civil war is inevitable

Quote Originally Posted by blackascoal View Post
This IS your “civil war” It lasted two hours and ended in humiliating defeat, with scores of your troops headed to jail and your leader leaving in disgrace before he heads to jail. The blue team has taken Georgia and Mississippi has changed their flag dumping the confederate battle flag for a magnolia tree.

Republicans are desperately trying just to stay relevant and turning on each other.

This is your civil war and the gray team is losing badly ... again.

I see you're still a delusional idiot who believes himself better than anyone else, no matter how wrong you've been shown you are on a daily basis

And yet you can't logically or factually fault/disprove one thing he said. You're just another armchair oather/threeper/neocon/teabagger/alt right BS artist, because we all know damned well your ass wasn't in DC on Jan. 6th. Seems the idea of doing federal time for insurrection, much less being under suspicion for any connection to that incident, caused you to change your avatar as well. You're a joke.
And yet you can't logically or factually fault/disprove one thing he said. You're just another armchair oather/threeper/neocon/teabagger/alt right BS artist, because we all know damned well your ass wasn't in DC on Jan. 6th. Seems the idea of doing federal time for insurrection, much less being under suspicion for any connection to that incident, caused you to change your avatar as well. You're a joke.

you seem to like jumping to as many moronic conclusions as he does...........but whatever you idiot leftists need to feel better about your lack or principles.......
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
And yet you can't logically or factually fault/disprove one thing he said. You're just another armchair oather/threeper/neocon/teabagger/alt right BS artist, because we all know damned well your ass wasn't in DC on Jan. 6th. Seems the idea of doing federal time for insurrection, much less being under suspicion for any connection to that incident, caused you to change your avatar as well. You're a joke.

you seem to like jumping to as many moronic conclusions as he does...........but whatever you idiot leftists need to feel better about your lack or principles.......

translation: STY is too much of an intellectual coward to deal with the FACT that he couldn't logically or factually disprove or fault BAC's post, so he bluffs. Also, the little coward wlll tell all types of tales as to why he suddently changes his proud Oather/Threeper avatar after Jan. 6th.

Keep 'em coming,'re an entertainment, pathetic soul that you are.
translation: STY is too much of an intellectual coward to deal with the FACT that he couldn't logically or factually disprove or fault BAC's post, so he bluffs. Also, the little coward wlll tell all types of tales as to why he suddently changes his proud Oather/Threeper avatar after Jan. 6th.

Keep 'em coming,'re an entertainment, pathetic soul that you are.

your translator is broken....................hell, you're broken.
Liber-fartface-tarians have been calling for Civil war since the 50's.

Ain't gonna happen.

Who was it that said the sky was falling- CHICKEN LITTLE? LOL!
I see you're still a delusional idiot who believes himself better than anyone else, no matter how wrong you've been shown you are on a daily basis

Excellent OP, & yes, civil war - which the fascist/terrorist Democrat Party declared in November of 2016 - is already underway.

The problem is no longer who was legitimately elected President of the United States, but how long can the civil war be postponed? Far from being a fight between a narcissistic TV presenter and a senile old man, the country is being torn apart over a fundamental cultural issue that has been smouldering since its inception.

Here we are: the disaster that has been predictable for the past 30 years is looming. The United States is heading inexorably toward secession and civil war.

Since the demise of the USSR, the “American Empire” no longer had an existential enemy and therefore no reason to exist. The attempt by George H. Bush (the father) and Bill Clinton to give the country a new life with the globalization of trade has destroyed the middle classes in the USA and in almost all of the West. The attempt of George W. Bush (son) and Barack Obama to organize the world around a new form of capitalism – financial this time – has been bogged down in the sands of Syria.

It is too late to turn the tide. Donald Trump’s attempt to abandon the American Empire and refocus the country’s efforts on its domestic prosperity has been sabotaged by the elites acquired to the puritanical ideology of the “Pilgrim Fathers”. As a result, the moment so feared by Richard Nixon and his election adviser Kevin Philipps has arrived: the United States is on the brink of secession and civil war.
Break It Up: Secession... Kreitner, Richard Best Price: $20.11 Buy New $18.72 (as of 04:28 EDT - Details)

What I am writing is not a fantasy, but the analysis of many observers in the United States and around the world. For example, the Wisconsin Supreme Court has just declared Donald Trump’s election fraud appeal inadmissible, not on legal grounds, but because “it would open Pandora’s box.

In fact, contrary to the misrepresentation of events that dominates the international press, either the outgoing president’s appeals are judged in law and he is obviously right, or they are judged in politics and proving him right will provoke civil war. But the conflict is already too far advanced. Judging him politically in defiance of the law will also provoke civil war.

So I suppose that failed coup attempt on January 6th among tRump and his sewer scheming repuke creatures inciting insurrection and attacking the 2020 electoral process was just a day of peace, joy and love with everyone in a civilized euphoria of harmony. Get real and cut the trolling bull crap with your dumb source of fiction.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
translation: STY is too much of an intellectual coward to deal with the FACT that he couldn't logically or factually disprove or fault BAC's post, so he bluffs. Also, the little coward wlll tell all types of tales as to why he suddently changes his proud Oather/Threeper avatar after Jan. 6th.

Keep 'em coming,'re an entertainment, pathetic soul that you are.

your translator is broken....................hell, you're broken.

Oh, what a scintillating retort! How ever shall I stand the strain! :rolleyes:

Tell it to the mirror, you pathetic right wing rummy...that's the only person who's buying your BS today!
So I suppose that failed coup attempt on January 6th among tRump and his sewer scheming repuke creatures inciting insurrection and attacking the 2020 electoral process was just a day of peace, joy and love with everyone in a civilized euphoria of harmony. Get real and cut the trolling bull crap with your dumb source of fiction.

That was a drop in the bucket compared to the next thing they do that pisses off most of America and there be real backlash.
Millions of people motivated to stop the madness.
So I suppose that failed coup attempt on January 6th among tRump and his sewer scheming repuke creatures inciting insurrection and attacking the 2020 electoral process was just a day of peace, joy and love with everyone in a civilized euphoria of harmony. Get real and cut the trolling bull crap with your dumb source of fiction.

That was a "Stop the Steal" Twitter thread/protest that turned into a mob.

That's a small percentage of all people generally pissed off at the theft of the election (and yes, it was theft) and policies detrimental to America happening.
This IS your “civil war” It lasted two hours and ended in humiliating defeat, with scores of your troops headed to jail and your leader leaving in disgrace before he heads to jail. The blue team has taken Georgia and Mississippi has changed their flag dumping the confederate battle flag for a magnolia tree.

Republicans are desperately trying just to stay relevant and turning on each other.

This is your civil war and the gray team is losing badly ... again.
I see you're still a delusional idiot who believes himself better than anyone else, no matter how wrong you've been shown you are on a daily basis

Translation: You are correct, Blackascoal! It was utter defeat and Trump threw everyone under the bus the same fucking day!

Life can be a bitch when the meth wears off.

That was a "Stop the Steal" Twitter thread/protest that turned into a mob.

That's a small percentage of all people generally pissed off at the theft of the election (and yes, it was theft) and policies detrimental to America happening.

Soooo Trump was correct to throw them to the wolves, right? Why do you think so many Trumpers are supporting the Insurrectionists?

Soooo Trump was correct to throw them to the wolves, right? Why do you think so many Trumpers are supporting the Insurrectionists?


It was a rally that got out of hand, you fucking DoucheLord Extraordinaire!

You better be thinking about it as a microcosm of "If rightists were to go all ANTIFA" and shit.

That was a miniscule percentage of everybody pissed off about the election theft and ready to do things.
Those people went about it the wrong way. There's other ways to effect change.
Ways that don't involve busting into the Capitol building thinking coward crooks that are supposed to represent you are going to hear your grievances when they're not.

You know what though? All those crooks shat their pants that day, LOL!

And any one of them that certified that election signed off to the end of fair elections in America.
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That was a "Stop the Steal" Twitter thread/protest that turned into a mob.

That's a small percentage of all people generally pissed off at the theft of the election (and yes, it was theft) and policies detrimental to America happening.

It was an attempted steal of the election 1-6. Trump should be charged with that insurrection.