Conservatism Includes Social Conservatives

People who don't support a women's right to choose are intensely evil and need to be hung in a slaughterhouse. They have lost their humanity in the intensity of their evil, which is so great it is difficult for good human beings to understand.
Personally I see "Social Conservatism" As an out right attack on my personal liberties. And I see "fiscal conservatism" as an attack on the poor and needy in the United states.
social conservatism is code for uptight mutha fucker who needs to reign down hate on those having fun.
No coded messages are necessary. We just tell it like it is, and let you live your life wrong if you so choose, as long as it doesn't impact others or society as a whole.
No coded messages are necessary. We just tell it like it is, and let you live your life wrong if you so choose, as long as it doesn't impact others or society as a whole.

Social conservatism is ONLY about telling others how to live.
Thankfully it's dying out like it's Idol Reagan
Not "telling"; suggesting. Take our advice or not. As long as you don't affect me or society, then smoke your dope, bone your consenting adult boyfriend, blow your brains out.
The Dude has many lady friends with benefits and would never spew hate. The Dude favors the gay male openening up more lady friends to seek out the dude.
The Dude not being extreemly motivated likes any male that takes himself out of the dudes competitive ranks.
Gays, video gamers, young wiggas with hats worn backwards etc.
The Dude is thankfull to all of them
But it's also bailouts, keynesianism, and cronyism, aka fascism.

Keynesianism has nothing to do with market liberalism. It is a failed, leftist ideology. Cronyism is just giving favors to friends - if you have ever given free stuff to your friends or done favors for them then you have engaged in it yourself. Bailouts and fascism deal with the forces of government, which means that you are retarded to mention them.
Keynesianism has nothing to do with market liberalism. It is a failed, leftist ideology. Cronyism is just giving favors to friends - if you have ever given free stuff to your friends or done favors for them then you have engaged in it yourself. Bailouts and fascism deal with the forces of government, which means that you are retarded to mention them.

YOu say it's failed, but it's what they keep doing. Juicing the economy with fiat currency. The "kickstart" theory.
Keynesianism has nothing to do with market liberalism. It is a failed, leftist ideology. Cronyism is just giving favors to friends - if you have ever given free stuff to your friends or done favors for them then you have engaged in it yourself. Bailouts and fascism deal with the forces of government, which means that you are retarded to mention them.

YOu say it's failed, but it's what they keep doing. Juicing the economy with fiat currency. The "kickstart" theory.

It relates to fascism in that the power of directed spending is too much power in the hands of those who seek to sculpt society towards ill ends. Like totalitarianism and dependancy. So the union of business and government becomes a bureacratic and totalitarian oligarchy... Heil the savior! etc..

new world order.

Let's give huge grants for ethanol production based on global warming hysteria, and thusly, driving up the cost of corn for food and starving people. cool. go illuminati.
Keynesianism has nothing to do with market liberalism. It is a failed, leftist ideology. Cronyism is just giving favors to friends - if you have ever given free stuff to your friends or done favors for them then you have engaged in it yourself. Bailouts and fascism deal with the forces of government, which means that you are retarded to mention them.


Keynesianism is anything but dead amongst anyone who does anything but read conservative propaganda. Monetarism cannot deal with or explain this crisis. Only Keynesianism can.