CNN Poll: Majority says raise debt

So were the Bush Tax cuts, yet Democrats constantly tried to revoke them as bad for the economy, so now what, it's only a law because the supreme court deemed it a tax

tax levels have changed all through history.

this is a healthcare law.

people have to have their healthcare planned for for life you idiot.

This law was passed and signed by the people whom the people voted for.

You don't get kill it because your insane
Yes dumbass; he did fight two wars that morons on the Democrat side of the aisle supported before they were against it.

Yes he cut taxes and unemployment was half of what it is now and revenues increased; unlike what they are doing now.

Yes Republicans were kicked out of office when the deficit was $161 billion and after Democrats took over, balooned to $1,4 trillion.

It's official; you're a clueless idiot.
The 1.4 trillion dollar deficit was due to TARP and Bush not only signed it, he pushed it and he STILL says signing it was good for the country. Just saying
The 1.4 trillion dollar deficit was due to TARP and Bush not only signed it, he pushed it and he STILL says signing it was good for the country. Just saying

TARP was in FY 2008, the 1.4 Trillion Deficit in FY 2009 included only 245 Billion of TARP. It was the "omnibus spending bill" and the "stimulus" (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009) that really ballooned up that deficit, and while that came in the year 2009, it was not Bush's baby.
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TARP was in FY 2008, the 1.4 Trillion Deficit in FY 2009 included only 245 Billion of TARP. It was the "stimulus" (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009) that really ballooned up that deficit, and while that came in the year 2009, it was not Bush's baby.
Under TARP Bush requested and got TWO amounts, both 350 billion, before he left office. That's 700 billion if I am correct on my math. I'll compromise, 2009 was half Bush.
SPENDING is always Congress fault. Presidents can only do one of two things; they can sign the legislation, or they can veto it. They cannot do anything else.

That said, Obama was a Senator during the Democrat control of both House and Senate and agreed to all the spending you lefttards want to blame on Bush. In addition, he was instrumental in getting the $850 billion pork laden "stimulus" bill passed that did nothing to "stimulate" anything but the ballooning deficit and instrumental in passing Obamscare which will turn out to be another multi trillion dollar failure foisted onto the sheeple who will be straddled with the bills to pay for all of it; and with little to show for it.

I would like you lefttards to make up your minds; are deficits good or bad? For eight years you whined, railed and politicized the deficits, unemployment numbers and gas prices that were far lower than under your beloved idol Obama; yet you still think it is all Bush's fault.

I would like you lefttards to make up your minds; are high gas prices good or bad?

I would like you lefftards to make up your minds; is high unemployment good or bad?

I would like you lefttards to make up your minds; is it right to distrust your Government and question it or is it racist?

I don't expect you to comprehend the ignorance contained in your arguments, the hypocrisy you wallow in or your dullard belief in Obama; you're an unthinking idiot, how could you be aware of it?

so... because Bush couldn't spell "veto", he was unable to veto any bills from congress that increased spending? He went along with the congress in growing the deficit just like Reagan did.
prove it with irrefutable facts.

site where your numbers come from

The CBO is the site where my numbers come from. The ARRA was passed at Obama's behest in 2009, as well as the "omnibus spending" which increased spending for many "aid" programs.

The omnibus (actually officially named the Omnibus Appropriations Act) bill passed the House by a vote of 245-178 (including 16 Republicans) and the Senate 62-35 (including 8 Republicans).

All of the Omnibus spending was in the FY of 2009, and some of the ARRA, the projected deficit had these two not been passed was somewhere around 445 Billion. Not all of the deficit is due to that though, some is due to revenue loss because of the craptacular economy after the "everybody should get a house even if they can't afford it" debt collapse.
TARP was in FY 2008, the 1.4 Trillion Deficit in FY 2009 included only 245 Billion of TARP. It was the "omnibus spending bill" and the "stimulus" (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009) that really ballooned up that deficit, and while that came in the year 2009, it was not Bush's baby.

The ARRA had a very modest impact on the FY2009 deficit because, although is was enacted in 2009, the bulk of the spending and tax cuts occurredin FY10 and 11. The FY09 deficit was Bush's baby, as evidenced by the projected $1.2 Trillion deficit as of January 2009, before Obama took office.

Year by Year Breakout:

•FY 2009 - Although this was actually President Bush's last budget, it was being implemented during Obama's first year. Congress agreed to add the first year's worth of spending from the Economic Stimulus Act to this. That $253 billion accrues to Obama.
•FY 2010 - Obama's first budget created a $1.293 trillion deficit.
•FY 2012 - The deficit was the largest in history, at $1.327 trillion.
•FY 2011 - It contributed $1.299 trillion to the debt.
•FY 2013 - This was the first Obama budget where the deficit, $901 billion, was less than $1 trillion.

On January 20, 2009, the day he was sworn in, the debt was $10.626 trillion. By January 20, 2013, it was $16.687 trillion -- a difference of $6 trillion.

However, it's a little misleading to hold Obama (or any other President) accountable for the deficit incurred during his first year of office. That's because the budget for that fiscal year was already set by the previous President. Bush's last budget (FY 2009) created a deficit of $1.16 trillion, even without the spending on the Economic Stimulus Act. Most of this addition to the debt occurred after the new President took office, and so should not be attributed to Obama.
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TARP was in FY 2008, the 1.4 Trillion Deficit in FY 2009 included only 245 Billion of TARP. It was the "omnibus spending bill" and the "stimulus" (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009) that really ballooned up that deficit, and while that came in the year 2009, it was not Bush's baby.

lets see how it compares
nope go read the LINK I was willing to provide you were not willing to provide.

You simply carefully avoided counting all of the requested money from Obama that was spent in 2009 and tried to compare only a portion of it, if we were ignorant and couldn't actually remember 2009 we may believe that Obama didn't spend any money in 2009 and all that deficit was all Bush... but it wasn't.
TARP was in FY 2008, the 1.4 Trillion Deficit in FY 2009 included only 245 Billion of TARP. It was the "omnibus spending bill" and the "stimulus" (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009) that really ballooned up that deficit, and while that came in the year 2009, it was not Bush's baby.

the entire thing was a Bush budget as budgets are done the year before
You simply carefully avoided counting all of the requested money from Obama that was spent in 2009 and tried to compare only a portion of it.

Nope that is the numbers sited from the LINK damo.


they are THE numbers.

Your lying

Year by Year Breakout:

•FY 2009 - Although this was actually President Bush's last budget, it was being implemented during Obama's first year. Congress agreed to add the first year's worth of spending from the Economic Stimulus Act to this. That $253 billion accrues to Obama.
•FY 2010 - Obama's first budget created a $1.293 trillion deficit.
•FY 2012 - The deficit was the largest in history, at $1.327 trillion.
•FY 2011 - It contributed $1.299 trillion to the debt.
•FY 2013 - This was the first Obama budget where the deficit, $901 billion, was less than $1 trillion.

On January 20, 2009, the day he was sworn in, the debt was $10.626 trillion. By January 20, 2013, it was $16.687 trillion -- a difference of $6 trillion.

However, it's a little misleading to hold Obama (or any other President) accountable for the deficit incurred during his first year of office. That's because the budget for that fiscal year was already set by the previous President. Bush's last budget (FY 2009) created a deficit of $1.16 trillion, even without the spending on the Economic Stimulus Act. Most of this addition to the debt occurred after the new President took office, and so should not be attributed to Obama.

this is from a link to the sited numbers