Communism is the future

Doesn't it seem odd that the world is full of communist countries and Skidmark wastes his time here instead being there living the dream?
Doesn't it seem odd that the world is full of communist countries and Skidmark wastes his time here instead being there living the dream?

You live in a weird American dream. There were a few attempts to establish revolutionary socialism during and after the First War, supressed with massive murders by the capitalist armies. The Soviet Union was left victorious, but with no working class and a communist party facing extermination, who adopted state capitalism as a means to survive, which didn't do much for most of them or the world much good. Some states call themselves communist as others call themselves Christian. In neither case does reality have much to do with the name.
Communism isn't anybody's future. It is a failed system that has been rejected by its citizens whenever they have had the opportunity to do so. Communism is a malignant form of Socialism. "Democracy is the path to Socialism," Karl Marx observed. Lenin created a perverted variety of the Socialism so popular in his day, replacing democracy with a "revolutionary vanguard" (self-appointed, of course) which would seize power and govern as the "dictatorship of the proletariat." The totalitarian command economy gave Russia, China and other followers of Lenin the ability to make spectacular economic progress for several generations but at a brutal cost to the people. So what? The Pharaohs of ancient Egypt achieved spectacular economic progress too. Slave plantations make a lot of money. Eventually, the Communist model collapsed pretty much everywhere. People want to run their own lives. Economic power corrupts just as political power corrupts.

Socialism, however, has thriven steadily for more than a century. There is no 100% socialized economy, of course, but the nations with the highest standards of living and the happiest citizenry are the countries with working democracies and the highest degree of socialization in the economy. That's a fact.
Communism isn't anybody's future. It is a failed system that has been rejected by its citizens whenever they have had the opportunity to do so. Communism is a malignant form of Socialism. "Democracy is the path to Socialism," Karl Marx observed. Lenin created a perverted variety of the Socialism so popular in his day, replacing democracy with a "revolutionary vanguard" (self-appointed, of course) which would seize power and govern as the "dictatorship of the proletariat." The totalitarian command economy gave Russia, China and other followers of Lenin the ability to make spectacular economic progress for several generations but at a brutal cost to the people. So what? The Pharaohs of ancient Egypt achieved spectacular economic progress too. Slave plantations make a lot of money. Eventually, the Communist model collapsed pretty much everywhere. People want to run their own lives. Economic power corrupts just as political power corrupts.

Socialism, however, has thriven steadily for more than a century. There is no 100% socialized economy, of course, but the nations with the highest standards of living and the happiest citizenry are the countries with working democracies and the highest degree of socialization in the economy. That's a fact.

Capitalism could not exist without huge state support, and there are, alas, as yet no socialist countries, though we have, for the time being, forced the swine to keep us alive where we had strong union organisation - which they are currently going all out to destroy.
Jesus was, of course, the nearest thing to a communist there was in his time. Read up on the early Church and ask yourself whether your evil obsession with money and competition is compatible with anything decent.
Yes let's go back to the halcyon days of Harold Wilson's government when investment income was taxed at 98% and the top rate of income tax was 83%. Didn't Jesus grow the tax collectors out of the temple?

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Yes let's go back to the halcyon days of Harold Wilson's government when investment income was taxed at 98% and the top rate of income tax was 83%. Didn't Jesus grow the tax collectors out of the temple?

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Actually, He threw the money changers out. No swapping from USD to Canadian Monopoly Money on sacred premises!
Iolo has a graduate degree in Philosophy from, I believe, either Cambridge or Oxford. It's just a guess on my part but my guess is that he has forgotten more about the life and teachings of Jesus Christ than you will ever know.
Big deal, he is still a Welsh wanker who likes to fuck sheep. No wonder you like him!

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Holy fuck, He taught people to turn the other cheek and to forgive. Never seen much of that from you!!

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He also said to "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's"
Hey...Sheep of a feather fluck together.

What multiple wives, means in Wales.

I think the only way communism becomes the future is if our society as a whole gives up on ourselves as free individuals with unlimited potential and also gives up on things like hope, effort, perseverance, and obviously liberty. It would be the abandonment of everything listed in the declaration of independence and the constitution/bill of rights. Instead of our current constitution which defines what our federal government is allowed to do it would instead abandon that structure and give the power to the government to define what we as citizens of that government are allowed to do for it. If you want to live under that structure then you need to ask yourself why and then truly think about what it means to give up on yourself and ultimately your individual pursuit of happiness because it would no longer be up to you and you would no longer define happiness for yourself.
The more realistic way is if we set the world's calendars back to 1917. For many people, that would make communism the future. Here, in the 21st Century, communism is a punchline, unless you are an English Taffy, in which case you are a punchline.
I think the only way communism becomes the future is if our society as a whole gives up on ourselves as free individuals with unlimited potential and also gives up on things like hope, effort, perseverance, and obviously liberty. It would be the abandonment of everything listed in the declaration of independence and the constitution/bill of rights. Instead of our current constitution which defines what our federal government is allowed to do it would instead abandon that structure and give the power to the government to define what we as citizens of that government are allowed to do for it. If you want to live under that structure then you need to ask yourself why and then truly think about what it means to give up on yourself and ultimately your individual pursuit of happiness because it would no longer be up to you and you would no longer define happiness for yourself.
Norah....Skidmark is fishing. He's been trolling people with his Communist schtick since Damo first started JPP. His target are people who are naive enough to believe that anyone actually supports communism. He particularly tries to get under the skin of anyone who thinks that public investment or subsidies for anyone but farmers and investment bankers is creeping socialism.

Don't fall for it. Getting fished by Skidmark is about as low as a JPP member can fall. With the exception of dating Grind. You can't get any lower than that.
I think the only way communism becomes the future is if our society as a whole gives up on ourselves as free individuals with unlimited potential and also gives up on things like hope, effort, perseverance, and obviously liberty. It would be the abandonment of everything listed in the declaration of independence and the constitution/bill of rights. Instead of our current constitution which defines what our federal government is allowed to do it would instead abandon that structure and give the power to the government to define what we as citizens of that government are allowed to do for it. If you want to live under that structure then you need to ask yourself why and then truly think about what it means to give up on yourself and ultimately your individual pursuit of happiness because it would no longer be up to you and you would no longer define happiness for yourself.

You shouldn't take Watermark seriously. This is his trolling shtick. He lives at home with his parents and is 30 years old. Pathetic really