Connecticut To Give Its Electoral College Votes To National Popular Vote Victor

Do you imagine the people can over throw our govt with the paltry arsenal we collectively own when half the world wouldn't take us on?

do you imagine that the founders were thinking 'the citizens must always be equally armed as the government, but if technology allows us to be mass murderers on a whim, the 2nd doesn't apply!!!'???????

the fact that the government and courts have denied us the basic power to hold our government at bay, with the slave mindset of the lefts approval, is the ONLY reason why it would be near impossible without serious guerilla warfare.
I read the second and missed the mentioning of machine guns and RPGs. More likely they were talking about flintlocks and muskets.

Every single election in this country from local to state and federal gives an office to the person with the most votes. Why should the office of President be any different.

I know this is an antiquated notion but because of the US Constitution.

I suspect had Hillary won the electoral college you wouldn’t be clamoring for its elimination.

But the question remains. Why is Connecticut voting to disenfranchise it’s voters? Why are they voting to say their states choice doesn’t matter? Why have a Presidential election in Connecticut at all? Just let CA and NY decide for them
I know this is an antiquated notion but because of the US Constitution.

I suspect had Hillary won the electoral college you wouldn’t be clamoring for its elimination.

But the question remains. Why is Connecticut voting to disenfranchise it’s voters? Why are they voting to say their states choice doesn’t matter? Why have a Presidential election in Connecticut at all? Just let CA and NY decide for them

CT has long shown that they don't like the constitution by the enactment of their gun laws alone, this shouldn't surprise anyone but the ill informed. I'm looking forward to the civilian uprising from those hundreds of thousands that didn't register or surrender their 'assault weapons' or high capacity magazines.
I know this is an antiquated notion but because of the US Constitution.

I suspect had Hillary won the electoral college you wouldn’t be clamoring for its elimination.

But the question remains. Why is Connecticut voting to disenfranchise it’s voters? Why are they voting to say their states choice doesn’t matter? Why have a Presidential election in Connecticut at all? Just let CA and NY decide for them

New York and California combined cannot decide an election, DUH!
the supreme court is a bunch of anti constitutional fuckwits whose only goal is to increase the federal governments power, and yes, the 2nd Amendment guarantees the possession and use of machine guns, RPGs, grenades, and any other fucking weapon that the government would and could use against a free state.

That comment is so very typical of your kind. You love the constitution and our laws so long as they work in your favor. If they happen not to, as in this particular case, then your kind just wants to ignore them. Thankfully that aint going to happen.
yet you are attacking the EC because Hilliary got 3 million more votes in California.......they wouldn't have needed New York......

The electoral college may have had its day, but no longer. Why should this election be the only one in which the candidate with the most votes doesn't win?
That comment is so very typical of your kind. You love the constitution and our laws so long as they work in your favor. If they happen not to, as in this particular case, then your kind just wants to ignore them. Thankfully that aint going to happen.

wrong again, statist fuckstick. but that's your idiot left/right only thinking that causes your constipation of the brain. wake the fuck up and look for freedom, dumbass.
Hello SmarterthanYou,

said by a die hard communist seeking liberal........keep have no clue about the heartbeat of america and how much they hate both you leftists and rightists

An over-aggrandized view of one's own importance tends to cause some to believe their own view is the heartbeat of the country, but the truth is we are all individual citizens and we all have the same one single vote.
Good morning Threedee,

Well, Lord Cornwalis, we're but farmers with pitchforks. Also, the rest of the world are not Americans. Funny how you can tell the leftists based upon their faith in the state over the citizenry.

The purpose of the second was not for the citizens to be able to overthrow the government.

The purpose of the second was for the country to be able to quickly form an army to defend the nation.

Remember: The Constitution said we are not to have a standing army. The fear of the time (after having to deal with British soldiers being used to accost citizens) was that a standing army could be used to strong-arm the people. So we decided not to even have a standing army. Without a standing army, we needed a way to form one to defend the country. That's why we have the second.

Gun proponents consistently get this wrong.
Our forefathers never envisioned that today's conservatives would hate the government and even want to possibly overthrow it. The forefathers were a bunch of people forming their own government and forming it to be exactly what they wanted it to be. People who are given the chance to create their own government get to make it anything they want. They had no intention of creating a government that they themselves would wish to overthrow. Nobody wants to overthrow the government they are creating.
Then get with the laws of this country wherein government CAN and WILL regulate certain weapons.

they do only because of your terror of others being free and your own fears of your government. you're willing to accept their tyranny and brutality because you're a coward. otherwise, they have no constitutional power to regulate weapons.
Hello SmarterthanYou,

An over-aggrandized view of one's own importance tends to cause some to believe their own view is the heartbeat of the country, but the truth is we are all individual citizens and we all have the same one single vote.

there is a reason why they call themselves the left and the's because they KNOW in their hearts and minds that they have strayed from the constitution in order to implement their own unconstitutional ideologies
The purpose of the second was not for the citizens to be able to overthrow the government.

The purpose of the second was for the country to be able to quickly form an army to defend the nation.

Remember: The Constitution said we are not to have a standing army. The fear of the time (after having to deal with British soldiers being used to accost citizens) was that a standing army could be used to strong-arm the people. So we decided not to even have a standing army. Without a standing army, we needed a way to form one to defend the country. That's why we have the second.

Gun proponents consistently get this wrong.

you've got it wrong. the founders feared a standing army because they'd experienced the tyranny a standing army results in. that's why they believed that they had an innate human right to defend themselves from anyone or anything intending to do them harm, especially their newly created central government.
Our forefathers never envisioned that today's conservatives would hate the government and even want to possibly overthrow it. The forefathers were a bunch of people forming their own government and forming it to be exactly what they wanted it to be. People who are given the chance to create their own government get to make it anything they want. They had no intention of creating a government that they themselves would wish to overthrow. Nobody wants to overthrow the government they are creating.

"And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms....The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants." — Thomas Jefferson in a letter to William S. Smith in 1787.

If the representatives of the people betray their constituents, there is then no recourse left but in the exertion of that original right of self defense which is paramount to all positive forms of government. — Alexander Hamilton, The Federalist (#28)
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New York and California combined cannot decide an election, DUH!

I am not surprised that you are missing the point

Let me ask you. Are you so convinced that the democrat party will ALWAYS win the popular vote?

Would CT be happy say if CT voted for a democrat but the national popular vote went to say Donald Trump? Wouldn’t that be disenfranchising CT voters?
Hello SmarterthanYou,

government has one tool, and that's violence. It has one method of operation, and that's aggression. It has one strategy and that's escalation.

That is completely wrong. Totally pure government-hating propaganda.

It is ridiculous for us to hate the self-government which we created ourselves.

If we don't like some aspect of the government the thing to do is vote for people who will change it, and advocate for the desired changes.

Anybody taking up arms against our government has about as much chance of prevailing as a candle on the sun. You can try and you can die.

People who talk about overthrowing our government are extremists. They are relegated to fringe groups and will never be taken seriously by enough of the citizens who love America that an American revolution could ever go anywhere. People in the USA are too happy to want to destroy our country.

And it is not like any revolution would happen in a vacuum. If we tore our country apart you can bet there would be outside aggressors who would come in to snap up the spoils of whatever they could seize. The whole idea is preposterous and should be forgotten.
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Good morning Threedee,

The purpose of the second was not for the citizens to be able to overthrow the government.

The purpose of the second was for the country to be able to quickly form an army to defend the nation.

Remember: The Constitution said we are not to have a standing army. The fear of the time (after having to deal with British soldiers being used to accost citizens) was that a standing army could be used to strong-arm the people. So we decided not to even have a standing army. Without a standing army, we needed a way to form one to defend the country. That's why we have the second.

Gun proponents consistently get this wrong.

Publius got it wrong?