Confederate Statues

Oh this was done locally by locals, I'm just enjoying you and CFM caterwauling and hissyfitting over it. I take it you two were not locals involved in this as well?

"Late Tuesday, Smith, Spellings, Cochrane and Folt said they had called in the State Bureau of Investigation to join the probe of the “highly organized” protest that included people unaffiliated with the university, according to a prepared statement."
The above sounds like outside agitators to me. Do you believe the Easter Bunny is real also?
"Late Tuesday, Smith, Spellings, Cochrane and Folt said they had called in the State Bureau of Investigation to join the probe of the “highly organized” protest that included people unaffiliated with the university, according to a prepared statement."
The above sounds like outside agitators to me. Do you believe the Easter Bunny is real also?

Oh sure, outside agitators, always.

So you're not one of the locals either, you or CFM? All that angst just festering with no outlet. I hear there's been a spate of these statues coming down. Were you local relative to any of these? Or just outraged from afar?
Those statues aren't there as historical reminders. They are there so that people can celebrate the country that they wish had defeated America.

That may have been true when they were erected but those people are long dead but for some strange reason you can't accept that fact. You haters insist on continuing to fight the civil war but now it''s against inanimate objects. Like most people when I see a statue I don't think about what the statue meant in fact I really don't pay much attention to them one way or the other.
Oh sure, outside agitators, always.

So you're not one of the locals either, you or CFM? All that angst just festering with no outlet. I hear there's been a spate of these statues coming down. Were you local relative to any of these? Or just outraged from afar?

I didn't say that the authorities are saying it.
That may have been true when they were erected but those people are long dead but for some strange reason you can't accept that fact. You haters insist on continuing to fight the civil war but now it''s against inanimate objects. Like most people when I see a statue I don't think about what the statue meant in fact I really don't pay much attention to them one way or the other.

So it kinda doesn't matter if they're there or not. Why, you wouldn't really notice.
I didn't say that the authorities are saying it.

Yeah well, there was no link was there, you say so, but you say a lotta shyte.

So you're not one of the locals either, you or CFM? All that angst just festering with no outlet. I hear there's been a spate of these statues coming down. Were you local relative to any of these? Or just outraged from afar?
That may have been true when they were erected but those people are long dead but for some strange reason you can't accept that fact. You haters insist on continuing to fight the civil war but now it''s against inanimate objects. Like most people when I see a statue I don't think about what the statue meant in fact I really don't pay much attention to them one way or the other.

The world needs more razor blades
I have no problem if the city or state elects to remove statues. I do have a problem when a bunch of miscreants become vandals and take matters into their own hands.

Yeah I don't have a problem with that either, like you say, the city or state will manage it. You're just shatting yourself because you're not agreed with all the time.
Whatever flaws Russia has, at least I can say I have never seen statues erected to honor the defenders of serfdom.

And no sane, ethical person there has ever suggested there should be.

It is really weird how American conservatives insist - no demand, that we honor treasonous traitors who fought with tenacity on behalf of the enslavement of black people.

Declaration of Secession of the State of Mississippi from the Federal Union, 1861

In the momentous step, which our State has taken of dissolving its connection with the government of which we so long formed a part, it is but just that we should declare the prominent reasons which have induced our course.

Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery - the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product, which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. These products are peculiar to the climate verging on the tropical regions, and by an imperious law of nature, none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun. These products have become necessities of the world, and a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization. That blow has been long aimed at the institution, and was at the point of reaching its consummation. There was no choice left us but submission to the mandates of abolition, or a dissolution of the Union, whose principles had been subverted to work out our ruin.

edit to correct myself - Yes, statues of Peter the Great and Catherine the Great who undoubtedly were cogs in the wheels of the serf system.
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That may have been true when they were erected but those people are long dead but for some strange reason you can't accept that fact. You haters insist on continuing to fight the civil war but now it''s against inanimate objects. Like most people when I see a statue I don't think about what the statue meant in fact I really don't pay much attention to them one way or the other.

It's still true today. Most of those statues weren't even erected until well into the 20th Century. How would you react to seeing a monument celebrating an enemy that you don't support, such as the Nazis or Soviets?
And less liberals.


Your welcome, Grampy.
You gonna threaten me?

Bruh, all I have to do is get a picture of your face or your license plate. From there, a background check I can run using the tools at my disposal will reveal your name and address. From there, it's an easy path to finding your employer. Don't fuck with people or challenge people on the internet. It never ends well for the challenger. You have nothing to gain and everything to lose.

That is the biggest bullshit post of yours that I have read. :palm:
It's still true today. Most of those statues weren't even erected until well into the 20th Century. How would you react to seeing a monument celebrating an enemy that you don't support, such as the Nazis or Soviets?

Very few civil war statues were erected after WWI. The UNC statue was erected in 1913. Sorry but I don't call that well into the 20th century. You're reaching to back up a weak argument.