civil war is inevitable

The problem is no longer who was legitimately elected President of the United States, but how long can the civil war be postponed? Far from being a fight between a narcissistic TV presenter and a senile old man, the country is being torn apart over a fundamental cultural issue that has been smouldering since its inception.

Here we are: the disaster that has been predictable for the past 30 years is looming. The United States is heading inexorably toward secession and civil war.

Since the demise of the USSR, the “American Empire” no longer had an existential enemy and therefore no reason to exist. The attempt by George H. Bush (the father) and Bill Clinton to give the country a new life with the globalization of trade has destroyed the middle classes in the USA and in almost all of the West. The attempt of George W. Bush (son) and Barack Obama to organize the world around a new form of capitalism – financial this time – has been bogged down in the sands of Syria.

It is too late to turn the tide. Donald Trump’s attempt to abandon the American Empire and refocus the country’s efforts on its domestic prosperity has been sabotaged by the elites acquired to the puritanical ideology of the “Pilgrim Fathers”. As a result, the moment so feared by Richard Nixon and his election adviser Kevin Philipps has arrived: the United States is on the brink of secession and civil war.
Break It Up: Secession... Kreitner, Richard Best Price: $20.11 Buy New $18.72 (as of 04:28 EDT - Details)

What I am writing is not a fantasy, but the analysis of many observers in the United States and around the world. For example, the Wisconsin Supreme Court has just declared Donald Trump’s election fraud appeal inadmissible, not on legal grounds, but because “it would open Pandora’s box.

In fact, contrary to the misrepresentation of events that dominates the international press, either the outgoing president’s appeals are judged in law and he is obviously right, or they are judged in politics and proving him right will provoke civil war. But the conflict is already too far advanced. Judging him politically in defiance of the law will also provoke civil war.

bs as in fact free trolling bs. Actually didn't that civil war commenced on Jan 6 among a bunch of drunk, insane and stupid idiots among whom that Don the Con called stupid, uneducated and easy to manipulate and that are being run in now over a act of ignorance at going by a fake and twice impeached maniac tRump's directives, and to which many of these treasonous tRump kisser rebels have already met their Maker as a result in their defiance of the covid virus at taking them out?
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You cannot make the evidence go away by wishing, dude.

No shit, Sybil. If you were sane, you'd know all adults know this.

Among your many mental issues is obvious proof that you believe yourself to be the smartest person in the room. You are wrong. Clearly you are a victim of Schizoid Personality Disorder and I strongly doubt you have the keys to the outside of your own "home".
You cannot fix stupid. There was no cheating. When they are angry over propaganda and lies, it is harder to make peace.

Can't make peace with irrational people. The peaceful, lawful way to fix the problem is to take down their leaders through the rule of law.

The violent way is to shoot them down in the streets when they become violent.

The sad news is that, like rabid dogs, these psychos cannot be "fixed". They can only be stopped either with prison or killed as they are committing violent crimes.

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I have been seeing keyboard warriors predict an imminet civil war for the past 20 years.

At this point, I chalk it up to pent up Rambo fantasies
I have been seeing keyboard warriors predict an imminet civil war for the past 20 years.

At this point, I chalk it up to pent up Rambo fantasies

An expected result considering that the vast majority of them are elderly Euro-American male shut-ins, some living in memory care or other mental health facilities.
Can't make peace with irrational people. The peaceful, lawful way to fix the problem is to take down their leaders through the rule of law.

The violent way is to shoot them down in the streets when they become violent.

The sad news is that, like rabid dogs, these psychos cannot be "fixed". They can only be stopped either with prison or killed as they are committing violent crimes.


War mongering.

The problem is no longer who was legitimately elected President of the United States, but how long can the civil war be postponed? Far from being a fight between a narcissistic TV presenter and a senile old man, the country is being torn apart over a fundamental cultural issue that has been smouldering since its inception.

Here we are: the disaster that has been predictable for the past 30 years is looming. The United States is heading inexorably toward secession and civil war.

Since the demise of the USSR, the “American Empire” no longer had an existential enemy and therefore no reason to exist. The attempt by George H. Bush (the father) and Bill Clinton to give the country a new life with the globalization of trade has destroyed the middle classes in the USA and in almost all of the West. The attempt of George W. Bush (son) and Barack Obama to organize the world around a new form of capitalism – financial this time – has been bogged down in the sands of Syria.

It is too late to turn the tide. Donald Trump’s attempt to abandon the American Empire and refocus the country’s efforts on its domestic prosperity has been sabotaged by the elites acquired to the puritanical ideology of the “Pilgrim Fathers”. As a result, the moment so feared by Richard Nixon and his election adviser Kevin Philipps has arrived: the United States is on the brink of secession and civil war.
Break It Up: Secession... Kreitner, Richard Best Price: $20.11 Buy New $18.72 (as of 04:28 EDT - Details)

What I am writing is not a fantasy, but the analysis of many observers in the United States and around the world. For example, the Wisconsin Supreme Court has just declared Donald Trump’s election fraud appeal inadmissible, not on legal grounds, but because “it would open Pandora’s box.

In fact, contrary to the misrepresentation of events that dominates the international press, either the outgoing president’s appeals are judged in law and he is obviously right, or they are judged in politics and proving him right will provoke civil war. But the conflict is already too far advanced. Judging him politically in defiance of the law will also provoke civil war.

nothing is inevitable. this is ridiculous.

this is chicom divide and conquer propaganda.
"Since the demise of the USSR, the “American Empire” no longer had an existential enemy and therefore no reason to exist."

This is the premise of the argument for our looming demise. I assume it's been answered elsewhere in the 50 plus pages of this thread. Was worry about their existential enemy the reason for The Constitution? Not unless the Founders forgot they had just gotten rid of their existential enemy.
"Since the demise of the USSR, the “American Empire” no longer had an existential enemy and therefore no reason to exist."

This is the premise of the argument for our looming demise. I assume it's been answered elsewhere in the 50 plus pages of this thread. Was worry about their existential enemy the reason for The Constitution? Not unless the Founders forgot they had just gotten rid of their existential enemy.

yes. that premise is fucking ridiculous.

the only reason to exist is to be in opposition?

deep state pseudothinking.
"Since the demise of the USSR, the “American Empire” no longer had an existential enemy and therefore no reason to exist."

This is the premise of the argument for our looming demise. I assume it's been answered elsewhere in the 50 plus pages of this thread. Was worry about their existential enemy the reason for The Constitution? Not unless the Founders forgot they had just gotten rid of their existential enemy.

The article is a mishmash of paranoid anti-government delusions and truth. Gotta have a little truth to sell it to the idiots, right?

Yes, the US has been reinventing itself after the Cold War. It also reinvented itself both after Pearl Harbor and after WWII ended and the threat of Totalitarian Socialism emerged as a nuclear/biological/chemical threat.

The US reinvented itself, as you mentioned, after the Revolution and also after the Barbary Pirates, the Mexican-American War and, most notably, after the Civil War. It also reinvented itself post 60s/Vietnam.

It's one of the great things about America: our ability to evolve. To Adapt, Improvise and Overcome obstacles facing our nation. The main problem our nation is facing today isn't competition between choosing two paths to go forward, but competition between those who want to move forward and those who want to go backwards...apparently to a 1950s fantasy with Ward, June and Beaver Cleaver.

Since it's physically impossible to run back time, the conflict is doomed to failure for the Nostalgics. There will be violence, but no civil war. The terrorists will attack and Americans will die...then, like 9/11, the terrorists will die and peace will return to a wiser America.
A civil war this time would be a real civil war.
Not a war of separation but a war of BOTH sides trying to keep the whole thing.

All we really need is a partition, and that doesn't require a war.

The Soviet Union is now 15 different nations.
Yugoslavia is now six different nations.
Czechoslovakia is now two different nations. So are Ireland and Korea.

We fucking hate each other because we can't agree on laws and tax codes.
All we have to do is separate.
But to avoid civil war, we'll have to do it soon.

We're fucked as one united nation, and we screwed up very badly not letting the South secede in the 1860s.
We'd be in much better shape in the Blue States and they'd be taken over by Mexico by now.
Here's an experiment, the country agrees on paper to divide into red land and blue land.
Everyone is given 2 years to get their affairs in order and make a selection.
Everything west of the Mississippi river will be blue, east- Red. Citizenship would apply
the second the 2 years expires and you had to stay on your side of a giant Trumpy type wall.
Red can build and create whatever govt they want and blue theirs.

What would people do?
"Since the demise of the USSR, the “American Empire” no longer had an existential enemy and therefore no reason to exist."

This is the premise of the argument for our looming demise. I assume it's been answered elsewhere in the 50 plus pages of this thread. Was worry about their existential enemy the reason for The Constitution? Not unless the Founders forgot they had just gotten rid of their existential enemy.

yes. that premise is fucking ridiculous.

the only reason to exist is to be in opposition?

deep state pseudothinking.
The article is a mishmash of paranoid anti-government delusions and truth. Gotta have a little truth to sell it to the idiots, right?

Yes, the US has been reinventing itself after the Cold War. It also reinvented itself both after Pearl Harbor and after WWII ended and the threat of Totalitarian Socialism emerged as a nuclear/biological/chemical threat.

The US reinvented itself, as you mentioned, after the Revolution and also after the Barbary Pirates, the Mexican-American War and, most notably, after the Civil War. It also reinvented itself post 60s/Vietnam.

It's one of the great things about America: our ability to evolve. To Adapt, Improvise and Overcome obstacles facing our nation. The main problem our nation is facing today isn't competition between choosing two paths to go forward, but competition between those who want to move forward and those who want to go backwards...apparently to a 1950s fantasy with Ward, June and Beaver Cleaver.

Since it's physically impossible to run back time, the conflict is doomed to failure for the Nostalgics. There will be violence, but no civil war. The terrorists will attack and Americans will die...then, like 9/11, the terrorists will die and peace will return to a wiser America.

Well, we don't know what will happen. But I think we do know our "reason to exist" as the constitutional nation state we are. It isn't and never was to stave off a foreign "existential enemy", rather to prevent one from arising from within, just what faces us now as nearly half the country is under the spell of a would be dictator.