Confederate Statues

What I see is a black POS like you supporting criminal activity because you don't like looking at a statue. I'm addressing the criminal act that was done. You're supporting crime because you're triggered over an inanimate object. I can understand why you'd support such criminal activity. A disproportionate percentage of your people are so prone to committing them you think it's natural for them to do such things.

You've assigned me to be black now? Ok then. Support? Nah cornpone, all I've done is laugh at you fro being such a snowflake.
Which is why it's taking so long to scrub all of this graffiti off American soil.

Graffiti is considered first amendment speech in this country. I do not graffiti. I do not like burning of the flag. Hell, there are many things I do not like that are protected by the first amendment. Just because I find it offensive does not make it wrong.
You would like me to prove a negative to you?
No, I would like you to carefully explain how secularism is not oppressive, and how you're not into total surrender.

We can start with Secularism: As a patriotic American, I find today's secularism to be highly oppressive. For example, political correctness has gotten so out of control, that when in public, one must watch every fucking word that leaves his mouth. This bullshit is a direct link to secularism. Prove me wrong.
No, I would like you to carefully explain how secularism is not oppressive, and how you're not into total surrender.

We can start with Secularism: As a patriotic American, I find today's secularism to be highly oppressive. For example, political correctness has gotten so out of control, that when in public, one must watch every fucking word that leaves his mouth. This is a direct link to secularism. Agree or disagree?

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn, sorry, I will never feel any need to dissuade you of anything you assign, although kudos for the string of buzzwords and sloganeering.
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn, sorry, I will never feel any need to dissuade you of anything you assign, although kudos for the string of buzzwords and sloganeering.
Oh, it's not just me, fuckface, it's everyone else on the Right. and even some near the Center. lol

Nice dodge, tho. ;)
It is both well into the century, and nearly 50 years after the war ended!

Were there veterans and people who lived through that time? You don't think they would want to remember those who fought that war. It''s sad that you can't accept that the thinking and morals were different then and should not be judged using the standards of today.
See, here's the thing. Eventually I will get what I want: Every single monument celebrating America's most vile enemy removed from the public, and, ideally, destroyed. At that point, I will be content, and won't need to discuss this matter. You, meanwhile, will be bitter, and frustrated that only monuments to America are left standing. At the end of the day, people who are for the CSA monuments are just upset because they love a long-lost failed state more than they desire America.

If you believe that I have a bridge to sell you. :laugh:
Were there veterans and people who lived through that time? You don't think they would want to remember those who fought that war. It''s sad that you can't accept that the thinking and morals were different then and should not be judged using the standards of today.

Like you said pard, you want the locals making the decision. Got one locally? There ya go.
Graffiti is considered first amendment speech in this country. I do not graffiti. I do not like burning of the flag. Hell, there are many things I do not like that are protected by the first amendment. Just because I find it offensive does not make it wrong.
Towns still have to paint/paper over graffiti, however.
The quota era was an excellent one, in terms of actual progress. For example, look at the change in the poverty rate for blacks between 1959 and 1978. They went from 55.1% to 30.6%. That's almost three times as much improvement, in less than twenty years, than in the forty years since then.

Then you agree quotas put people that aren't qualified in jobs based on skin color rather than whether or not they can do the job. Thanks.
Were there veterans and people who lived through that time? You don't think they would want to remember those who fought that war. It''s sad that you can't accept that the thinking and morals were different then and should not be judged using the standards of today.

There shouldn't have been any CSA veterans alive in 1913. They should have all fallen on their swords or drank themselves to death. Kind of like how it's shameful to have discovered a 96-year-old Nazi still alive and living in Brooklyn.