civil war is inevitable

[h=1]Schumer calls for 25th Amendment to be invoked after Capitol riots[/h]

That would be awesome if they did it but I doubt they will. The Republicans are running for cover, but I doubt they have the spine to use the 25th Amendment. Hopefully I'm wrong.
Not tonight,...but tomorrow because I have to leave shortly,...I will send you a PM. Quick teaser......I met someone back in 2012 basically by pure chance and we hit it off. What I found out changed how I thought about things forever. He is way up the chain, WAY UP the chain of command. Cant stress that enuff. What you are saying is VERY believable based on what he told me back then even. Things are very close to going over the edge ...........

Are you going to DC to join the Civil War?....or just hiding out until it all blows over?
It amuses me to think that right wing extremist militias believe in their fava bean sized brains that they can take on and defeat the military of the United States.

Do they believe that the red state military installations will fight on their side?

Last time I looked, the major military academies are in New York, Maryland, and Colorado--all blue states.

That's who leads the military, even in red neck bastions like Fort Benning (Oh wait...Georgia has gone blue as well!!!!)

Civil war? OK, chief. Create an excuse to eradicate trumpanzees once and for all.
It amuses me to think that right wing extremist militias believe in their fava bean sized brains that they can take on and defeat the military of the United States.

Do they believe that the red state military installations will fight on their side?

Last time I looked, the major military academies are in New York, Maryland, and Colorado--all blue states.

That's who leads the military, even in red neck bastions like Fort Benning (Oh wait...Georgia has gone blue as well!!!!)

Civil war? OK, chief. Create an excuse to eradicate trumpanzees once and for all.

There won't be a civil war. A few hundred idiots guilty of the deaths of four Americans will be handled in criminal court.
There won't be a civil war. A few hundred idiots guilty of the deaths of four Americans will be handled in criminal court.

That's what I figured too. Of course, three of the four dead were trumpanzees who had heart attacks (too many trips to Bojangle's). The fourth, also a trumpanzee, got shot by a cop.
The guilt is for criminal insurgency, not the deaths of those four.
[h=1]Schumer calls for 25th Amendment to be invoked after Capitol riots[/h]
That's what I figured too. Of course, three of the four dead were trumpanzees who had heart attacks (too many trips to Bojangle's). The fourth, also a trumpanzee, got shot by a cop.
The guilt is for criminal insurgency, not the deaths of those four.

It doesn't matter. If a person/persons is engaged in a crime that results in a death, they can be charged with the death. Not a lawyer, but JPP has a couple. Maybe they know.
[h=1]Schumer calls for 25th Amendment to be invoked after Capitol riots[/h]

It won't happen unless Trump goes postal or starts babbling full bat shit crazy stuff or running around in his shorts. Nice thought, though. The rats that supported Dump these 4 years are all acting as if butter wouldn't melt in their mouths with all their condemnations and platitudes. Hopefully in 2022, they will get theirs at the ballot box.
It amuses me to think that right wing extremist militias believe in their fava bean sized brains that they can take on and defeat the military of the United States.

Do they believe that the red state military installations will fight on their side?

Last time I looked, the major military academies are in New York, Maryland, and Colorado--all blue states.

That's who leads the military, even in red neck bastions like Fort Benning (Oh wait...Georgia has gone blue as well!!!!)

Civil war? OK, chief. Create an excuse to eradicate trumpanzees once and for all.

I don't know why everyone is so shocked and hand wringing....this crap has been coming for a LONG time, starting with Ronnie Raygun. But hey, if these yahoos want to try a live version of the Turner Diaries, have at it. Like the old saying goes, "be careful what you wish for".
2 weeks left. Congress can't figure out what kind of bread they want for their cucumber finger sandwiches within 2 weeks.

Yeah Matthew.....that's it. :rolleyes:

Funny how the Confederate flag always seems to be flown by the likes of the jokers who stormed the Capitol. Hope it gives them comfort when they go to jail.
Yeah Matthew.....that's it. :rolleyes:

Funny how the Confederate flag always seems to be flown by the likes of the jokers who stormed the Capitol. Hope it gives them comfort when they go to jail.

There were a lot more Trump flags than anything else.
Yeah Matthew.....that's it. :rolleyes:

Funny how the Confederate flag always seems to be flown by the likes of the jokers who stormed the Capitol. Hope it gives them comfort when they go to jail.

The Civil War has been over and people reconciled from 1865 until your dumbass was indoctrinated.

How's about we rectify your existence, you piece of shit?!

What exactly do you provide to society?
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Yeah Matthew.....that's it.

Funny how the Confederate flag always seems to be flown by the likes of the jokers who stormed the Capitol. Hope it gives them comfort when they go to jail.

There were a lot more Trump flags than anything else.

And your point?

Man, you must look like a human pretzel when you type this stuff, Dutch. The following won't help your condition:

Several groups of extremists stormed the Capitol on Wednesday. Here are some of the most notable individuals, symbols, and groups.