Conor Oberst is God

Yea, I noticed that too how he ripped off Joyful, Joyful. George Harrison was sued for plagerism for less.

You can't rip off something in the public domain. And it borrows it's line from Beethoven's ODE TO JOY, not JOYFUL JOYFUL. JOYFUL JOYFUL just happened to "rip off" the same line. It's very common practice to pick up something from the public domain and expand from it amongst people who know what they're doing (IE not you).
listened to the first minute and a half.....the word "cacophony" came to mind.....the tune was just a remix of the old hymn "Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee" with a few discordant chord changes, nobody in the band was able to hit all the notes, the singer was off key, and apart from the fact that he made a political statement, the lyrics really sucked....on the positive side, he makes Vanilla Ice look good....

Yeah that's definitely a terrible performance. The one in the studio was a lot better, probably because artists these days use digital correction as a crutch and don't ever practice for live shows.

And you're an idiot.
Part of the song is meant to sound as a cacophony. "Let's f&*^ it up boys, make some noise." He actually borrows from Ode to Joy (notice the name of the song), which is the music for Joyful, Joyful. Dumbasses.
The effect of Mottley talking about the virtues of flying panties is roughly the same as if Three or Brent were talking about them. His refusal to value music by any factor other than by how much he guesstimates it makes women wild is a little annoying and pretentious in an ironic way. And no, none of the bands you listen to right now get panties flying anymore. I promise you, Oberst gets more pussy than they do.
Man, you dweebs are just so clueless about music. 20 Years from now you'll be laughing at this arthouse shit no one really gives a shit about just like my parents laugh at Joan Baez. Besides, what would you know about flying panties?
I really don't know what you mean by "Arthouse" it's not like im listening to any avant-garde stuff. Do you mean to say lyrics that are slightly more complicated and aren't appealing to a drooling retard? Or song structures that are more unique and innovative? What exactly do you mean?

When you judge music on superficial things like how loud it is, or how many girly groupies orgasm over the bass guitarist, don't expect to have your opinion on MUSIC treated seriously, since at the end of the day, you aren't really judging music, are you?

Just remember, music was art long before whatever prole dancing panty throwing piece of shit you listen to. respect.
Yeah, I don't get the arthouse reference either. I like indie music, but I am not necessarily opposed to music on a major label either. There is just a lot more worth exploring than music that only appeals to a large market.

And Kottonmouth Kings, you gotta be kidding. I looked at a couple of their videos and they appear to be a boy band with tats.
Man, you dweebs are just so clueless about music. 20 Years from now you'll be laughing at this arthouse shit no one really gives a shit about just like my parents laugh at Joan Baez. Besides, what would you know about flying panties?

Oh, you got me Mott! 20 years from now I'll agree with every retarded thing you say, just have to wait and see!

If I want to see titties, I watch porn. If I want to listen to music, I listen to good music.
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are there any good instrumentalists out there now days?....when I think of some of the superb drummers, and keyboardists and guitar players that were in the bands back in the 60-80s.....nowdays, it all seems to be vocalists.....
The effect of Mottley talking about the virtues of flying panties is roughly the same as if Three or Brent were talking about them. His refusal to value music by any factor other than by how much he guesstimates it makes women wild is a little annoying and pretentious in an ironic way. And no, none of the bands you listen to right now get panties flying anymore. I promise you, Oberst gets more pussy than they do.

Let's not forget you on that list, kiddo.
are there any good instrumentalists out there now days?....when I think of some of the superb drummers, and keyboardists and guitar players that were in the bands back in the 60-80s.....nowdays, it all seems to be vocalists.....
There around. Nothings changed. Back when we were in high school/college there was the "Cool Police" and the "Art Fashionistas". Quality and craftsmanship just didnt' seem to have anything to do with it. They just wave their majic wand and declare it "Cool" and so it is (at least with them). Look at all the hair bands from the 80's that no one remembers that the fashionistas raved about. Remember in the 90's how the fashionistas would look down their long patronizing noses at REM, Nirvana and Pearl Jam, while raving about now long forgotten groups (and rightfully so) like Gin Blossom, Sponge and Tonic?

Remember back in the 70's how the fashionistas loved the New York Dolls, Mobie Grape and King Crimson? They also laughed at Aerosmith, Black Sabbath and AC/DC as Led Zepplin wannabees? When's the last time you heard the New York Dolls or King Crimson on the radio?

Now don't get me wrong. It's not the groups I'm making fun off, it's the "Cool Police" and the "Art Fashionistas" I'm making fun off. King Crimson and Gin Blossom had some good music but, to state the obvious, weren't what the fashionistas built them up to be.
There around. Nothings changed. Back when we were in high school/college there was the "Cool Police" and the "Art Fashionistas". Quality and craftsmanship just didnt' seem to have anything to do with it. They just wave their majic wand and declare it "Cool" and so it is (at least with them). Look at all the hair bands from the 80's that no one remembers that the fashionistas raved about. Remember in the 90's how the fashionistas would look down their long patronizing noses at REM, Nirvana and Pearl Jam, while raving about now long forgotten groups (and rightfully so) like Gin Blossom, Sponge and Tonic?

Remember back in the 70's how the fashionistas loved the New York Dolls, Mobie Grape and King Crimson? They also laughed at Aerosmith, Black Sabbath and AC/DC as Led Zepplin wannabees? When's the last time you heard the New York Dolls or King Crimson on the radio?

Now don't get me wrong. It's not the groups I'm making fun off, it's the "Cool Police" and the "Art Fashionistas" I'm making fun off. King Crimson and Gin Blossom had some good music but, to state the obvious, weren't what the fashionistas built them up to be.

And the sole objective system by which it's possible to rank something is how popular it is? This seems to be your argument. And yes, Aerosmith is still something you should make fun of. You only listen to Black Sabbath, AC/DC. and Led Zeppelin in the same fashion in which you watch movies about people blasting zombies heads off for no reason.

I don't think artsy people ever liked hair metal bands, BTW.
There around. Nothings changed. Back when we were in high school/college there was the "Cool Police" and the "Art Fashionistas". Quality and craftsmanship just didnt' seem to have anything to do with it. They just wave their majic wand and declare it "Cool" and so it is (at least with them). Look at all the hair bands from the 80's that no one remembers that the fashionistas raved about. Remember in the 90's how the fashionistas would look down their long patronizing noses at REM, Nirvana and Pearl Jam, while raving about now long forgotten groups (and rightfully so) like Gin Blossom, Sponge and Tonic?

Remember back in the 70's how the fashionistas loved the New York Dolls, Mobie Grape and King Crimson? They also laughed at Aerosmith, Black Sabbath and AC/DC as Led Zepplin wannabees? When's the last time you heard the New York Dolls or King Crimson on the radio?

Now don't get me wrong. It's not the groups I'm making fun off, it's the "Cool Police" and the "Art Fashionistas" I'm making fun off. King Crimson and Gin Blossom had some good music but, to state the obvious, weren't what the fashionistas built them up to be.

right now, I'm not talking 'bands", I'm talking musicians.....are there any bands that have guitarists that come anywhere near Jimmy Hendrix....keyboardists like Cat seems like everything is vocals with whatever backup band hangs around......
And Mottley changed his mind. First he was arguing that the only way ever possible to rank music was how much they made disgusting girls wild 40 years ago. Now he's arguing that what prolefeed happened to be popular 40 years ago is the sole objective measure. Just can't make up his mind.
And the sole objective system by which it's possible to rank something is how popular it is? This seems to be your argument. And yes, Aerosmith is still something you should make fun of. You only listen to Black Sabbath, AC/DC. and Led Zeppelin in the same fashion in which you watch movies about people blasting zombies heads off for no reason.

I don't think artsy people ever liked hair metal bands, BTW.
You miss the point Waterhead. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder (or in this case the ear). Art is a personal experience and all the "Cool Police" and "Art Fashionistas" opinion amounts to about squat. You make a great point about the hair bands. Ditto country music. Some of the best music comes out of Nashville but the art fashionistas would rather eat razor blades then admit that. LOL
right now, I'm not talking 'bands", I'm talking musicians.....are there any bands that have guitarists that come anywhere near Jimmy Hendrix....keyboardists like Cat seems like everything is vocals with whatever backup band hangs around......
Errrr Yusuf Islam (Cat Stevens) plays accoustic guitar.
And Mottley changed his mind. First he was arguing that the only way ever possible to rank music was how much they made disgusting girls wild 40 years ago. Now he's arguing that what prolefeed happened to be popular 40 years ago is the sole objective measure. Just can't make up his mind.
You're not paying attention. I didn't say that about music. I said rock music was about energy and women and if you don't get that, you don't get rock n roll. What I'm arguing is that some immature "Cool Police" just probably doesn't know enough about life or music to have an opinion that really means jack shit and are niave enough to actually think that what they think matters to anyone else.

What I'm saying is that art, based on someone's opinion, just won't stand the test of time.