Congress cites 9/11 Bush cover-up, demands Obama act

There you have it folks, the recipe for ignorance itself.

Does explain a LOT truth defective.

This is easily the most ignorant statement of the year. You make Nova look normal.

There you have it folks; another pointless dimwitted post intended purely to flame and spam.

Yay you eh shit-for-brains?

Carry on dunce.
I am still waiting for the dullard brigade to explain how Bush allowed the attacks to occur and what "actionable" intel he had to act on.

But alas, they are adept at deflecting, lying, whining and running away.
FBI agents in the southwest WERE aware, in the summer of 2001, that arabs were learning to fly jets, but did not care to learn how to land them. They reported that to their higher ups, but somehow... Team Bush didn't think that was cause for alarm.

WASHINGTON, Sept. 18 -- The United States intelligence community was told in 1998 that Arab terrorists were planning to fly a bomb-laden plane into the World Trade Center, but the F.B.I. and the Federal Aviation Administration did not take the threat seriously, a Congressional investigation into the Sept. 11 attacks has found.
That August 1998 intelligence report from the Central Intelligence Agency was just one of several warnings the United States received, but did not seriously analyze, in the years leading up to the Sept. 11 attacks that were detailed today at a Congressional hearing. The existence of the 1998 intelligence report was disclosed in a presentation by the committee's staff director, Eleanor Hill. The report concluded that there was evidence of a growing interest by Al Qaeda and related groups in high-profile attacks inside the United States years before the attacks on the trade center and the Pentagon. The Congressional report was the first disclosure that there was specific intelligence about terrorist plans to crash airplanes into the trade center, though officials said that those plans did not appear to be connected to the Sept. 11 attack.

The threat level grew so high that by December 1998, the director of central intelligence, George J. Tenet, issued a ''declaration of war'' on Al Qaeda, in a memorandum circulated in the intelligence community.

Yet the terrorists strolled into the US right under team Clinton's noses ...before Bush took office....whats your point ?

So the Clinton team knew about the terrorists in 1998....for 2 whole years....and it seems did nothing.
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do a little research on FBI agent Kenneth Williams and his Phoenix Memo and get back to me on that.

AP reported last month that Filipino authorities alerted the FBI as early as 1995 that several Middle Eastern pilots were training at American flight schools and at least one had proposed hijacking a commercial jet and crashing it into federal buildings.

A month after the 2001 memo from Arizona to FBI headquarters, FBI agents in Minnesota arrested a French citizen of Moroccan descent, Zacarias Moussaoui, after a flight school instructor became suspicious of his desire to learn to fly a commercial jet.

None of the Middle Eastern men identified by the Arizona counterterrorism agents or any information contained in their July 2001 memo pointed to the suicide plot that leveled the World Trade Center and killed thousands in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania, officials said.

"None of the people identified by Phoenix are connected to the Sept. 11 attacks," FBI Assistant Director John Collingwood

Yeah....a little research is a good thing.
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WASHINGTON, Sept. 18 -- The United States intelligence community was told in 1998 that Arab terrorists were planning to fly a bomb-laden plane into the World Trade Center, but the F.B.I. and the Federal Aviation Administration did not take the threat seriously, a Congressional investigation into the Sept. 11 attacks has found.
That August 1998 intelligence report from the Central Intelligence Agency was just one of several warnings the United States received, but did not seriously analyze, in the years leading up to the Sept. 11 attacks that were detailed today at a Congressional hearing. The existence of the 1998 intelligence report was disclosed in a presentation by the committee's staff director, Eleanor Hill. The report concluded that there was evidence of a growing interest by Al Qaeda and related groups in high-profile attacks inside the United States years before the attacks on the trade center and the Pentagon. The Congressional report was the first disclosure that there was specific intelligence about terrorist plans to crash airplanes into the trade center, though officials said that those plans did not appear to be connected to the Sept. 11 attack.

The threat level grew so high that by December 1998, the director of central intelligence, George J. Tenet, issued a ''declaration of war'' on Al Qaeda, in a memorandum circulated in the intelligence community.

Yet the terrorists strolled into the US right under team Clinton's noses ...before Bush took office....whats your point ?

So the Clinton team knew about the terrorists in 1998....for 2 whole years....and it seems did nothing.


How can that be; when G. W. Bush didn't take office until the year 2000?
AP reported last month that Filipino authorities alerted the FBI as early as 1995 that several Middle Eastern pilots were training at American flight schools and at least one had proposed hijacking a commercial jet and crashing it into federal buildings.

A month after the 2001 memo from Arizona to FBI headquarters, FBI agents in Minnesota arrested a French citizen of Moroccan descent, Zacarias Moussaoui, after a flight school instructor became suspicious of his desire to learn to fly a commercial jet.

None of the Middle Eastern men identified by the Arizona counterterrorism agents or any information contained in their July 2001 memo pointed to the suicide plot that leveled the World Trade Center and killed thousands in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania, officials said.

"None of the people identified by Phoenix are connected to the Sept. 11 attacks," FBI Assistant Director John Collingwood

Yeah....a little research is a good thing.


This has got to be BS; because Bush was the only one that allowed this, according to liberals.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 18 -- The United States intelligence community was told in 1998 that Arab terrorists were planning to fly a bomb-laden plane into the World Trade Center, but the F.B.I. and the Federal Aviation Administration did not take the threat seriously, a Congressional investigation into the Sept. 11 attacks has found.
That August 1998 intelligence report from the Central Intelligence Agency was just one of several warnings the United States received, but did not seriously analyze, in the years leading up to the Sept. 11 attacks that were detailed today at a Congressional hearing. The existence of the 1998 intelligence report was disclosed in a presentation by the committee's staff director, Eleanor Hill. The report concluded that there was evidence of a growing interest by Al Qaeda and related groups in high-profile attacks inside the United States years before the attacks on the trade center and the Pentagon. The Congressional report was the first disclosure that there was specific intelligence about terrorist plans to crash airplanes into the trade center, though officials said that those plans did not appear to be connected to the Sept. 11 attack.

The threat level grew so high that by December 1998, the director of central intelligence, George J. Tenet, issued a ''declaration of war'' on Al Qaeda, in a memorandum circulated in the intelligence community.

Yet the terrorists strolled into the US right under team Clinton's noses ...before Bush took office....whats your point ?

So the Clinton team knew about the terrorists in 1998....for 2 whole years....and it seems did nothing.

foreigners entering the US legally is not the "fault" of anyone. Knowing that arabs were learning to fly jets and not caring about learning how to land them was information that might very well have alerted us that hijackers would not be simply demanding concessions for the release of airplane passengers and crew as had been their MO prior to 9/11. For Bush, that was not a real concern... cutting brush, playing golf, and grilling steaks were clearly higher on his priority list.
foreigners entering the US legally is not the "fault" of anyone. Knowing that arabs were learning to fly jets and not caring about learning how to land them was information that might very well have alerted us that hijackers would not be simply demanding concessions for the release of airplane passengers and crew as had been their MO prior to 9/11. For Bush, that was not a real concern... cutting brush, playing golf, and grilling steaks were clearly higher on his priority list.

When its terrorists, its someone's this case, it was the Clinton team that make it clear to the press how they forewarned Bush about 'terrorists plots'

As a matter of history, the warning to Bush got to him about August 6 or 7, 2001....a lousy month before the actual attack.....WTF was anyone supposed to do
in a few days....Clinton was warned about attacks on the US as far back as 1998...and the terrorists waltzed into the country nevertheless....maybe if he had his mind
on his job instead of Monica's lips, huh ?......
August 11, 2001

President Bush is on vacation in Crawford, Texas, where five days earlier (8/7), he had been warned by the CIA of a possible attack in a paper titled: "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S." The document said al Qaeda members were believed to be in the U.S., and that a caller to the U.S. embassy in the United Arab Emirates said "a group of bin Laden supporters was in the U.S. planning attacks with explosives."

All 19 hijackers are, in fact, already in the U.S. on visas obtained under their actual names.

August 13, 2001

Al Qaeda recruit Zacarias Moussaoui begins flight training on a flight simulator at the Pan Am International Flight Academy in Eagan, Minnesota. He raises suspicions when he tells instructors that while he wants to learn how to fly a 747 jet, he does not intend to earn a pilot's license.

August 16, 2001
Moussaoui Arrested

Zacarias Moussaoui is arrested on immigration charges as FBI agents in Minneapolis grow increasingly suspicious of why he enrolled in 747 flight training.
August 17, 2001
A deportation order is signed for Zacarias Moussaoui while FBI agents begin an effort to obtain a court order to search his computer.

August 18,2001

Minneapolis FBI agent Harry Samit sends a memo to headquarters in Washington that Zacarias Moussaoui is "conspiring to commit a terrorist act." The memo goes unread by FBI counter-terrorism chief Michael Rolince.

August 19, 2001

The New York Times publishes a story about a misplaced briefcase that forces FBI lead al Qaeda expert John O'Neill to resign.

August 20, 2001

Search Warrant Denied
Attorneys at FBI headquarters turn down a request by FBI agents in Minnesota for a warrant to search the computer of suspected terrorist Zacarias Moussaoui.

August 21, 2001

CIA Fails to Inform FBI of al Qaeda Operatives in U.S.

FBI agent Margaret Gillespie learns for the first time that two known al Qaeda operatives have been tracked to the United States from Malaysia by the CIA, which kept the information secret from domestic law enforcement agencies.

August 22, 2001

FBI agents at the "Alec Station," a joint FBI-CIA operation established to hunt Osama bin Laden, demand to know why the FBI was not notified by the CIA of the arrival in the U.S. of two known al Qaeda operatives, Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi, in January 2000

August 24, 2001

Hijackers Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi are finally put on the FBI's terror watchlist, 19 months after the CIA first tracked them to the United States.
'Suspicious 747 Flight Training'

A CIA cable describes Zacarias Moussaoui as a potential "suicide hijacker" involved in "suspicious 747 flight training."

August 25, 2001

Hijacker Buys a Plane Ticket

One day after his name is added to the FBI's terror watchlist, hijacker Khalid al-Mihdhar uses his Yahoo email account to book a seat on American Airlines flight 77 for September11.

August 27, 2001

The INS Revokes a Hijacker's Visa

Following the FBI's inquiry, the Immigration and Naturalization Service revokes the visa of future hijacker Khalid al-Mihdhar, but no request is made on an "urgent, emergency basis" to run the names of al-Mihdhar and fellow hijacker Nawaf al-Hazmi through INS databases, which officials say "might have been able to locate them."

Sept. 1, 2001

Beware of Imposters

American Airlines issues an internal memo warning that some crew members had had their uniforms stolen in Rome, Italy in April 2001, and to beware of imposters.

Sept. 3, 2001

A Warning from Egypt?

Intelligence officials in Egypt say they warned the U.S. on this day of impending al Qaeda attack. President Hosni Mubarak says the warning involved an airplane or an Embassy.

Sept. 4, 2001

Another Warning About Moussaoui

Senior security officials at the Federal Aviation Administration are finally told by the FBI that a suspected terrorist by the name of Zacarias Moussaoui may have been training to hijack a 747 aircraft at Kennedy airport in New York. The FAA does not issue any additional security alerts.
Rice and Clarke Discuss Al Qaeda

After requesting an immediate meeting months earlier, Richard Clarke finally meets with National Security Advisor Condoleeza Rice and other administration officials to discuss the al Qaeda threat against the United States. That same day, Clarke issues a memo urging officials to imagine hundreds dying because of the government's reluctance to pursue al Qaeda.
John O'Neill Starts A New Job

After resigning from the FBI, al Qaeda expert John O'Neill begins his new job at the World Trade Center. He will die on 9/11.

Sept. 5, 2001

The French Warn the U.S. About Al Qaeda

In Paris, FBI and CIA officials attend an emergency session at the French Ministry of the Interior. The Americans are given information on the bin Laden ties of Zacarias Moussaoui, but his case remains on the FBI back burner.

Sept. 10, 2001

'Tomorrow Is Zero Day'

Outside Washington at the headquarters of the National Security Agency, electronic intercepts pick up conversations between two suspected Al Qaeda leaders. One reads, "The match begins tomorrow"; the other, "Tomorrow is zero day." The conversations will not be translated and transcribed until September 12th.
When its terrorists, its someone's this case, it was the Clinton team that make it clear to the press how they forewarned Bush about 'terrorists plots'

As a matter of history, the warning to Bush got to him about August 6 or 7, 2001....a lousy month before the actual attack.....WTF was anyone supposed to do
in a few days....Clinton was warned about attacks on the US as far back as 1998...and the terrorists waltzed into the country nevertheless....maybe if he had his mind
on his job instead of Monica's lips, huh ?......
August 11, 2001

President Bush is on vacation in Crawford, Texas, where five days earlier (8/7), he had been warned by the CIA of a possible attack in a paper titled: "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S." The document said al Qaeda members were believed to be in the U.S., and that a caller to the U.S. embassy in the United Arab Emirates said "a group of bin Laden supporters was in the U.S. planning attacks with explosives."

All 19 hijackers are, in fact, already in the U.S. on visas obtained under their actual names.

August 13, 2001

Al Qaeda recruit Zacarias Moussaoui begins flight training on a flight simulator at the Pan Am International Flight Academy in Eagan, Minnesota. He raises suspicions when he tells instructors that while he wants to learn how to fly a 747 jet, he does not intend to earn a pilot's license.

August 16, 2001
Moussaoui Arrested

Zacarias Moussaoui is arrested on immigration charges as FBI agents in Minneapolis grow increasingly suspicious of why he enrolled in 747 flight training.
August 17, 2001
A deportation order is signed for Zacarias Moussaoui while FBI agents begin an effort to obtain a court order to search his computer.

August 18,2001

Minneapolis FBI agent Harry Samit sends a memo to headquarters in Washington that Zacarias Moussaoui is "conspiring to commit a terrorist act." The memo goes unread by FBI counter-terrorism chief Michael Rolince.

August 19, 2001

The New York Times publishes a story about a misplaced briefcase that forces FBI lead al Qaeda expert John O'Neill to resign.

August 20, 2001

Search Warrant Denied
Attorneys at FBI headquarters turn down a request by FBI agents in Minnesota for a warrant to search the computer of suspected terrorist Zacarias Moussaoui.

August 21, 2001

CIA Fails to Inform FBI of al Qaeda Operatives in U.S.

FBI agent Margaret Gillespie learns for the first time that two known al Qaeda operatives have been tracked to the United States from Malaysia by the CIA, which kept the information secret from domestic law enforcement agencies.

August 22, 2001

FBI agents at the "Alec Station," a joint FBI-CIA operation established to hunt Osama bin Laden, demand to know why the FBI was not notified by the CIA of the arrival in the U.S. of two known al Qaeda operatives, Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi, in January 2000

August 24, 2001

Hijackers Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi are finally put on the FBI's terror watchlist, 19 months after the CIA first tracked them to the United States.
'Suspicious 747 Flight Training'

A CIA cable describes Zacarias Moussaoui as a potential "suicide hijacker" involved in "suspicious 747 flight training."

August 25, 2001

Hijacker Buys a Plane Ticket

One day after his name is added to the FBI's terror watchlist, hijacker Khalid al-Mihdhar uses his Yahoo email account to book a seat on American Airlines flight 77 for September11.

August 27, 2001

The INS Revokes a Hijacker's Visa

Following the FBI's inquiry, the Immigration and Naturalization Service revokes the visa of future hijacker Khalid al-Mihdhar, but no request is made on an "urgent, emergency basis" to run the names of al-Mihdhar and fellow hijacker Nawaf al-Hazmi through INS databases, which officials say "might have been able to locate them."

Sept. 1, 2001

Beware of Imposters

American Airlines issues an internal memo warning that some crew members had had their uniforms stolen in Rome, Italy in April 2001, and to beware of imposters.

Sept. 3, 2001

A Warning from Egypt?

Intelligence officials in Egypt say they warned the U.S. on this day of impending al Qaeda attack. President Hosni Mubarak says the warning involved an airplane or an Embassy.

Sept. 4, 2001

Another Warning About Moussaoui

Senior security officials at the Federal Aviation Administration are finally told by the FBI that a suspected terrorist by the name of Zacarias Moussaoui may have been training to hijack a 747 aircraft at Kennedy airport in New York. The FAA does not issue any additional security alerts.
Rice and Clarke Discuss Al Qaeda

After requesting an immediate meeting months earlier, Richard Clarke finally meets with National Security Advisor Condoleeza Rice and other administration officials to discuss the al Qaeda threat against the United States. That same day, Clarke issues a memo urging officials to imagine hundreds dying because of the government's reluctance to pursue al Qaeda.
John O'Neill Starts A New Job

After resigning from the FBI, al Qaeda expert John O'Neill begins his new job at the World Trade Center. He will die on 9/11.

Sept. 5, 2001

The French Warn the U.S. About Al Qaeda

In Paris, FBI and CIA officials attend an emergency session at the French Ministry of the Interior. The Americans are given information on the bin Laden ties of Zacarias Moussaoui, but his case remains on the FBI back burner.

Sept. 10, 2001

'Tomorrow Is Zero Day'

Outside Washington at the headquarters of the National Security Agency, electronic intercepts pick up conversations between two suspected Al Qaeda leaders. One reads, "The match begins tomorrow"; the other, "Tomorrow is zero day." The conversations will not be translated and transcribed until September 12th.

<snip>"...August 13, 2001

Al Qaeda recruit Zacarias Moussaoui begins flight training on a flight simulator at the Pan Am International Flight Academy in Eagan, Minnesota. He raises suspicions when he tells instructors that while he wants to learn how to fly a 747 jet, he does not intend to earn a pilot's license...."<snip>

The liberals never said anything about someone training who didn't want to "EARN A PILOT'S LICENSE"!!
The liberals said they were training and weren't interested in LANDING""
