Connecticut To Give Its Electoral College Votes To National Popular Vote Victor

more gun control, for starters. you're not alone though, because the rightwing fucksticks on here are just as bad with their steps at alienating and demonizing the leftwing idiots.

LOL! What, THAT'S supposed to be a 'step towards a civil war'?

Not to any sober, rational adult.

Sorry, that's simply not a reasonable assessment of anything.
If you look at the states listed, all went for Hillary in 2016. The only difference would have been Hillary receiving 232 instead of 227 due to the faithless electors in Washington and Hawaii. She still would have had her ass kicked only 304 - 232 would have been the score.

Connecticut voters could vote against a candidate by 99% but if she won New York and California, Connecticut voters would be ignored by the government of Connecticut.......because lib'ruls demand democracy.......
The story, if you bothered to read the whole thing, said that nothing would happen until enough states with at least 270 electoral votes, passed this measure. So, the list posted is just as of now, no more no less. READ!!!!!!!!!!!!

and can a state stupid enough to pass this change it back when they realize how stupid they were?......
if lib'ruls really cared about democracy they would divide their electoral votes up based upon the popular vote in their state........but of course, they would never do that........
Will you accept the fact that every single one of our intelligence agencies confirmed Russian involvement in the election, as has the management of Facebook.

of course not......15 of the 17 only saw the results put forward by the other two.......and those two only put forward the facts that the DNC got from Steele.......
Every single election in this country from local to state and federal gives an office to the person with the most votes. Why should the office of President be any different.

because of the constitution and the agreement reached between the states to prevent the very thing you want to happen.......its why we are a country today instead of fifty neighboring countries......
if lib'ruls really cared about democracy they would divide their electoral votes up based upon the popular vote in their state........but of course, they would never do that........

Your kind has never cared about democracy or the constitution. You would rape, pillage, lie and steal to accomplish your agenda.
Your kind has never cared about democracy or the constitution. You would rape, pillage, lie and steal to accomplish your agenda.

Your side hates the Constitution, which is why you want to repeal the Electoral College and the 2nd Amendment (and increasingly, the protections of the 1st).