Coke goes Full Woke

Remember the cancel culture by the right to folks like the Dixie Chicks

Now they will boycott corporations

Yeap trump clingons will boycott corporations

Because corporations won’t donate to the new racist Q PARTY

You know what that means........

No funding for the Republican Party


Have you been to a grocery store lately

Flavored seltzer is massive now

A little fruit juice in the bottom of the glass and pour the seltzer on top

A healthy soda

Lots of be people drink it right out of the can

Shit everyone I know does it
I did the same thing until I retired! Now I shop there when I feel brave enough to be seen there! I hate it when somebody recognizes me and stops to talk! Now they know I shop there! DAMN!

I still almost never go, my local store is mostly a disaster because of bad management, most spacifically refusing to hire enough labor as they work to maximize profits. Also there are some things that should never be purchased at Walmart because manufacturers are pressured to make things extra cheap so that they can be sold at a low price.

However, my general point is that I generally refuse to suffer, I refuse to remove myself from society in order to avoid people and businesses that hold different political views then I do, I generally practice tolerance. Walmart was an exception because they are so predatory.

She is just some weak brained fool

Oh and she calls herself a Dr when she has a PHD


Do you wanna see my Doctorate? <---humor. ;)

Robin DiAngelo is spreading racism. Helping to institutionalize it, in fact, and thereby guaranteeing racism for another 150 years.

People should to learn to respect each other or pay a social penalty for it. Our nation is a nation of laws whereby we are all treated equal by law. The problem is that there are some assholes who profit from the status quo where not all are treated equally be it supporting racism like Democrats, in general, or people like Robin DiAngelo in particular. She's making book on this, right?

Yes, the Republicans are worse. They're the greediest of the motherfuckers to begin with. Of course they like the status quo. That's a no brainer. My question is, "Why are the Democrats supporting it?"

That doesn't change the fact that Americans can't expect to see a quicker change in social attitudes about "being different" if both parties keep reinforcing the status quo.

Break the cycle. Isn't that what all the abuse counselors say? Bullies were bullied? Wife-beaters are emulating their fathers?...and women are emulating their mothers by taking the beating?

Break the cycle by stop being racist. Robin DiAngelo is a racist promulgating racism for profit. The Democrats do it for political popularity and the Republicans are just a lot better at milking money out of it than fucking Robin DiAngelo will ever be able to do.

God Bless America!


FOX (Number) Simulated/actual launch of air-to-air
ONE - semiactive radar-guided missile.
TWO - infrared-guided missile.
THREE - active radar-guided missile.

KILL 1. Directive call to fire on designated
2. In training, a fighter call to indicate
kill criteria has been fulfilled.
For the record staying on top of trends and being ready to jump fast and jump well when tastes change is what the great corporations do.

Coke has in recent memory been the opposite of that, which might be the whole reason they are trying to gin up sales by promoting the politics of the Revolution.
I'm not into conspiracy theory nonsense. There are viable solutions to illegal immigration as we've discussed ad nauseum, but neither the Democrats nor the Republicans want to fix it because their campaign donors are making too much money with the status quo.

it's not theoretical, upchuck-eater.
Apparently Coke wants to piss off every self-respecting white person in America, doesn't seem like a good idea to me.

We made ya, and we can break ya. May even talk our black brethren into boycotting as well.

You wanna be commie douchelords, Coke? Fuck Coke. Sam's Cola and RC here I come!
I did like some Coke, but times change, yannow?
Coke wanted to get woke, so they got broke.
Yeah watched the super bowl so...there's that.

Well my team I did, yeah.
(and I knew they would)
Would you not watch the Superbowl if your team was in it and you knew they were going to win?
Tell the truth and shame the devil!
Extenuating circumstances.
Da Bucs had Brady, and were IN the Superbowl.
Also some fairly decent other team players.
Fuck yeah I'm gonna watch that, I'm Bucs 4 life!
I saw no kneeling. Bucs don't play that!
Dude, a friend of mine threw a full Budweiser through a TV screen one day because the Bucs lost.
I do like mah Bucs.
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Well my team I did, yeah.
(and I knew they would)
Would you not watch the Superbowl if your team was in it and you knew they were going to win?
Tell the truth and shame the devil!
Extenuating circumstances.
Da Bucs had Brady, and were IN the Superbowl.
Also some fairly decent other team players.
Fuck yeah I'm gonna watch that, I'm Bucs 4 life!
I saw no kneeling. Bucs don't play that!
Dude, a friend of mine threw a full Budweiser through a TV screen one day because the Bucs lost.
I do like mah Bucs.

no, i wouldn't.

get woke go broke.
It is a very fascinating project to figure out what went wrong and when. I am finding that movies from Hollywood are a very good archaeological record of the culture, of the decline of America, of the decline in the quality of the people.

What I am finding is the this goes back quite a lot further than I had imagined till recently.
movies are good indicators of cultural norms back then.
But im not clinging to the past when I say Woke is silly and racist against whites today
You should use pepper spray on that problem. If it doesn't shut them up or make them go away, it will at least give them a reason for doing it while giving you a reason to laugh and point...

Maybe I should. I am deaf so if I could hear them, you know it's a problem. :whoa:
RC is good, but it's hard to get around here. With the weight gain because of this damn China virus, I must watch my sugar intake.
sugar is the enemy. i just dropped 20 cause i was getting flabby.
all you really have to do is cut out refined sugars and "white" grains. *are white grains racist?*
no, i wouldn't.

get woke go broke.

Well, sorry, but I'm a Bucs fan and always have been, since the 70s n 80s.
Since my uncle took me took the "Toilet Bowl", which was the Bucs against the Houston Oilers.
The stadium was largely empty with more Houston fans than Buccaneer fans, but John Madden was a few rows down wearing a purple Adidas tracksuit.
The Bucs won that day! :D
I was like "Who's the fat dude in the purple suit?"

This game, probably:
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