
Limit coffee to two...

cups per day excessive coffee drinking has been linked to pancreatic cancer...
just food for thought!:clink:
Yeah, they are "forbidden" in my office too. I just give a cup of my coffee to the Manager whose job it is to look for my "forbidden" coffee maker. She comes by once a day. :D
Since I am the person who fixes the coffee machine (not part of my official duties, but born of desperation), I can do pretty much as I choose in this regard.
People who have no idea what good coffee really tastes like. Instead they think all the frilly crap they serve there is "good coffee".
Excuse me! Even trogdolytes know good coffee :cof1:, and Starbucks is not it. For home brew, I prefer Dunkin Donuts straight up.

And that venti skinny latte no whip double soy mocha thing (with a half twist, in the pike position) - I don't even know what that is.... :eek:
People who have no idea what good coffee really tastes like. Instead they think all the frilly crap they serve there is "good coffee".
Excuse me! Even trogdolytes know good coffee :cof1:, and Starbucks is not it. For home brew, I prefer Dunkin Donuts straight up.

And that venti skinny latte no whip double soy mocha thing (with a half twist, in the pike position) - I don't even know what that is.... :eek:

Actually, I don't turn my nose up at Dunkin Donuts cinniman coffee, black. I drink that a lot and it's better than Starbuck's coffee. But when I want a latte, I go to starbucks. Or a Frappacino, but that's very rare because they have a days worth of calories in them.
Actually, I don't turn my nose up at Dunkin Donuts cinniman coffee, black. I drink that a lot and it's better than Starbuck's coffee. But when I want a latte, I go to starbucks. Or a Frappacino, but that's very rare because they have a days worth of calories in them.
Are there still "Chock-Full-O-nuts" coffee shops in NYC?

I enjoyed your post about the now commercialistic nature of what used to be Christmas. Maybe Cypress is right - we should just wish each other Happy Jesus-day.
Are there still "Chock-Full-O-nuts" coffee shops in NYC?

I enjoyed your post about the now commercialistic nature of what used to be Christmas. Maybe Cypress is right - we should just wish each other Happy Jesus-day.

Yep, but I never go in there. I should, it's one of those things that, someday they'll close down and everyone will get all nostalgic, and I'll think, hmm, I should have went in there when they were open.

Thanks. I'm under a lot of stress during the holidays, and every year I long for it to be like it was when I was a kid, but that never comes back. But it seems to get worse and worse every year. I would like it if in my family, we stopped exchanging gifts, and just bought for the kids, and maybe donated the money to LI Cares or something like that. And I worry about my niece and nephew, because they are such sweet kids, but with my brother getting richer and richer every year, I'm afraid they'll get spoiled and turn into monsters. So I'm always trying to interject about people who have less, and how you never make fun of someone who doesn't have nice clothes, and share what you have and all that. But I have no idea if it works, other than getting me known as the crazy Aunt. I'm going to PM you about something my brother is doing on LI.
I love coffee too. I order Millstone French Roast beans online in 5-lb bags and freeze it when it's been opened. I grind beans fresh for each pot and make it hearty, and drink it black, no frills. There's nothing like it.
I like D&D. We usually go there before any road trip. I get three (yes 3) munchkins and a coffee and my boyfriend will get one of those million calorie drinks.
I love coffee too. I order Millstone French Roast beans online in 5-lb bags and freeze it when it's been opened. I grind beans fresh for each pot and make it hearty, and drink it black, no frills. There's nothing like it.
Millstone has a blend called Mayan Black Onyx that is da bomb. My favorite, but hard to find in stores.
Millstone has a blend called Mayan Black Onyx that is da bomb. My favorite, but hard to find in stores.

Really? My dad gets it at our local grocery store. He loves that stuff too. So do I.

Cali may not have D&Ds, but they make up for it in Jamba Juices. I love those stores. When I was there this year, I was getting fem boosts, fiber boosts, energy boosts, etc. I can't wait until they open them up around here!
Really? My dad gets it at our local grocery store. He loves that stuff too. So do I.

Cali may not have D&Ds, but they make up for it in Jamba Juices. I love those stores. When I was there this year, I was getting fem boosts, fiber boosts, energy boosts, etc. I can't wait until they open them up around here!
You don't have Jamba Juices yet? I thought NJ was all cosmopolitan and stuff!
December is slow in my office, we just called Seattle to complain that the local Starbucks cancelled its Holiday Cheer party that was scheduled for today.