civil war is inevitable

They are 1) Pussies and 2) No match for the United States of America.

Agreed but with the clarification that it's the will of We, the People, that these terrorists can't beat. The dumb motherfuckers don't even know the difference between a terrorist and a freedom fighter, much less why the difference is important.
it's not the 'trumpers' you have to worry about, partisan hack

Who should he be worried about? The WSE terrorists?

They'll end up killing some nuns, kids or some other atrocity and the entire fucking dragon will wake up and stomp the WSEs so hard their parents will feel it....even if in the grave.

Who should he be worried about? The WSE terrorists?

They'll end up killing some nuns, kids or some other atrocity and the entire fucking dragon will wake up and stomp the WSEs so hard their parents will feel it....even if in the grave.


When you find yourself needing to resort to such ancient history for something that you claim is common now understand that I am laughing at you.
When you find yourself needing to resort to such ancient history for something that you claim is common now understand that I am laughing at you.
#10, put down your drink and pay attention: This thread goes back to before 1/6. Timothy McVeigh is a big hero of the OP.
Liberals are attacking conservatives and pushing for a civil war. If Liberals wanted peace, there would be peace. If the Conservatives wanted war, there wouldn’t be any Liberals.
Liberals are attacking conservatives and pushing for a civil war. If Liberals wanted peace, there would be peace. If the Conservatives wanted war, there wouldn’t be any Liberals.

The first problem with this argument is there aren't any conservatives, or what few survive aren't friends of yours.
The first problem with this argument is there aren't any conservatives, or what few survive aren't friends of yours.

Agreed. The Pedo Party ran off all the conservatives. The last big effort was the 2018 Midterms. Liz Cheney was one of the few survivors and now they've gotten rid of her too. Sad.

they dont realize that 538 vs 330,000,000 are daunting odds.
Dude, I hope you're just bullshitting and don't really believe what you just wrote.

Why did you support Trump's coup and the mass murder of Mike Pence and Democrats in Congress? Are you really so fucking stupid that you think 330M Americans support that too?