Climate change follies: Score one for the good guys!


As always Terry is the one who needs to STFU as he is always speaking about things he does not know anything about.

It is almost always industry groups fighting and lobbying to keep safety practices being implemented across the board. You cannot even get big Rail companies to put better breaks on trains to avoid the catastrophic derails as they would rather not over haul the fleet and will just pay insurance premiums to cover the cost of the wrecks, as they take in record profits.

The government could force them to overhaul the breaks and they would make 'less' profit while they amortize that cost, but they spends millions lobbying politicians to block it.

This is the norm for so many 'safety' type situations where the companies would rather gamble with insurance and take the risk.

A grossly under-regulated private sector is just one of many reasons that the Republican Party remains an existential threat to the republic.
Yep. And let's not forget the MAGA GOP under the Orange Oaf pushing laws to pull the teeth from organizations like OSHA (of which I think the Shrub took a crack at as well).

Oh well, like the subject title says "score one for the good guys".

A grossly under-regulated private sector is just one of many reasons that the Republican Party remains an existential threat to the republic.

How safe is safe enough? How much pollution should we allow?
Wow, Mann won one! On the other hand, he's lost a bunch of others already...

It took almost a decade, but the DC Superior Court has finally ruled against Michael Mann in his lawsuit against Rand Simberg and Mark Steyn.

Mann had sued them for libel because they criticized his incompetent and fraudulent global warming research. They demanded evidence of damages, the court agreed and ordered Mann to produce that evidence. He has refused (for almost a decade) and the court has now finally decided that because of his refusal he must pay all the court courts, including Simberg’s and Steyn’s.

Apologists for discredited ‘climate scientist’ Michael E Mann have been trying to spin his defeat in the ‘science trial of the century’ versus skeptic climatologist, Dr Tim Ball.

~Mann vs Professor Timothy Ball (British Columbia Supreme Court):
Case dismissed; Mann loses (and has been ordered to pay costs, which the bum and deadbeat has declined to do);

~Mann vs National Review (District of Columbia Superior Court):
Case dismissed; Mann loses;

~Mann vs Competitive Enterprise Institute (DC Sup Ct):
Case dismissed; Mann loses.

I guess in Mann's case, the fourth time's a charm...

Maybe that is why the thread title is score ONE for the good guy.
Mann has been trying for decades to sue to shut up his detractors. Like any good radical Leftist, he doesn't want and won't accept any criticism of his 'work.' Instead, he takes his detractors to court trying to shut them up rather than debate them or prove them wrong using facts and reasoning. He's a pseudoscientist who is far more a political opportunist and hack than anything else.

All this case proves is that there will be more to follow.
Maybe that is why the thread title is score ONE for the good guy.

Mann isn't a "good guy." He's a hack scientist who's work has been largely discredited outside of the Church of Gorebal Warming on the Left. He sued scientists like Ball over their publicly dismissing his work as crap and then lost in court because he refused to show the court any of his base research and how he got his published results.

He is often referred to as Michael "Hocky Stick" Mann.
We don't know how safe is enough which is why we should allow as little as possible.

We do know what is safe enough in most, if not all, cases. The EPA and OSHA, along with the CPSC, go for 'zero tolerance' instead. For example, the EPA during the Clinton administration lowered the allowable arsenic in drinking water limit from 50 ppb (parts per billion) to 10 ppb. The only--ONLY--reason they did that was there was now equipment that could accurately measure 10 ppb in a sample.

50 ppb had been the limit for decades and nobody was dying or whatever from consuming water with 50 ppb or less arsenic in it. Now, at 50 ppm (parts per million) or the like, arsenic becomes a danger to human health over several decades of consumption. In places like Bangladesh you find those levels in drinking water commonly. People there often get health issues after 20 to 30 years of consumption of water with upwards of 50 ppm (a thousand times what the US limit was).

So, at the cost of billions spent per year in new filtration equipment, testing on far more expensive equipment, the EPA succeeded in raising many people's water bill by 2 to 5 times what it was before they lowered the limit FOR NO APPRECIABLE HEALTH OR SAFETY BENEFIT.

Or, the EPA wants to lower allowable ozone pollution from the current 75 ppb to 70 ppb at an annual estimated cost of about $100 billion dollars. That's a reduction of 5 ppb or literally nothing. The EPA claims this will result in over $100 billion in health benefits through reduction of asthma and other breathing issues. When Congress confronted the EPA on their claims on this and demanded the EPA turn over their research and records that prove that the EPA adamantly REFUSED TO DO SO. They didn't want their bullshit research questioned in the least. So, the limit is still at 75 ppb even though the EPA is still trying to lower it.

At one point, the CPSC wanted to put little crossed plastic sticks on 5 gallon buckets to keep small children from falling in and drowning. 10 to 15 children a year fall in these buckets headfirst and drown. The bucket makers said this would cost over $1 billion a year to do and increase inflation by about 1%. End users of these buckets told the CPSC in many, even most, cases they'd simply bash these sticks out to make the bucket usable by them. The CPSC said they'd make that a crime to stop it.
The backlash was so severe that the CPSC settled on putting a warning label on the side of these buckets at a small increase in price.


Today in the US 10 to 15 children fall into one of these buckets and drowns. The warning label is useless and you can't fix stupid.

There are literally thousands, possibly tens of thousands, of regulations on the books from federal agencies that are similarly worthless or utterly stupid. But they're there. Not all regulations are useless or stupid, but a good percentage are and that percentage is increasing because the reasonable and sensible regulations are already taken. All that's left for bureaucrats to do in many cases is produce unreasonable, stupid regulations because their job is at risk if they don't produce regulations.

Here's a book, written for humor, highlights how insane the federal bureaucracy has become:


Here's another:
In the never ending PR battle regarding scientists proving the detrimental effects of our industrial society on the world's climate change, here's something that should lighten the hearts of the sane and rational and just cause the corporate toadies and right wing stooges to just grind their teeth in frustrated anger. Enjoy!

US climate scientist Michael Mann wins $1m in defamation lawsuit
Scientist wins award against conservative writers who said his work was ‘fraudulent’ and that he ‘molested and tortured’ data

The high-profile climate scientist Michael Mann has been awarded $1m by a jury in a defamation lawsuit against two conservative writers who compared his depictions of global heating to the work of a convicted child molester.

The case stretches back 12 years. In a statement posted on Mann’s X account, one of his lawyers said: “Today’s verdict vindicates Mike Mann’s good name and reputation. It also is a big victory for truth and scientists everywhere who dedicate their lives answering vital scientific questions impacting human health and the planet.”

The hockey stick graph has been proven to be a laughably idiotic hoax. While the words used may have been outrageous, his work is still a piece of useless garbage.
Mann has been trying for decades to sue to shut up his detractors. Like any good radical Leftist, he doesn't want and won't accept any criticism of his 'work.' Instead, he takes his detractors to court trying to shut them up rather than debate them or prove them wrong using facts and reasoning. He's a pseudoscientist who is far more a political opportunist and hack than anything else.

As always Terry is the one who needs to STFU as he is always speaking about things he does not know anything about.
You are describing yourself again, Sock. You cannot blame anybody else for YOUR problems.
It is almost always industry groups fighting and lobbying to keep safety practices being implemented across the board.
Blatant lie. It is industry groups that create many of the safety standards in use today...not government. Example: the National Electrical Code, put together by the electricians themselves along with those familiar with fire and it's causes in homes and businesses.
You cannot even get big Rail companies to put better brakes on trains
They already do. It was rail companies that invented the modern safety braking systems on trains. Note I said systems, as in plural.
to avoid the catastrophic derails
Derails are caused by man things, not just a brake.
as they would rather not over haul the fleet
Nothing to overhaul. You obviously have no idea how to run a railroad or how a railroad is run.
and will just pay insurance premiums to cover the cost of the wrecks,
What 'insurance premiums'?
as they take in record profits.
What 'record profits'?
The government could force them to overhaul the brakes
Railroads already maintain their brakes, and even have hotbox protectors alongside congested areas or track. The railroads themselves invented and installed these things.
and they would make 'less' profit while they amortize that cost,
Void argument fallacy.
but they spends millions lobbying politicians to block it.
Blatant lie.
This is the norm for so many 'safety' type situations where the companies would rather gamble with insurance and take the risk.
You are just making up the same old shit from the Church of Green.

Did you know you can't fix brakes on equipment you don't own?
Did you know you can't bring accident rates to zero?
Did you know that are just as guilty as any company is of error?
Yep. And let's not forget the MAGA GOP under the Orange Oaf pushing laws to pull the teeth from organizations like OSHA (of which I think the Shrub took a crack at as well).

Oh well, like the subject title says "score one for the good guys".

OSHA doesn't save a single life or prevent a single accident.

They DO like to post useless crap such as that you shouldn't eat typewrite erasure fluid, smoke around a gasoline pump, or use any chemicals because they are 'cancer causing'.

If people are going to be stupid, OSHA won't save you.
Mann isn't a "good guy." He's a hack scientist who's work has been largely discredited outside of the Church of Gorebal Warming on the Left. He sued scientists like Ball over their publicly dismissing his work as crap and then lost in court because he refused to show the court any of his base research and how he got his published results.

He is often referred to as Michael "Hocky Stick" Mann.

It's obvious how he got his 'published results'. He made them up.
Answer your own questions by applying them to what sustains this society and it's people ... health and safety wise.

Profit. Successful companies area already health and safety conscious. It's just good business. Why try to poison your own customers? Why willingly put your own customers in danger?
This stuff was his doctorial thesis for all intents. That means he wasn't so much making it up as he was just rushed, sloppy, and likely had preconceived outcomes he knew would please his academic advisor(s).
I don't care what it was. He made it up, whole cloth.

It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth or the global atmospheric content of CO2.