$100 to anyone here, ANYONE, who can tell me what the fuck this is supposed to mean.
$100 to anyone here, ANYONE, who can tell me what the fuck this is supposed to mean.
Where is it ass crack
ROFL.fuck you, chickenshit!! resorting to google represses right wing bullshit...good god, you are a silly ass bitch!! read the links, shitstain, if you can read.
Thanks for confessing you don't know if Hillary was hacked or not. That's my point.
IF she was hacked. Absences of evidence is not evidence of absence.
I'm certain she was hacked since she'd be a prime target for the FSB as the Secretary of State who exclusively used and passed classified material through an unsecure private server. The ongoing issues of the day included Syria, Libya and Iran. Russia would certainly be very interested in knowing what the Americans were thinking regarding those issues.
For all we know, it was by hacking Hillary's email that the Russians learned the US was transferring arms collected in Libya and shipping them from Benghazi to anti-Assad forces in Syria. Slipping that intel to Libyan Jihadist rebels would be a twofer for the Russians.
I'll take a whack at it, but first let me say that sex with crazy chicks is awesome. Just never, ever actually sleep with them. Let them go to sleep then quietly make a run for it.You are making things fit the reality you have been stuck in
When you look at people being kind to each other how does it make you feel?
Do you see them as fools?
Do you see them as playing each other for some gain
Do you wish it was you?
Kindness is real billy
You have just closed that door due to the pain the world has served you up in your life
You could experience joy in your life
It’s real billy
$100 to anyone here, ANYONE, who can tell me what the fuck this is supposed to mean.
There were never any goods on hillary, fool. good god. her server was never hacked, it was podesta's. and the most damaging thing was two democratic operatives insulting another democrat or a republican or something, nothing at all damning...IF YOU BELIEVE WIKI POSTED "GOODS" ON HILLARY, GIVE A LINK TO IT.
proof again you are among the most stoopid here.
assange said it was seth rich.
Dutch Boy was pretty stupid letting me decide the most intelligent & insane posters.
The guy might have cute intentions at times.
Not much in the form of brain power.
He calls half the Forum as Legion.
Does he think that's sane, and intelligent?
$100 to anyone here, ANYONE, who can tell me what the fuck this is supposed to mean.
There will be no civil war. People masturbating at their keyboards discussing it does not a civil war make.![]()
Thanks for confessing you don't know if Hillary was hacked or not. That's my point.
IF she was hacked. Absences of evidence is not evidence of absence.
I'm certain she was hacked since she'd be a prime target for the FSB as the Secretary of State who exclusively used and passed classified material through an unsecure private server. The ongoing issues of the day included Syria, Libya and Iran. Russia would certainly be very interested in knowing what the Americans were thinking regarding those issues.
For all we know, it was by hacking Hillary's email that the Russians learned the US was transferring arms collected in Libya and shipping them from Benghazi to anti-Assad forces in Syria. Slipping that intel to Libyan Jihadist rebels would be a twofer for the Russians.
I'll take a whack at it, but first let me say that sex with crazy chicks is awesome. Just never, ever actually sleep with them. Let them go to sleep then quietly make a run for it.
Having been with several crazy chicks, even married one once, it seems she's saying this:
Your view of reality is distorted by your narrow views.
Do you feel good when people are kind to one another? Do you think they are foolish to be kind to each other? Do you think kindness can be sincere or that it's always a trick, a ploy?
"Kindness is real, Billy".
She thinks you hate and don't treat anyone kindly because you've been hurt in the past and refuse to see the world in a more joyous and kindly manner.
If I win, please donate the money to JPP in my name. TIA
Not necessarily. Blackmail is an option. A better option was to disgrace her and the DNC so that Trump would win by default.Dear fucking idiot
If there were goods on Hilary Putin would have blackmailed HER
There was none
He did not find blackmail material
He did find material to blackmail a huge pack of republicans
So he blackmailed them
Putin would have blackmailed both parties if he had found something
That would have made him massively powerful huh
Stop being stupid
Fuck you very much
you seem to be an expert on being a limp wristed pussyboy talking out his ass, bitch., and a racist pig, to boot, if i had boots on. if I want any shit out of you I will squeeze it out the top of your head.
At least half of the current military personnel don't support Trump.
There is a reason crazy chicks give you sex
Sane women see you for you are from a mile away
I agree entirely. If any of these keyboard pussy-men had any intention of engaging in a civil war they wouldn’t be advertising that intent on a public message board.
Cry-baby pussy-men in a circle jerk is about all this is.
translation- i must post somebody else's dumbass meme because i am too stupid to use my own words after getting my ass kicked on the internet by my superiors.
Dont fight it billy
You will gain so much