Consequences of eliminating the federal minimum wage.

this is what the right does.

they pretend these things have always been in place

they then pretend they are the PROBLEM.

they refuse the historical record and the things that came before.

they insult our forebarers who came up with these ideas

they insult the FACTS that prove they were good ideas
the minimum wage is a great idea

REFUSING to raise it is a fucking idiot idea

your facts for this are what? That you like that it eliminates jobs and minority unemployment goes up when it is raised? I bet that last part appeals to you most.
dear fucking asshole,

this country tried not having a minimum wage in the past huh.

that didnt work well

so our country and people changed it for the better with minimum wage laws

OUR history proves your a fucking idiot.

you just hate FACTS
what makes you claim it will work better this time?


your just an evil fucking idiot repeating what your masters tell you to think
You're a hell of a debater Desh. I'll give that to you.

Someone disagrees with you they are either evil, racist or both. Pretty clear cut.
your facts for this are what? That you like that it eliminates jobs and minority unemployment goes up when it is raised? I bet that last part appeals to you most.

They just want to see more unskilled workers become unemployed, when more automation is put into place; because that way they can claim to be the champion of the down trodden.

This is like the guy who went into some place, pointed a gun at people, was attempting to commit a robbery, and got himself shot and killed.
Now the CRIMINAL'S family is saying that he shouldn't have been shot so many times and trying to make him look like the victim; which is the liberal way of "flippin the script". :palm:
They just want to see more unskilled workers become unemployed, when more automation is put into place; because that way they can claim to be the champion of the down trodden.

This is like the guy who went into some place, pointed a gun at people, was attempting to commit a robbery, and got himself shot and killed.
Now the CRIMINAL'S family is saying that he shouldn't have been shot so many times and trying to make him look like the victim; which is the liberal way of "flippin the script". :palm:
the donkeys hang onto min wage because union rates are indexed to it so they get an unnegotiated raise if they bs a bump.
prove things worked better without a minimum wage

your the one claiming it, PROVE it with some FACTS
Why not make it $500,000 a year? Think of all the prosperity and shekels people will have to spend

I love America, I do not know why or at what legally mandated minimum rate of labor compensation applicable without regard for quality of the labor or the task to be performed would be so excessive as to be net detrimental to the nation’s economy.
I do not doubt that at some point an additional increase of the federal minimum wage would be of little or no net benefit to our economy and any increase beyond that point may be net detrimental to our nation; but I do not know why that is so or how that point could be predicted.

All increases of the FMW rate have been (more than otherwise) of net economic benefit to our nation; (otherwise being if the rate had not been increased). The purchasing power, (i.e. the “real” value) of the FMW rate peaked in 1968 and it’s not unreasonable to believe that further increases would have a continued to increase the minimum rate’s beneficial effects upon our economy.

The consequences due of our permitting the minimum rate’s purchasing power to decrease have been few durations of little growth and sometimes decreases of our median wage rate’s purchasing power.

We should eventually increase the FMW rate to some point beyond its 1968 purchasing power and after it has reached that point we should continue to annually peg the FMW rate to the purchasing power of the U.S. dollar.

Respectfully, Supposn