Clean and Jerk

Real men move their own stuff. Last weekend we hauled this from my valley home to my mountain cabin, built a crane and placed it onto the back deck. It weighs about 850# dry. Next weekend we'll hook it up.

Clean and jerk, is that what you will perform in this tub?
What could be more productive then teaching my son to be imaginative, self-sufficient and resourceful? He was so excited about the project that he invited a friend of his, who ended up to be a great help to us. They're both applying to engineering school at NC State.

Perhaps if you spent more time with your sons on project like this instead of sitting around eating donuts and watching others play football they wouldn't be so fat.
Good for you! Good for the son! He could be done in time to apply for the gas line???
Real men move their own stuff. Last weekend we hauled this from my valley home to my mountain cabin, built a crane and placed it onto the back deck. It weighs about 850# dry. Next weekend we'll hook it up.


Man was I off base! I thought this was a pitch for some kinda new buddy/cop show this fall!

I can see it now...

"He's a 14 year veteran of the force. Newly sober for the first time in those 14 years."

"He's a brash young rookie with a bad attitude and anger management issues."

Together they are going to clean up this city...

They are: "Clean & Jerk"