The trouble is, Congress has a LOT of trouble getting ANY bill of ANY size passed. I understand your line of thinking, but it just isn't practical or even needed.
I see your point, but it might actually strengthens mine. I believe Trump has a good chance of including every important item in the OBBB. Why? Congress wouldn't dare to reject his very first bill after his historic win, especially when they've been brought along for the ride. I don't think any Agenda 47 item or other campaign promises in the bill would be unpopular enough to give any individual representative or senator cover to oppose it. Finally, the statement about having 'a LOT of trouble' points to one reason why he shouldn't risk not passing the second bill.
Trump can implement a lot of what needs to be done without Congress getting involved at all, such as securing the border (already the job of the President), negotiating with other nations to bring jobs to the United States (already a job of the President), and to adjust the leaders of his own cabinet (already the job of the President), and to enforce the law (already the job of the President).
True, and he should, but as you know, getting anything through Congress makes it much harder to reverse, and again, he'll never have as much political capital as he does right now. I think this is a sort of unique situation. In some ways, this is like Trump's first real go at it. Last time, he got a lot done but was on the defensive from day one, facing opposition from almost as many in his own party as from the entire liberal establishment and beyond. This time, it's completely different. He's already been building an enormous chest of political capital which he could, and I think should, use as much as possible to get this done. The way Congress works, with its many recesses and 'vacation time,' not to mention all the typical bills that have little to do with OBBB agenda, gives few opportunities for major legislation. Again, this doesn't need to have a bunch of controversial ideas. Agenda 47 works just fine.
Trump is also perfectly free to take his case to Congress for what they need to do, and he is very effective at it. He is good at, for example, getting Congress to zero in on a specific subject instead of some vague OBBB that could never get passed.
My idea may be vague, but the bill doesn't need to be. It won't need or have the usual 2000 pages of Democrat or Republican pork. In fact, I think that's one of the prerequisites for success; maybe I wasn't clear about that, but it's definitely a key part of the strategy. I know that typically big bills are loaded with contentious spending that starts the bickering, but these are not typical times, at least I hope they're not.
I should also point out that OBBB would not stop civil war, even if such a thing did get passed. The Church of Hate would only use such a bill to justify their war.
I think you made a comment suggesting we're already in a civil war, just not an armed one yet. If so, I'm not disagreeing, but I believe the armed part is a long way off, if it happens at all, especially if we have a nice long run of common sense government. After all that, the liberals still won't be able to handle weapons, and hopefully, their numbers will have dwindled significantly. lol