APP - Climate bill to cost families over $1700 a year

I am against cap and trade. I am for limiting carbon emissions.
And no way we move forward with energy will be cheap.
Of course it seems that if we stay on the same coal and oil track it will cost lots more as well.
you think healthcare got a fight. Tell people this bill based on liberal fantasy will make gas at least $5 gallon and you'll see a real fight.
does anyone here ever debate the costs of carbon plans? You guys laughed a few years ago when i said the climate crap was about taxes. Now here's the bill. Are you guys happy hurting working families that will NOT QUALIFY FOR YOUR SUBSIDIES FOR THE POOR?

You guys always seem to think people can get help if they can't afford your plans. You never talk about the sum.
No trade just cap.
A lot different thing.

Yes, so you'd have a convulted system in which you arbitrarily set caps for each and every industry. Which would cost much more while being quite a deal less fair.

I don't care what it costs. It has to be done. We need to put up carbon taxes and carbon taxes on imports.
If they do cap and trade it should be restricted to state boundaries. If if you trade it has to be from someone within your state. So poor states will not get crapped upon.
Yes, so you'd have a convulted system in which you arbitrarily set caps for each and every industry. Which would cost much more while being quite a deal less fair.

I don't care what it costs. It has to be done. We need to put up carbon taxes and carbon taxes on imports.

I bet you can't produce a cost benefit analysis to show any kind of gain from cap and trade. Even if we stopped half of our emissions, it wouldn't make a change worth the cost.

You guys are religious zealots. you don't require any proof to believe stuff. You are idiots
We need to mostly wean ourselves off of oil and coal for many reasons. Foreign dependence on oil and coal pollutes like crap. Fish caught in streams have enough mercury from coal burning that one is only supposed to eat one serving a week or so if you are healthy, if young or old once a month.

And anyway we go about changing our energy dependence will be expensive.

Ohh btw China will the the number on investor in green energy products within 3 years.
I bet you can't produce a cost benefit analysis to show any kind of gain from cap and trade. Even if we stopped half of our emissions, it wouldn't make a change worth the cost.

You guys are religious zealots. you don't require any proof to believe stuff. You are idiots

Hoaxers are the ones that both have no proof and refuse to accept any evidence.
You could simply lower income taxes by an amount averaging to 100 billion. You'll have a deficit hole after that, but if you want to raise taxes to cover it you should be honest about it. That's why I think a carbon tax system is, if anything, more honest. And the income can simply be used to lower general taxes by an amount roughly proportional to how hard the poor were hit by the tax.