Fentoine Lum
Verified User
There you go opening your mouth to suck black dick again.
There you go also assuming that it's only one.
Still waiting on you to list the others.
There you go opening your mouth to suck black dick again.
There you go also assuming that it's only one.
Actually no, you only listed one that was not done initially through channels. Surely you're not also complaining now about 700 still up, are you hon?
Last time I looked, you don't get to make that determination.
So sad you support criminal activity when it comes to these statues.
I added to the list because you assumed there was only one.
Still waiting on you to list the others.
You confuse trying to educate you leftwing idiots and crying.
As for the list you requested, here's some more that have either been vandalized or torn down by snowflakes that are triggered by a piece of metal:
1) Leesburg, VA
2) Richmond, VA
3) Phoenix, AZ
4) Durham, NC x 2 - On a side note, Takiyah Thompson (guess what color she is) admitted to helping tear down the one in Durham of a Confederate solider and has support of those advocating criminal acts. Funny part is she could face 25 months and 41 months in jail for the two felony charges related to the CRIME. At least the 22 year old wouldn't be producing bastard children then.
5) Denton County Texas
The hypocrisy about what you claim about local control is that when the local governing bodies don't bow to the demands and vote to take them down, the lawless thugs in those areas believe it's OK to commit crimes because they don't like the decision.
We're all going to need links and stories, your credibility around here is zilch.
I've already provided the additional ones. You can find it yourself you lazy coon.
Refute the list. I provided it despite your claims I didn't.
Sorry, you're not allowed to won folk anymore cornpone. So tell us how the law handled these other situations. I'm going to guess charges ensued? Through the local authorities? No?
You've never once made a coherent argument with links and citations on these boards. Not once.
I never "wonned" anyone, boy.
As for you trying to divert the direction, at least you acknowledge that the list I provided is true despite claiming it wasn't earlier.
Still waiting on you to refute the list.
Own, you got it and caught it after I corrected it cornpone, so sad.
It's your list. Link it, and tell us how the local authorities handled each situation.
So sad your support criminal activity like that in Durham, NC. BTW, Takiyah Thompson could face 25 and 41 months, respectively, having admitted her role in the crime. It's easy to guess what color she is. At least she won't be producing bastard children for white people to support if she goes to jail.
You keep changing and adding things, huh?
I provided the list. You don't have to believe me. It doesn't change the truth just like criminals vandalizing and/or tearing down statues that trigger them won't change that black people were "wonned", sorry I mean owned, by whites.