Civil War

One big beautiful bill is exactly how hundreds of billions went out in to the economy and you got $1200 from it........................

that's it. just $1200. where did the rest of that money go?
Good point, if you were actually making one that had anything to do with my opinions. But as usual, a comment from the drones veers off into la la land.
my idea is NOT do an omnibus bill.

I thought you own personal pictures were discouraged??

That idea, by the way, is a brilliant idea. I can tell you thought long and hard about it, and really you should be advising the president, or anyone in Power. Your insight would be so valuable you could name your price.
I thought you own personal pictures were discouraged??

That idea, by the way, is a brilliant idea. I can tell you thought long and hard about it, and really you should be advising the president, or anyone in Power. Your insight would be so valuable you could name your price.
its a bad idea. sorry.

I disagree.
Everything Trump and crew want, he's put together a brilliant economical team, and of course, he's no slouch either. (warning: libtard head's may be exploding) as well as, just about any and all non-economical ideas discussed during his campaign or on Agenda 47. I'd really like to see the 'American Academy' in the very first big bill. It would be a serious game changer. I was about to summarize, but anyone would be much better off going to and watch for yourselves. Then do your best to consider all of the different people in different walks of life it would help immensely. The relative cost is a spec of dust compared to the undeniable benefits. I would like to see the press pick it up and spread the word. An added benefit, when the libtards criticize the idea, it will help speed up their demise by another powerful demonstration of their gift for hypocrisy. Moving on, any and all items items you'll find on that website would be a good start.
The trouble is, Congress has a LOT of trouble getting ANY bill of ANY size passed. I understand your line of thinking, but it just isn't practical or even needed.

Trump can implement a lot of what needs to be done without Congress getting involved at all, such as securing the border (already the job of the President), negotiating with other nations to bring jobs to the United States (already a job of the President), and to adjust the leaders of his own cabinet (already the job of the President), and to enforce the law (already the job of the President).

Trump is also perfectly free to take his case to Congress for what they need to do, and he is very effective at it. He is good at, for example, getting Congress to zero in on a specific subject instead of some vague OBBB that could never get passed.

I should also point out that OBBB would not stop civil war, even if such a thing did get passed. The Church of Hate would only use such a bill to justify their war.
We really needed that comment because apparently you don't understand how Congress works.

... and we come full circle to the disastrously fatal flaw in your assertion stemming from your unfamiliarity with how Congress works. So why don't you just answer my fucking simple, easy, straightforward question instead of being a fucking intellectual coward who is so scared shitless of everyone finding out that he doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about that he flees to the hills at the first easy question that comes his way.

I'll be direct. Your assertion is stupid. It's based on the belief that the President is somehow also Congress and can just simply pass the legislation he wants via fiat. That is not how Congress works and you shouldn't need me to teach you this.

I'll give you a do-over. Could you try to just answer the question?

The misconceptions that you have already stated are exactly the reasons you should reconsider what you are blabbering.

EXACTLY! Break them into separate bills and pass almost all of them today rather than delay them all by bundling EVERYTHING into one bill that will be stalled.

This was unnecessary, dude. Cool your jets. He is simply proposing a theoretical bill to try to stop civil war. It wouldn't work, even if such a bill were to be put together, since the Church of Hate would only use it to justify their war.
There will not be a civil war. There will be whining, bitching and gnashing of teeth. There will be threats of violence.

But, in the end, no one will be willing to die for their side.
Admittedly, Democrats are cowards when push comes to shove, but civil war on some levels has already started. Democrats ARE willing to kill for their agenda.

And conservatives, no, they are not willing to die for their side any more than Democrats, but many have ALREADY served in the military. They ARE willing to fight for their side, to uphold the Constitution of the United States, and to put their lives on the line to do it.

There are also people willing to risk their own lives to defend themselves, their homes, their families, their property, etc.
one big bill is how the pork gets done.
Often true! However, that is not the kind of bill he is proposing. This is a theoretical bill...a thought experiment if you will, to try to stop civil war.
fuck your retarded idea.

this is a bad idea.
That was unnecessary. Insults have no place in a conversation like this. Mantra 1a. Argument of the Stone fallacy.

If you think it's a bad idea, describe WHY. Don't think insults are going to cut it.
what are all those trillions in military funding being spent on?
The military. So?
if we're not getting an empire I want my money back.
The United States is not an empire.

Indeed, when the U.S. military conquers a land, it was to remove an oppressive government and then they gave that land back to the people again, helping them to establish hopefully a republic of their own design.
The trouble is, Congress has a LOT of trouble getting ANY bill of ANY size passed. I understand your line of thinking, but it just isn't practical or even needed.
I see your point, but it might actually strengthens mine. I believe Trump has a good chance of including every important item in the OBBB. Why? Congress wouldn't dare to reject his very first bill after his historic win, especially when they've been brought along for the ride. I don't think any Agenda 47 item or other campaign promises in the bill would be unpopular enough to give any individual representative or senator cover to oppose it. Finally, the statement about having 'a LOT of trouble' points to one reason why he shouldn't risk not passing the second bill.

Trump can implement a lot of what needs to be done without Congress getting involved at all, such as securing the border (already the job of the President), negotiating with other nations to bring jobs to the United States (already a job of the President), and to adjust the leaders of his own cabinet (already the job of the President), and to enforce the law (already the job of the President).
True, and he should, but as you know, getting anything through Congress makes it much harder to reverse, and again, he'll never have as much political capital as he does right now. I think this is a sort of unique situation. In some ways, this is like Trump's first real go at it. Last time, he got a lot done but was on the defensive from day one, facing opposition from almost as many in his own party as from the entire liberal establishment and beyond. This time, it's completely different. He's already been building an enormous chest of political capital which he could, and I think should, use as much as possible to get this done. The way Congress works, with its many recesses and 'vacation time,' not to mention all the typical bills that have little to do with OBBB agenda, gives few opportunities for major legislation. Again, this doesn't need to have a bunch of controversial ideas. Agenda 47 works just fine.

Trump is also perfectly free to take his case to Congress for what they need to do, and he is very effective at it. He is good at, for example, getting Congress to zero in on a specific subject instead of some vague OBBB that could never get passed.
My idea may be vague, but the bill doesn't need to be. It won't need or have the usual 2000 pages of Democrat or Republican pork. In fact, I think that's one of the prerequisites for success; maybe I wasn't clear about that, but it's definitely a key part of the strategy. I know that typically big bills are loaded with contentious spending that starts the bickering, but these are not typical times, at least I hope they're not.
I should also point out that OBBB would not stop civil war, even if such a thing did get passed. The Church of Hate would only use such a bill to justify their war.
I think you made a comment suggesting we're already in a civil war, just not an armed one yet. If so, I'm not disagreeing, but I believe the armed part is a long way off, if it happens at all, especially if we have a nice long run of common sense government. After all that, the liberals still won't be able to handle weapons, and hopefully, their numbers will have dwindled significantly. lol
Dude, I read the first fucking part of your comment and I'm already done.
You were done when you made your suggestion without thinking it through.

Wow you are a complete fucking moron.
You certainly can be.

I know how a bill gets passed, you dimwit.
I wouldn't go that far.

I'm suggesting they go out and promote it,
You are suggesting they go out and push a stupid idea of bundling everything together. You were very clear.

The only fucking obstacle is the Senate,
There you go. You would risk the Senate jeopardizing everything as opposed to getting 98% passed today.

when the House passes a bill, and then the Senate passes it,
Nope. The Senate might not pass it. That's the problem with your ill-thought out plan. You're welcome.

At this point, I highly fucking doubt you had any clue how that's done,
I wasn't sure how CRAZY your deluded view was, but I think we have it straightened out now. We do have it straightened out, yes?

so go crawl back to your Jew-hating thread
Go back to your Arab-HATING rants and leave discussions about the US government to the adults who don't put much stock in anyone who cheers on a Nazi-style genocide with thunderous applause.

You're welcome.
Congress wouldn't dare to reject his very first bill after his historic win
They don't have to. They water down anything even remotely controversial and pass something nobody wants. Only Trump suffers because nobody ever blames Congress; they just blame the President for not delivering on his campaign promises.