Congress cites 9/11 Bush cover-up, demands Obama act

FBI agents in the southwest WERE aware, in the summer of 2001, that arabs were learning to fly jets, but did not care to learn how to land them. They reported that to their higher ups, but somehow... Team Bush didn't think that was cause for alarm.
FBI agents in the southwest WERE aware, in the summer of 2001, that arabs were learning to fly jets, but did not care to learn how to land them. They reported that to their higher ups, but somehow... Team Bush didn't think that was cause for alarm.

Wrong again dishonest shit-for-brains. Apparently you're either too stupid or too dishonest to comprehend what actionable intel is. But then, you're a dishonest hyper partisan dunce prone to making incredibly stupid claims.

But while you and other dishonest partisan dunces make such moronic arguments, you might want to explain why Democrats, who also made such dishonest claims, did not bring articles of impeachment when they controlled the House and Senate.
Wrong again dishonest shit-for-brains. Apparently you're either too stupid or too dishonest to comprehend what actionable intel is. But then, you're a dishonest hyper partisan dunce prone to making incredibly stupid claims.

But while you and other dishonest partisan dunces make such moronic arguments, you might want to explain why Democrats, who also made such dishonest claims, did not bring articles of impeachment when they controlled the House and Senate.

are you suggesting that Team Bush did NOT know that arabs were learning to fly but didn't care about learning to land?
and what the fuck would YOU know about the term "actionable intelligence"? Have you ever served in the military where you get fed actionable intelligence all the time? Have you ever served in any of our intelligence services? You don't know shit about shit. You're just an obnoxious insulting gadfly with no credibility.
and what the fuck would YOU know about the term "actionable intelligence"? Have you ever served in the military where you get fed actionable intelligence all the time? Have you ever served in any of our intelligence services? You don't know shit about shit. You're just an obnoxious insulting gadfly with no credibility.

Dear shit-for-brains; I don't need to have served to comprehend what actionable intel is.

It is you who doesn't know shit while you engage in your dishonest partisan bullshit. I'm merely here to call you out on your dishonest bullshit and rubbing your nose in the excrement you spam thus forum with asshole.

So with all your dishonest bullshit, please provide me with the ACTIONABLE intel Bush had. Then you can attempt to explain in your own dishonest repugnant excrement filled way what Bush had to gain by ignoring such intel.

But alas, you cannot because you KNOW that the bulsshit that erupts from your keyboard is nothing more than lies.

You really are THAT fucking dumb and THAT fucking dishonest.

Any questions Commander dunce? ;)
I don't think that Bush was willfully negligent about that information... I just think his priorities were not arab extremists, but Star Wars missile defense. I think he thought that arab terrorism was sort of "last century" stuff. Hey... after 9/11 he got the wake up call, as we all did.
do a little research on FBI agent Kenneth Williams and his Phoenix Memo and get back to me on that.

Dear dishonest shit-for-brains; I don't need to do any research; I never ask questions I dont already know the answer to. I am challenging you right here and right now to produce citations that support your ignorant false and moronic assertions there was actionable intel prior to 9-11.

Try to stop being such a dishonest jackass and produce your facts.
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I don't think that Bush was willfully negligent about that information... I just think his priorities were not arab extremists, but Star Wars missile defense. I think he thought that arab terrorism was sort of "last century" stuff. Hey... after 9/11 he got the wake up call, as we all did.

Wow; so suddenly when challenged to produce facts to support your dishonest asinine assertions the story changes.

Thank you for once again proving what a dishonest partisan asshole you are.

But again; you're assumptions are wrong, false and cannot be supported by any facts. Yes asshole; you really are THAT stupid, THAT repugnant and THAT partisan. You don't care about the truth or the facts as long as you can promote the historically failed ideological agenda you emotionally cling to.

All I said was that the Phoenix memo alerted the FBI to the fact that arabs were learning to fly jets and not wanting to learn how to land them. You said that was not the case.
All I said was that the Phoenix memo alerted the FBI to the fact that arabs were learning to fly jets and not wanting to learn how to land them. You said that was not the case.

No you did not you dishonest asshole; you were suggesting that Bush ignored intel and I challenged you to produce the actionable intel Bush could have acted on. And like the dishonest partisan asshole that you are, you continue deflecting, obfuscating and constructing strawman claims.

Produce the intel shit-for-brains. And then explain what Bush stood to gain by ignoring it. Or, you can admit that you really are a dishonest hyper partisan asshole I know you to be who is not interested in facts, the truth or honesty.
No you did not you dishonest asshole; you were suggesting that Bush ignored intel and I challenged you to produce the actionable intel Bush could have acted on. And like the dishonest partisan asshole that you are, you continue deflecting, obfuscating and constructing strawman claims.

Produce the intel shit-for-brains. And then explain what Bush stood to gain by ignoring it. Or, you can admit that you really are a dishonest hyper partisan asshole I know you to be who is not interested in facts, the truth or honesty.

C'mon now.
Aren't you aware that it's against the law for anyone to learn how to fly a plane, after takeoff, and not want to learn how to land it.
Clinton signed it into law.
C'mon now.
Aren't you aware that it's against the law for anyone to learn how to fly a plane, after takeoff, and not want to learn how to land it.
Clinton signed it into law.

Yea, it's GOVERNMENT. It's not the money driving subjects to everything they might want them to do. That has never happened in history LOL

Small brain morons.
Cark definately was full of shit thinking that anything prior to 9-11 was "actionable" intelligence.

The truth is, before 9-11, no one imagined that terrorists would fly airliners into high rise buildings OR, that the results would be a complete building collapse.

But equall retarded and off the charts is the assumption that Bush had anything to gain by "allowing" the 9-11 attacks to occur.

Why is dimwitted stuff like this in "current events?"

Assuming he didn't "allow" the attacks. did he gain anything?
Dear shit-for-brains; I don't need to have served to comprehend what actionable intel is.

It is you who doesn't know shit while you engage in your dishonest partisan bullshit. I'm merely here to call you out on your dishonest bullshit and rubbing your nose in the excrement you spam thus forum with asshole.

So with all your dishonest bullshit, please provide me with the ACTIONABLE intel Bush had. Then you can attempt to explain in your own dishonest repugnant excrement filled way what Bush had to gain by ignoring such intel.

But alas, you cannot because you KNOW that the bulsshit that erupts from your keyboard is nothing more than lies.

You really are THAT fucking dumb and THAT fucking dishonest.

Any questions Commander dunce? ;)

Pretty sure that MM is simply pointing out that you are unqualified to judge whether the intell was actionable or not; especially since you never saw the vast majority of it.
I don't need to do any research; i never ask questions i dint already know the answer to.

There you have it folks, the recipe for ignorance itself.

Does explain a LOT truth defective.

This is easily the most ignorant statement of the year. You make Nova look normal.