Climate change follies: Score one for the good guys!

So, STFU because you're talking out your ass about something you know nothing about.

God you have no shame.

Every time you speak about technology (EV, Renewables, ICE, etc) you are "talking out of your ass about something you know nothing about" so you need to take your own advice and STFU.

Remember you are the guy who has declared that neither ICE manufacturers or Oil and Gas have ever received any form of govt subsidy when the facts are they are amongst the most subsidized industries in American history.
God you have no shame.

Every time you speak about technology (EV, Renewables, ICE, etc) you are "talking out of your ass about something you know nothing about" so you need to take your own advice and STFU.

Remember you are the guy who has declared that neither ICE manufacturers or Oil and Gas have ever received any form of govt subsidy when the facts are they are amongst the most subsidized industries in American history.

Your memory is bad. I said they got relatively little subsidy and proved it several times. The single most subsidized, and longest subsidized, industry in the US is agriculture.

Most of what is claimed as "subsidies" for energy are nothing more than standard accounting practices allowed by law. Those aren't subsidies.
Your memory is bad. I said they got relatively little subsidy and proved it several times. The single most subsidized, and longest subsidized, industry in the US is agriculture.

Most of what is claimed as "subsidies" for energy are nothing more than standard accounting practices allowed by law. Those aren't subsidies.


You absolutely claimed they received NO subsidies and never had and you proved nothing.

I pointed out the top of subsidy lists in the US are Agriculture and Oil and Gas. In the second tier are Big Auto and Airlines.

You are demonstrably wrong on all fronts and even now trying to change your position to 'they got relatively little subsidy' is still stupid and wrong when they are amongst the TOP subsidies industries in US and world history.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
In effect you just parrot some right wingnut "anti-gov't" BS to avoid the basic real life historical facts in order to maintain your "I'm right" comfort zone. Bottom line: you worship at the altar of private enterprise/profit, yet THE QUALITY OF LIFE YOU ENJOY IS A RESULT OF GOV'T OVER SIGHT AND ACCOUNTABILITY. When it fails, it's a disaster (case in point; Flint, Michigan). I gave you an example as to how just one bigoted individual can pioneer bad things for whole sections of honest, tax paying citizens. Look up the history of Levittown, NY for an example.

Now STFU with your authoritarian/psuedo-fascist clap trap (of which you are too ignorant...willful or realize).

Public water systems like that in Flint, and for that matter much of the Eastern US still have lead pipes because of government incompetence. In Flint, even as the water system--by the way the same thing happened in Tucson for the same reason--operators for the city fucked away a switch in water supply that resulted in a crud burst that wrecked many of the older piping systems in the city.

Interestingly, hydro-engineers, including the one I use in Tucson, TOLD the city that would happen when they switched and recommended a gradual change mixing supplies. The city didn't listen. In the Phoenix metro area there are numerous private companies that run water supply systems with no problems. The only on I know of that's bad was Johnson. They got smacked down hard for it too. But government systems? They can fuck up all they want and are unaccountable for all intents.

So, STFU because you're talking out your ass about something you know nothing about.

To your first and second paragraphs; NO SHIT SHERLOCK? TELL US SOMETHING WE DON'T KNOW! Why the hell do you think I wrote, "When it fails, it's a disaster (case in point; Flint, Michigan)"?

My point being that YOU are delusional if you think such disasters are minimalized/avoided through private enterprise. Do a little research into how private enterprise with regards to Texas' power grid handled the recent weather induced nationwide grid shut down. Interesting reading.
In the never ending PR battle regarding scientists proving the detrimental effects of our industrial society on the world's climate change, here's something that should lighten the hearts of the sane and rational and just cause the corporate toadies and right wing stooges to just grind their teeth in frustrated anger. Enjoy!

US climate scientist Michael Mann wins $1m in defamation lawsuit
Scientist wins award against conservative writers who said his work was ‘fraudulent’ and that he ‘molested and tortured’ data

The high-profile climate scientist Michael Mann has been awarded $1m by a jury in a defamation lawsuit against two conservative writers who compared his depictions of global heating to the work of a convicted child molester.

The case stretches back 12 years. In a statement posted on Mann’s X account, one of his lawyers said: “Today’s verdict vindicates Mike Mann’s good name and reputation. It also is a big victory for truth and scientists everywhere who dedicate their lives answering vital scientific questions impacting human health and the planet.”

There is no data. It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth. Climate cannot change. There is no value associated with climate that can 'change'.
There is no science of 'climate change'. The Church of Global Warming routinely denies and discards the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics and the Stefan-Boltzmann law.

No gas or vapor has the capability to warm the Earth.

* You cannot trap light.
* You cannot trap heat.
* You cannot trap thermal energy. There is always heat.
* You cannot create energy out of nothing or destroy energy into nothing.
* You cannot heat a warmer surface using a colder gas.

Michael Mann is no scientist. The Church of Global Warming is a religion, not science.
Why do you think there are such things as "appeals", genius? If you're going to dismiss that, then you should have equal condemnation for every right wing case that eventually won on appeal. If not, stop braying like an ass. The subject title is what it is, as with the OP. GTFU and deal with it, or carry on just like the OP predicted.

He's not talking about appeals, Sock. Pivot fallacy.
One of any all time favorite examples to prove to those moronic climate change deniers just how serious this issue is

You filthy bastards!

Climate cannot change.
Cherry picking glaciers that are retreating is ignoring glaciers that are advancing or just staying relatively the same.

it is not possible to measure the total snow and ice on Earth.
It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth.
It is not possible to measure the global atmospheric CO2 content.

You have no data.

No gas or vapor has the capability to warm the Earth. You cannot create energy out of nothing.
Here's a thought: Public transportation. People pay taxes for it anyway, so might as well work on making it more efficient. Resident New Yorkers spend way more time walking, using subways and buses than using cars....less cars, better traffic for buses, people.

I guess you don't think all those taxis and trucks exist.

I guess you haven't notice that New York City is dying.
Again, personal supposition and conjecture does not equate to facts. Never has.

YOU introduced the Bloomberg article as a slam dunk. I merely point out that it wasn't.

Like it or not, the OP stands pat ... your attempt to dilute it non-withstanding.

Learn what 'fact' means, Sock. It does NOT mean 'Universal Truth'.
My man, you can play this over and over, six ways to Sunday....AND YOU'RE STILL TRYING TO PASS OFF A THEORY AS BONIFIDE FACT.

You fail.

Pay attention: The whole point here is that (1) The OP stands valid no matter what other cases were lost...that's why I say score ONE for the good guys. (2) History show transportation to rural areas with lesser population can be done if there is a will of the people via their congress. It's just a matter of putting people first and profit second. THAT is the main issue. Case in point: the architect of Long Island, Nassau County in New York purposely structured the urban landscape so public transportation to the beach from predominantly minority areas would be difficult at best.....despite ample population and location. Yet you have an expensive rail system to certain towns where the well-to-do professionals and such live that is NOT as well populated as the rest of the island.

Get it now? If not, then you'll just stubbornly repeat your assertion to the point of insipidness as usual.

Learn what 'fact' means, Sock.
I have not read this thread but must point out that, as is often the case and Terry ALWAYS IGNORES, many cities lost their public transit or saw it greatly diminished, or unable to expand based on gov't fiat, often deployed due to ICE manufacturer bribes to politicians, that they passed off as "the will of the people".

That is the type of authoritarian and govt intervention Terry ALWAYS applauds as he has done with support for all historical and current ICE and Oil and Gas subsidies, while screaming against EV and Green Energy ones.

Terry is perfectly consistent in this area, so i give him that credit. All his views come down to, 'if i support the area then i want all the gov't subsidies, in any form and i will deny they are actually subsidies. If i do not support the area, than any gov't dollars given should never be done as they impact the market'. He is consistent in his hypocrisy.

You're hallucinating again, Sock.
Nope, sorry Terry as once again you are wrong. I do not even need to get in to your examples to know you are wrong, as being able to cite an example in one area does not mean it never happened anywhere. And reread my post as it was not entirely about about ICE's push. Another key factor is zoning and urban sprawl, which again, is a choice by gov't that ends up impacting public transit.

So it is your premise Terry that all of this, when it goes the direction you support, is all just free market, free of gov't finger on which way things go, when that is NOT TRUE and is especially not true on any of the areas you support (ICE, O&G) and where you deny they have been amongst the biggest subsidy takers in American history, and yet you claim neither industry has ever received any form of subsidy.

that is the extent of how ridiculous you are Terry. You actually claim neither ICE nor Oil and Gas has ever received any form of subsidy, while EV has based on your supporting one (ICE and O&G) and not supporting the others (Ev, Renewable energy).

Oil and gasoline do not receive subsidies. Internal combustion engines designers and builders do not receive government subsidies.

EVs do though. There are government subsidies and mandates for charging stations, for the batteries and for the EV's themselves.

Both oil and natural gas are renewable energy. Neither a battery nor an EV is renewable energy.
In effect you just parrot some right wingnut "anti-gov't" BS to avoid the basic real life historical facts in order to maintain your "I'm right" comfort zone.
You cannot blame YOUR problems on anybody else, Sock. It is YOU parroting government propaganda and ignoring little facts like the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics, and practical engineering.
Bottom line: you worship at the altar of private enterprise/profit,
Good. I'm glad he does. Capitalism is the only economic system that can create wealth.
Nope. It's the result of his working hard to make a living. Something very foreign to you. Government does not wire houses and businesses for him. It only gets in the way, if anything.
When it fails, it's a disaster
Nope. It's cheaper and more profitable.
(case in point; Flint, Michigan).
Cherry picking fallacy. Compositional error fallacy.
I gave you an example as to how just one bigoted individual can pioneer bad things for whole sections of honest, tax paying citizens. Look up the history of Levittown, NY for an example.
Cherry picking fallacy. Compositional error fallacy.
Now STFU with your authoritarian/psuedo-fascist clap trap (of which you are too ignorant...willful or realize).
The fascism is what YOU want. Learn what 'fascism' means, Sock.
God you have no shame.

Every time you speak about technology (EV, Renewables, ICE, etc) you are "talking out of your ass about something you know nothing about" so you need to take your own advice and STFU.
You are describing yourself again, Sock.
Remember you are the guy who has declared that neither ICE manufacturers or Oil and Gas have ever received any form of govt subsidy
And he's right.
when the facts are they are amongst the most subsidized industries in American history.
Blatant lie. You are describing the EV, wind power, and solar power. You cannot blame YOUR problems on anybody else, Sock.
To your first and second paragraphs; NO SHIT SHERLOCK? TELL US SOMETHING WE DON'T KNOW! Why the hell do you think I wrote, "When it fails, it's a disaster (case in point; Flint, Michigan)"?

My point being that YOU are delusional if you think such disasters are minimalized/avoided through private enterprise. Do a little research into how private enterprise with regards to Texas' power grid handled the recent weather induced nationwide grid shut down. Interesting reading.


As always Terry is the one who needs to STFU as he is always speaking about things he does not know anything about.

It is almost always industry groups fighting and lobbying to keep safety practices being implemented across the board. You cannot even get big Rail companies to put better brakes on trains to avoid the catastrophic derails as they would rather not over haul the fleet and will just pay insurance premiums to cover the cost of the wrecks, as they take in record profits.

The government could force them to overhaul the brakes and they would make 'less' profit while they amortize that cost, but they spends millions lobbying politicians to block it.

This is the norm for so many 'safety' type situations where the companies would rather gamble with insurance and take the risk.
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As always Terry is the one who needs to STFU as he is always speaking about things he does not know anything about.

It is almost always industry groups fighting and lobbying to keep safety practices being implemented across the board. You cannot even get big Rail companies to put better breaks on trains to avoid the catastrophic derails as they would rather not over haul the fleet and will just pay insurance premiums to cover the cost of the wrecks, as they take in record profits.

The government could force them to overhaul the breaks and they would make 'less' profit while they amortize that cost, but they spends millions lobbying politicians to block it.

This is the norm for so many 'safety' type situations where the companies would rather gamble with insurance and take the risk.

Yep. And let's not forget the MAGA GOP under the Orange Oaf pushing laws to pull the teeth from organizations like OSHA (of which I think the Shrub took a crack at as well).

Oh well, like the subject title says "score one for the good guys".