You know, for someone who pretends not to care about this stuff, you sure spend an awful lot of time caring about it.
Don't be mad because I called your bluff, boy.
You know, for someone who pretends not to care about this stuff, you sure spend an awful lot of time caring about it.
Not and claim it's racist. Not only does that invalidate their claim, it proves they're hypocrites.
You can't claim a TERM is offensive and racist then use it yourself claiming it's OK.
I do have a question. If a black calls another black a nigger and I agree, do you consider that racist?
Don't be mad because I called your bluff, boy.
Oh I've been insulted by a 3rd grade dropout who believes tearing down inanimate statues accomplishes anything! You really are a mindless twerp.
The Confederates didn't simply renounce their citizenship, they waged war against the United States. And lost.
They renounced their citizenship through various articles of secession.
What they waged was fighting back against an entity that tried to tell them they couldn't leave
The Confederates were more than happy to simply go away and not look back
If you were wherever a pussy like you goes, you tried to leave, and the powers that be wherever that is kept you from going, would you stay because they told you to stay?
Put that sock in your mouth and stop with the N words please!
It is against the forum rules!
Now go read the forum rules and report back! LOL!
What bluff?
We are already tearing down monuments. You're replying to a thread literally about that topic.
Is this a sentence? No. It's just the jibberish rantings of a lunatic.
You can't decide to secede from the United States. We literally fought a war over that very question, and your argument lost.
1) They couldn't.
2) They were fighting for slavery. That's literally the reason they give in the articles of secession you are referring to, dipshit.
They attacked Fort Sumter. Their goal was to destroy the United States.
You want monuments to them. So I'd say that makes you a traitor too.
It's ebonics, boy. Why can't you read it.
The goal was to create their own country.
You want to tear them down
That makes you a criminal much like the disproportionate percentage of blacks that commit violent crimes. 13% of the population is black yet 55% of all violent crimes are committed by blacks. Proves they have a propensity to be violent.
OK...and what is the reason given for renouncing that citizenship in those articles of secession?
Damn right. Topple them, melt them down, and erect monuments to Obama in their place.
Once day you're going to let a personal detail slip, and that personal detail will open up your entire life to everyone here, and I will use every single thing you wrote here to get you fired from your job. My goal isn't to change your mind, it's to get you to kill yourself.
To claim it was about slavery would mean you're claiming everyone that fought for the Confederacy or supported secession owned slaves. Is that your claim?
To claim it was about slavery would mean you're claiming everyone that fought for the Confederacy or supported secession owned slaves.
If I wanted to see a fucking monkey, I'd go to the zoo. Does he support your criminal activity, too?