Segregation early on. Kids that are ready to move on need to be allowed to move on. If a kid doesn’t learn his multiplication facts in 3rd grade he has to be held back, at least mathematically, while his classmates who have learned them move on. You cannot learn math well enough to compete with the rest of the world without learning certain basic concepts. You have to know how to multiply (and divide and factor and all that goes with it) to know how to work fractions. You have to know how fractions work, and be able to do operations with them to do more advanced algebra. You have to know how to do algebra to do calculus. Segregation according to ability and desire along the way is necessary.
I also believe that courses like Consumer Mathematics and General Business need to be back in the curriculum past 8th grade. Right now it is as though the powers above think a kid learns all he need to learn to run a household by 7th grade and our curriculum ceases teaching basic concepts like percents, interest, etc. They might have been taught those basic concepts by then but most of them aren’t mature enough to retain it or see the need for it’s use. It needs to be at least offered to older students be re-enforced. And I don’t want to hear that it needs “rigor greater than or equal to Algebra I.” That’s bogus. Teach them at an appropriate age how to set a budget, how to know how basic interest works, even some basics about investments. That doesn’t take Algebra I level ability or rigor.
Liberals need to be OK that everyone isn’t going to be a math major. They have to be OK with early segregation without social promotion.
Conservatives have to be OK with funding education to the levels it should be funded. I get it…education is usually the biggest chunk out of a state’s budget. But if our kids aren’t educated, most will never find their way out of poverty and the trap that is generational welfare/government assistance.
There’s more, but that’s my start. Until we do some of the very basic things we’ll never be competitive mathematically with most of the rest of the world.