civil war is inevitable

she had a special intranet connection for top secret and classified emails,.
you moron that's called "High Side" at State Dept. She routinely used her server for Emails instead
At the State Department, the Pentagon and the White House, among other agencies, officials have two systems for email, one for classified messages and one for more routine business. They are nicknamed the “high side” and the “low side.”

Mrs. Clinton’s private server — set up in her home in Westchester County, N.Y. — was assumed to be even less secure than the State Department’s “low side,” although the unclassified servers at some government agencies have been hacked in recent years.

instead of using her secure, intranet server that is used exclusively for those conversations,
pure lies
I agree entirely. If any of these keyboard pussy-men had any intention of engaging in a civil war they wouldn’t be advertising that intent on a public message board.

Cry-baby pussy-men in a circle jerk is about all this is.


And if they do try to harm Americans their racist asses will get dead real quick

It will wake up a lot of republicans who have acted like drooling idiots believing only what fox says

It will not be so popular to express idiot racist memes

Fox has made it ok to brush off incidents of racism as not real

I swear people used to be less racist
proof again you are among the most stoopid here.
witty? well, you are half-right.
Dutch Uncle is like a broken clock, defective, broken but mighty be correct twice daily.

LOL. You guys are sooooo cute together. Let's take a picture:

I'll take a whack at it, but first let me say that sex with crazy chicks is awesome. Just never, ever actually sleep with them. Let them go to sleep then quietly make a run for it.

Having been with several crazy chicks, even married one once, it seems she's saying this:

Your view of reality is distorted by your narrow views.

Do you feel good when people are kind to one another? Do you think they are foolish to be kind to each other? Do you think kindness can be sincere or that it's always a trick, a ploy?

"Kindness is real, Billy".

She thinks you hate and don't treat anyone kindly because you've been hurt in the past and refuse to see the world in a more joyous and kindly manner.

If I win, please donate the money to JPP in my name. TIA

what do you think?

you're from the "we're all vicious apes" school.

and crazy chicks will ruin you, dummy.

pua v. mgtow
she had a special intranet connection for top secret and classified emails, stupid shit. <Silly Rant Snipped>.

ROFL No, she didn't, son. She had her own private server. There was no second system. Hillary was paranoid about official documents being used against her. She helped write the rules on them post-Nixon and she experienced it when Bill was President.

Her paranoia led her to never set up her government email and she exclusively used her private system. It made her a fat, juicy target for all hostile, and some not-so-hostile, intelligence services.
The Dutch Uncle cries in pain as he strikes you.

Modified Polish proverb.

I think we have something in common. We like to socialize with other men like Tongans. But after a couple beers someone always brings up some contention between Samoans and Tongans and it turns into bloodshed. Then on Monday it’s back to work and with dark glasses on we say hello and repeat the process the following weekend. Americans don’t know what they’re missing.

I think we have something in common. We like to socialize with other men like Tongans. But after a couple beers someone always brings up some contention between Samoans and Tongans and it turns into bloodshed. Then on Monday it’s back to work and with dark glasses on we say hello and repeat the process the following weekend. Americans don’t know what they’re missing.

Such a rich fantasy life. What character will you play next?

I think you forgot about Donnie hiding his taxes from court like his life depends on it

Oh and there is that little thing about presidents not being indicted

That is why trump is soooo desperate to remain president

He knows it means prison for his ass if he’s not president

Didn't forget. He was afraid that if his taxes got out that he'd lose the election, not go to jail. Again, what they'd reveal is embarrassing, not necessarily too illegal.

Agreed, Trump is a needy little boy what wanted to stay President.
I think we have something in common. We like to socialize with other men like Tongans. But after a couple beers someone always brings up some contention between Samoans and Tongans and it turns into bloodshed. Then on Monday it’s back to work and with dark glasses on we say hello and repeat the process the following weekend. Americans don’t know what they’re missing.


will alien oppression unite us?

project bluebeam