civil war is inevitable

Prove Hillary's unsecure private server was never hacked. I'll wait.

Dear fucking idiot

If there were goods on Hilary Putin would have blackmailed HER

There was none

He did not find blackmail material

He did find material to blackmail a huge pack of republicans

So he blackmailed them

Putin would have blackmailed both parties if he had found something

That would have made him massively powerful huh

Stop being stupid

Fuck you very much
pretty sure it was hacked. there were periods it had no anti-malware protection

we also know she used her unsecure Blackberry to access her Email. a violation at State (Mahogany Row)
and on her way to declare 'victory' in Libya" -another of her fiascos
You mean the police the far left wants to defund and the military the far left loves to spit upon? Those are your saviors? LOL

The fear, of course, is that the police and the military would follow the Republican party. Yes, that'd be completely illegal. As illegal as Lincoln ordering the Union Army to invade Virginia because of something South Carolina did.

what a fucking liar you are. only a few democrats really mean DEFUND THE POLICE, not reform the police and change some of the duties they have now, like dealing with mentally ill people and minors in school, and defunding spending so much dough on bullshit tanks and armored personnel carriers. get it, stupid? and only a few spit on the military, bitch, and they were not democrats any more than looters and arsonists are, asshole. democrats spend more on veteran benefits, they try harder to keep soldiers out of senseless, stupid fuck ground wars, and care more about soldiers than republicans, by many times. so fuck you, lying bitch.
Quote Originally Posted by Dutch Uncle View Post
This election is scaring the shit out of all the far Lefties for several reasons. Besides the obvious reasons, the smarter Lefties are now realizing their calls for gun bans and eliminating the Electoral College (a buffer to prevent tyranny) wasn't as smart as they first thought.

bullshit. total bullshit. if the police and the military cannot stop a few dumbass gun nut trump stooges if they get out of line, then what chance do we have as ordinary citizens? to think these chickenshit right wingers would actually put their sorry lives on the line if push came to shove proves you are about as stupid and senseless as they are. no democrat of any import has called for a ban on all guns, only dickheaded crybaby gun nuts spew that shit. but of course assault weapons and high capacity clips should be, and there should be universal background checks and sensible limits on all numbers of guns and ammo bought per year. a bunch of beer bellied clowns with assault weapons are supposed to be able to stop bad guys who our police and military cannot handle?

the electoral college did not make very much sense in pioneer days, it makes none at all now. when the electoral college works right, it reflects the will of the people, as expressed in the popular vote. when it does not, it results in the loser of the popular vote becoming president- like gomer bush, who started the iraq war on lies, authorized torture of prisoners in our custody and oversaw the second worst economic meltdown in our history, the Bush Recession, and then Trump, the most god awful piece of shit PERSON ever elected AND the worst piece of shit president in every other way.....

Prove Hillary's unsecure private server was never hacked. I'll wait.

FBI: No evidence Clinton server hacked despite Trump › FBI:-No-evidence-Clinton-server-hacked...
Aug 29, 2018 — WASHINGTON (AP) — The FBI said Wednesday that it has no evidence Hillary Clinton's private email server was compromised even though ...

DOJ watchdog slams Comey for claiming Clinton's server › story › 2018/06/14 › doj-watchdo...
Jun 14, 2018 — Former FBI Director James Comey should not have suggested that hackers could have compromised Hillary Clinton's private email server, the ...

Senate investigators find no evidence China hacked Clinton › hillary-clinton-china-emails-probe
Aug 16, 2019 — A long-running Republican-led investigation into the handling of classified information on Hillary Clinton's private email server did not find any ...
Help with what? You aren't "being kind" you're being fake magnanimous, concern trolling.

You are making things fit the reality you have been stuck in

When you look at people being kind to each other how does it make you feel?

Do you see them as fools?

Do you see them as playing each other for some gain

Do you wish it was you?

Kindness is real billy

You have just closed that door due to the pain the world has served you up in your life

You could experience joy in your life

It’s real billy
Imagine actually loving life

Loving and trusting another human

It can be your reality

It’s within your grasp

What the fuck does this even mean? Are you just reading fortune cookies and then typing what they say?

Did Boomers get exponentially dumber in the last month, to where they can't even have a functional conversation? What the fuck is wrong with your geriatric brains?
FBI: No evidence Clinton server hacked despite Trump › FBI:-No-evidence-Clinton-server-hacked...
Aug 29, 2018 — WASHINGTON (AP) — The FBI said Wednesday that it has no evidence Hillary Clinton's private email server was compromised even though ...

DOJ watchdog slams Comey for claiming Clinton's server › story › 2018/06/14 › doj-watchdo...
Jun 14, 2018 — Former FBI Director James Comey should not have suggested that hackers could have compromised Hillary Clinton's private email server, the ...

Senate investigators find no evidence China hacked Clinton › hillary-clinton-china-emails-probe
Aug 16, 2019 — A long-running Republican-led investigation into the handling of classified information on Hillary Clinton's private email server did not find any ...
dont try to pass off that horseshit as an answer.
Google is notorious for surpressing search results not approved by Dems -
and quoting the fucking FBI of Russian Hoax infamy is laughable!

either answer my points or pound sand
Only a few -sure about that? why are ANY up for defunding?

Have you seen the crime rising in NYC /Minn /Portland?
WTF is wrong with Dems?

it is rising because of economic downturns, but not anywhere back to where it was when reagan and bush were president, stupid fuck. you complain about 20 more murders each weekend in a few cities, when, thanks to trump's incompetence and lies, about 2500 americans die EACH FUCKING DAY FROM COVID, ASSHOLE. suck on that, bitch.
You are making things fit the reality you have been stuck in

When you look at people being kind to each other how does it make you feel?

Do you see them as fools?

Do you see them as playing each other for some gain

Do you wish it was you?

Kindness is real billy

You have just closed that door due to the pain the world has served you up in your life

You could experience joy in your life

It’s real billy

$100 to anyone here, ANYONE, who can tell me what the fuck this is supposed to mean.

Thanks for confessing you don't know if Hillary was hacked or not. That's my point.

IF she was hacked. Absences of evidence is not evidence of absence.

I'm certain she was hacked since she'd be a prime target for the FSB as the Secretary of State who exclusively used and passed classified material through an unsecure private server. The ongoing issues of the day included Syria, Libya and Iran. Russia would certainly be very interested in knowing what the Americans were thinking regarding those issues.

For all we know, it was by hacking Hillary's email that the Russians learned the US was transferring arms collected in Libya and shipping them from Benghazi to anti-Assad forces in Syria. Slipping that intel to Libyan Jihadist rebels would be a twofer for the Russians.
dont try to pass off that horseshit as an answer.
Google is notorious for surpressing search results not approved by Dems -
and quoting the fucking FBI of Russian Hoax infamy is laughable!

either answer my points or pound sand

fuck you, chickenshit!! resorting to google represses right wing bullshit...good god, you are a silly ass bitch!! read the links, shitstain, if you can read.
Only a few -sure about that? why are ANY up for defunding?

Have you seen the crime rising in NYC /Minn /Portland?
WTF is wrong with Dems?

Did you ever read the ideas that shitty label was designed around?

It was the worlds dumbest fucking label ever dreamed up

Like I have already said

They might as well have labeled it dead babies