Matt Dillon
Semolina comes from wheat
I hope the FBI arrests these homegrown terrorists. They should.
Fuck off, homegrown commie!
I hope the FBI arrests these homegrown terrorists. They should.
yeah but the visuals are great
Which commies are you going to kill first and when?
The 1st ones that mess with me. It will be a massacre.
Soooo, any kid that's selling band candy is dead motherfucker? Everyone knows that band candy is a commie conspiracy just like children's fluoridated ice cream.
Now you know it's not like that..
Then 'splain it to me, Lucy.
We have the guns, and the bullets, and are locked and loaded and tired of the bullshit.
''Splained ;nuff?
The problem is no longer who was legitimately elected President of the United States, but how long can the civil war be postponed? Far from being a fight between a narcissistic TV presenter and a senile old man, the country is being torn apart over a fundamental cultural issue that has been smouldering since its inception.
Here we are: the disaster that has been predictable for the past 30 years is looming. The United States is heading inexorably toward secession and civil war.
Since the demise of the USSR, the “American Empire” no longer had an existential enemy and therefore no reason to exist. The attempt by George H. Bush (the father) and Bill Clinton to give the country a new life with the globalization of trade has destroyed the middle classes in the USA and in almost all of the West. The attempt of George W. Bush (son) and Barack Obama to organize the world around a new form of capitalism – financial this time – has been bogged down in the sands of Syria.
It is too late to turn the tide. Donald Trump’s attempt to abandon the American Empire and refocus the country’s efforts on its domestic prosperity has been sabotaged by the elites acquired to the puritanical ideology of the “Pilgrim Fathers”. As a result, the moment so feared by Richard Nixon and his election adviser Kevin Philipps has arrived: the United States is on the brink of secession and civil war.
Break It Up: Secession... Kreitner, Richard Best Price: $20.11 Buy New $18.72 (as of 04:28 EDT - Details)
What I am writing is not a fantasy, but the analysis of many observers in the United States and around the world. For example, the Wisconsin Supreme Court has just declared Donald Trump’s election fraud appeal inadmissible, not on legal grounds, but because “it would open Pandora’s box.
In fact, contrary to the misrepresentation of events that dominates the international press, either the outgoing president’s appeals are judged in law and he is obviously right, or they are judged in politics and proving him right will provoke civil war. But the conflict is already too far advanced. Judging him politically in defiance of the law will also provoke civil war.
According to the temperatures at JPAC and Tripler, military dictatorship is viable option.
I am ready, and have been for decades, and I am not inbred, boy.
I will ventilate your cranium, you piece of shit!
I'm from a line of real Americans, bitch.
People that made this country what it is.
I'm not falling for the bullshit.
We have the guns, and the bullets, and are locked and loaded and tired of the bullshit.
''Splained ;nuff?
You can "LoL" all the way til your cranium get cleaned out, you piece of shit!
ANTIFA has nothing on real Americans.
Fuck off, homegrown commie!
you arent a real American you are just a sad pitiful mental case
Partial agreement; I think he's a real American but definitely a sad pitiful mental case as proved by his bet loss to me and his behavior today, the first day off aTempBantwo-week vacation (Wolverine).
I think you are conflating being an American with mental illness.
No sources to back it up obviously. So what makes you think that or do your claim to have tRump loving ass kisser psychic abilities as a ignoramuses at not realizing tRump and his goons have engaged in a civil and uncivil war against humanity over the last deplorables years since this 45 tyrant was lawlessly hacked in there along with his sewer mob in violation of U.S. Constitutional law. What President Nixon did is something that happened decades ago that has no relation with a fake president, criminal against humanity and un American tRump insurgency. Also unlike tRump, President Nixon was a legitimately elected POTUS who was also no Russian puppet either, regardless of his faults that would make him look like a saint compared to that dog turd of a fake president tRump.