Conor Oberst is God


New member
I am really into Conor Oberst, Conor Oberst and the Mystic Valley Band and Brighteyes. All fronted by, you guessed it, Conor Oberst. The kid is an amazing songwriter. I especially love Road to Joy and Roosevelt Room. His mysticism kind of bugs me, but he is so good I can overlook it.

No one ever plans to sleep out in the gutter
Sometimes that just the most comfortable place
So when you're ask to fight a war that's over nothing
it's best to join the side that's gonna win
Roosevelt Room

Hey there, son of Adam
Hey there, daughter of Eve
Help me sing this tear gas riot song
For some fresh-faced police
They won't even know what hit them
When they lift their Roman shades
And the people's sun comes pouring in
On a brand new day

You who dammed the river
You changed our mountain's name
First we want Denali back
Then we're taking over Washington state
You get death as a consolation
You know only hate and rage
You paid a dowry for your child bride
And now she's living like a slave

A prayer came down the wire
It was all in the enemy's code
You couldn't figure out what mercy meant
So you did like you were told
When they finally sent the doctors
Once the fireball went out
There was nothing left but the cockroaches
And a movie with no sound

What good, what good are you
With your Cherokee trail and your Roosevelt Room?
What good, what good are you
With your Seneca plague and your Arlington tomb?

Go ask Hunter Thompson
Go ask Hemingway's ghost
It all catches up with you
Once you get just a little too old
Take a hard look in the mirror
It's a thing that you cannot see
Your shadow's long but the day is young
It just wasn't meant to be

There's no blankets for the winter
There's no oil in the lamp
And I'd like to write my congressman
But I can't afford the stamp
You want me to pay my taxes
So you can propagate your lie
While there's barefoot dudes down in New Orleans
Looking like they're going to die

You who quote the legends
You who poisoned all of my dreams
You who pinned all of the medals on
All those boys from Omaha Beach
Hope you haven't got too lazy
I know you like your apple pie
Because the working poor you've been pissing on
Are doing double shifts tonight

What good, what good are you
With your Seneca plague and your Arlington tomb?
What good, what good are you
With your Cherokee trail and your Roosevelt Room?
I am pretty sure Seneca Plague should be "cynical plague." Dangers of cut and paste. Senca plague makes no sense.
Road to Joy on Ferguson.

[ame=""]YouTube - Bright Eyes Road to Joy on Craig Ferguson[/ame]
Another... Hope you have all found where you belong.

[nomedia=""]YouTube - Bright Eyes - I Must Belong Somewhere (MUSIC VIDEO)[/nomedia]
yeah bright eyes is pretty chill. haven't heard his other stuff though

Hey grind, how you doing?

I just caught on to him from the Conor Oberst album. Rolling Stone was big on it and I have found their picks pretty good. Since then I have downloaded everything he's recorded. The Bright Eyes albums have some gems but I think his latest albums are better overall.
Hey grind, how you doing?

I just caught on to him from the Conor Oberst album. Rolling Stone was big on it and I have found their picks pretty good. Since then I have downloaded everything he's recorded. The Bright Eyes albums have some gems but I think his latest albums are better overall.

Meh. Rolling Stone is a bunch of rockist fogies. If you want to be truly leet you have to masturbate to the Pitchfork homepage at least once a day.
This is the sort of pretentious bull shit music that art critic/film school graduates with some faux bourgeois sense of superiority love.

So if you don't mind I'll go back to listening to Kottonmouth Kings while you art piety police go back to diving into dumpster bins for some obscure, but doubtlessly more "artistic" music while foisting some Alanis Morrissette wannabe on us.

You'd see more panties flying at a Mormon convention than one this dudes shows.
Bright Eyes sucks.

One of the few shows I have ever walked out of. He was piss drunk and half the audience were girls crying.
listened to the first minute and a half.....the word "cacophony" came to mind.....the tune was just a remix of the old hymn "Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee" with a few discordant chord changes, nobody in the band was able to hit all the notes, the singer was off key, and apart from the fact that he made a political statement, the lyrics really sucked....on the positive side, he makes Vanilla Ice look good....
listened to the first minute and a half.....the word "cacophony" came to mind.....the tune was just a remix of the old hymn "Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee" with a few discordant chord changes, nobody in the band was able to hit all the notes, the singer was off key, and apart from the fact that he made a political statement, the lyrics really sucked....on the positive side, he makes Vanilla Ice look good....
Yea, I noticed that too how he ripped off Joyful, Joyful. George Harrison was sued for plagerism for less.
Meh. Rolling Stone is a bunch of rockist fogies. If you want to be truly leet you have to masturbate to the Pitchfork homepage at least once a day.
Damn, if you guys like this arthouse shit then ya'll oughta eat this shit up.

[ame=""]YouTube - Joan Baez: I gave my Love a Cherry (Riddle Song)[/ame]
This is the sort of pretentious bull shit music that art critic/film school graduates with some faux bourgeois sense of superiority love.

So if you don't mind I'll go back to listening to Kottonmouth Kings while you art piety police go back to diving into dumpster bins for some obscure, but doubtlessly more "artistic" music while foisting some Alanis Morrissette wannabe on us.

You'd see more panties flying at a Mormon convention than one this dudes shows.

God you're an idiot.
The effect of Mottley talking about the virtues of flying panties is roughly the same as if Three or Brent were talking about them. His refusal to value music by any factor other than by how much he guesstimates it makes women wild is a little annoying and pretentious in an ironic way. And no, none of the bands you listen to right now get panties flying anymore. I promise you, Oberst gets more pussy than they do.