Basically, we need to scold our brat children and let them know how stupid they are,
how good they have it, and what idiots they've been. Reform school for Trumptards is fully warranted IMO
Lol, that’s funny, me at 30
Thanks my friend.You are still hot
No, you requested your account be closed. Did they ban you at the other site, again?Did Steven get banned or something? And who’s legion? You should know by now that I am way above those dumbasses pay grades. Cmon man. It’s me your talkin to. Grow ...pause... Up
No, you requested your account be closed. Did they ban you at the other site, again?
The only thing you are superior to is a fucking amoeba. But you do know what an ass is simply because you are all ass.
you moron that's called "High Side" at State Dept. She routinely used her server for Emails instead
At the State Department, the Pentagon and the White House, among other agencies, officials have two systems for email, one for classified messages and one for more routine business. They are nicknamed the “high side” and the “low side.”
Mrs. Clinton’s private server — set up in her home in Westchester County, N.Y. — was assumed to be even less secure than the State Department’s “low side,” although the unclassified servers at some government agencies have been hacked in recent years.
pure lies
you are beyond stoopid.. what part of "she routinely used her server for Emails instead" do you not understand??no, her "low side" was never used for classified emails, bitch. what part of that do you not understand? good god, read something.....
Our ruling
Clinton said, "Classified material has a header which says ‘top secret, secret, confidential.’ Nothing, and I will repeat this, and this is verified in the reports by the Department of Justice, none of the emails sent or received by me had such a header."
For information to be considered properly marked classified, it must contain a header. Clinton is correct that nothing in her email had a header signifying its classification status. Three email chains had a "(C)" indicating "confidential" information inside the email, but that is not enough to consider the emails properly marked classified.
on second thought, internet tough guy, stick to using other people's memes. you suck real bad when you try to write your own right wing bullshit.
ok, simp.
LOL. Thanks. The first time you tossed out the word "simp" could have been anything but I looked it up anyway.
That act alone says there's twenty years between us since it's not a word from my generation or even among normal, middle class, straight white males.
For atheist anarchist incels like yourself it's considered an insult to another male. The term in my generation is Male Chauvinist. The "pig" was optional.
For you, a strongly homophobic latent homosexual who is an incel simply because he can't come out of the closet, I suspect "simp" is like calling a woman a cunt. For me it only rhymes with chimp...which reminds of Pilecki. Go figure.
Is that you in your avatar?
What a geezer, chimp, simp, you are.
You are just jealous because he can grow a beard, has teeth and intellect. I will not even get into forgot more ways of taking you down than you could ever watch on your video games.
LOL. Thanks. The first time you tossed out the word "simp" could have been anything but I looked it up anyway.
That act alone says there's twenty years between us since it's not a word from my generation or even among normal, middle class, straight white males.
For atheist anarchist incels like yourself it's considered an insult to another male. The term in my generation is Male Chauvinist. The "pig" was optional.
For you, a strongly homophobic latent homosexual who is an incel simply because he can't come out of the closet, I suspect "simp" is like calling a woman a cunt. For me it only rhymes with chimp...which reminds of Pilecki. Go figure.
Did I hurt your boyfriend's feelings, Geezer Teaser?
He looks like Santa Claus.
I was going to ask if he wanted Milk & Cookies ,or the more practical route give him a cane, walker or wheel chair.
Yawn. I feel bad for you pudgy. To much junk food, not much intellect. Polish you poor bastard. As I said earlier that head of yours screams you got you ass kicked one to many times. Typical progressive. Thinks way to much about their actual capabilities.